
Vitamine E 400UI

180 capsules molles de 400UI d'acétate de tocophérol

La Vitamine E – une vitamine vitale pour l’organisme

La vitamine E, également connue sous le nom de tocophérol, est essentielle pour notre santé et le bon fonctionnement de notre organisme. Grâce à son riche pouvoir antioxydant, la vitamine E permet d’atténuer les dommages délétères du stress oxydatif notre corps, notamment en limitant les dommages cellulaires.

Liposoluble, la vitamine E se présente sous 8 différentes formes (alpha, bêta, gamma, delta, etc..). Mais c’est la forme alpha- (ou α-) tocophérol qui est la seule reconnue pour répondre aux besoins de l’être humain grâce à une meilleure assimilation.

Comment agit la Vitamine E 400 UI ?

Notre corps est en permanence exposé aux radicaux libres qui peuvent provenir de la fumée de tabac, des rayons UV du soleil, de nombreux médicaments, d’une alimentation déséquilibrée, ou encore du stress et de l’anxiété. Or, les radicaux libres sont à l’origine du stress oxydatif qui endommage nos cellules. Cela peut avoir plusieurs incidences sur notre santé générale, en altérant par exemple le bon fonctionnement de notre système immunitaire ou cardiaque.

Et c’est là que la Vitamine E joue un rôle important puisqu’elle permet de neutraliser l’effet néfaste des radicaux libres sur notre organisme, offrant ainsi une protection antioxydante à l’échelle cellulaire. En plus de contribuer à prévenir certaines maladies, la vitamine E est également appréciée pour son action anti-âge puisqu’elle permet de préserver la santé des cheveux et de la peau.

Quels sont les avantages de la Vitamine E 400 UI?

La vitamine E offre une bonne protection antioxydante et fournit à notre corps les armes dont il a besoin pour mieux lutter contre le stress oxydatif. Consommée à une certaine dose dans le cadre d’une hygiène de vie saine, la vitamine E offre de nombreux avantages :

  • Soutient la santé cardiovasculaire
  • Préserve les défenses immunitaires
  • Aide à maintenir la santé de la peau et des cheveux
  • Prévient les maladies oculaires
  • Prévient le déclin des fonctions cognitives

À qui est destinée la Vitamine E 400 UI

La Vitamine E 400 UI ne capsules molles de WeightWorld est destinée aux femmes et aux hommes de plus de 18 ans qui veulent prendre soin de leur corps sur le long terme en limitant les dommages cellulaires dus au stress oxydatif engendré par l’action des radicaux libres. Ce complément ne contient ni gluten, ni lactose ou tout autre dérivé de lait, ce qui lui permet d’être consommé par les personnes allergiques à ces ingrédients.

Conseils d’utilisation

Prendre une capsule molle par jour avec un verre d’eau, de préférence au cours d’un repas.

Précautions d’emploi

Ce produit n’engendre pas d’effets secondaires connus. Toutefois, il convient de lire attentivement la liste complète des ingrédients pour s’assurer de l’absence de tout allergène personnel. Ne pas dépasser la dose journalière recommandée. Les compléments alimentaires ne doivent pas être utilisés comme substitut d'une alimentation variée et équilibrée et d'un mode de vie sain. Si vous êtes enceinte, si vous allaitez, si vous prenez des médicaments ou si vous êtes sous surveillance médicale, veuillez consulter un médecin avant de prendre ce produit. Cesser l'utilisation et consulter un médecin en cas d'effets indésirables. Conserver dans un endroit frais et sec hors de portée des enfants.

Liste complète des ingrédients

Vitamine E (acétate de DL-α-tocophéryl), capsule molle : Glycérine, eau, gélatine.

5 étoiles
4 étoiles
3 étoiles
2 étoiles
1 étoiles


reviews 5

95.74% basé sur 243 Avis client

Achat vérifié

Top et excellent rapport qualité prix , vu s’une seule boîte dure 6 mois

G Ghislaine
Achat vérifié

Bon produit

G Gill P
Achat vérifié

Conforme à la description.

Achat vérifié

Meilleure élasticité de la peau.

c christine
Achat vérifié

Je viens de commencer les résultats sera prochainement !!!

M Mohammed N
Achat vérifié

Je me sens très bien depuis que j’ai commencé à prendre ces capsules.

E Emma
Achat vérifié

Faciles à avaler, je prends ces capsules molles partout avec moi, même lorsque je voyage.

J Jade
Achat vérifié

J’en prends pour assurer ma ‘’retraite santé’’ lorsque je serai plus vieille. Mais fait étonnant, je remarque déjà que ça fait beaucoup de bien à ma peau.

L Louise
Achat vérifié

Sur recommandation de mes amies, j’en prends depuis 2 semaines. Pas d’effet notable pour le moment, mais je reste confiante.

R Rose
Achat vérifié

Excellent complément alimentaire. Je suis consciente que mon alimentation n’est pas géniale, alors Vitamine E 400 UI comble une partie de mes carences.

J Juliette
Achat vérifié

Toute ma famille en prend, grand-mère, tantes, frères et sœurs, et tous sont unanimes pour dire qu’ils ressentent une véritable amélioration de leur bien-être général.

C Christian
Achat vérifié

Je ne peux que recommander ce produit que je prends depuis de nombreuses années.

L Léna
Achat vérifié

Bon début. À voir ce que ça donne sur le long terme.

Z Zoé
Achat vérifié

Niveau qualité/prix, ces gélules sont géniales. Je suis très satisfaite dans l’ensemble.

B Birgitte
Achat vérifié

Ma diététicienne m’a conseillée d’en prendre l’année dernière. Depuis, je ne peux plus m’en passer. Je ne peux que conseiller ces capsules aux femmes qui veulent prendre soin de leur corps et de leur santé.

C Catherine
Achat vérifié

werry good

M Mojca
Achat vérifié

Everything as described

M Magdalena P
Achat vérifié

Good for health

S Surinder M
Achat vérifié

Product is good. Thank you

J Jūratė B
Achat vérifié

Have yet to use owing to finishing other brand.

l linda C
Achat vérifié

Another fantastic product from WeightWorld! I have been using Vitamin E for years and these softgels are my favourite!

N Nicole
Achat vérifié

Good product. Nice and easy to use.

J Jason
Achat vérifié

I have only been using these supplements for 2 weeks and I feel great. Thank you WeightWorld!

K Kerry
Achat vérifié

Really simple to take and great value for money.

P Perdeep
Achat vérifié

My doctor recommended these supplements to me. So far I have noticed a big improvement

C Chris
Achat vérifié

Effective and not a chore to take at all!

C Chelsey
Achat vérifié

Great product - would recommend!

R Ramola
Achat vérifié

I am really seeing the benefits

J Jack
Achat vérifié

The ideal supplement

J Jenni
Achat vérifié

I have been taking the supplement for a month and I have noticed a vast improvement. Very satisfied.

H Harry
Achat vérifié

Amazing for my skin and hair! It keeps them looking healthy and radiant. Highly recommended!

J Jamie
Achat vérifié

Wow! This Vitamin E supplement is amazing! Haven't fallen sick in a while now. I feel more protected and energised.

C Casper
Achat vérifié

I've been using this for 2 weeks now and already feeling the benefits. My eye health has improved quite a lot. Definitely worth it!

X Xavier
Achat vérifié

I've tried a lot of Vitamin E supplements, but this one is the best. My hair has grown thicker. Highly recommended!

J Jake
Achat vérifié

Can't believe how much this Vitamin E supplement has improved my overall well-being. I feel healthier and more vibrant than ever. Definitely my go-to solution!

R Raphael
Achat vérifié

A real lifesaver for my dry hair. Mixing it with my hair oil has made a noticeable difference. My hair feels softer and more manageable in 3 weeks.

E Emmanuel
Achat vérifié

As someone who spends a lot of time outdoors, this Vitamin E supplement is a must for me. It helps rejuvenate my skin. Love it, man!

E Ewan
Achat vérifié

Been using this for 2 months now. Great results. Recommended this to my wife. She loves it too.

O Oscar
Achat vérifié

This Vitamin E supplement is incredible. Have been using for a few weeks now, and my skin is glowing. Really incredible!!!

C Chelsea
Achat vérifié

Protecting my cells from oxidative stress is essential to me, and this does an excellent job. I feel healthier and more resilient. Amazing!

M Marcel
Achat vérifié

Maintaining my overall health has never been easier. A definite winner! Bravo, WW!

F Francis
Achat vérifié

Excellent results in a month. Totally satisfied. Thanks, WW.

L Lenny
Achat vérifié

I love the versatility of this Vitamin E supplement. Whether I mix it with my cream or hair oil, it always provides incredible benefits for my skin and hair.

M Martin
Achat vérifié

This has been the best investment for my overall health. If you want a Vitamin E supplement that truly works, give this one a try. You won't regret it!

F Finley
Achat vérifié

Used to struggle with common colds quite often, but this Vitamin E supplement has made a significant difference. I feel more protected and rejuvenated.

A Archie
Achat vérifié

Tried many supplements before, but one from WeightWorld is truly exceptional. Highly recommended!

H Henry
Achat vérifié

Best product at this price! Hands down! Wow, man! Just wow!

V Vanessa
Achat vérifié

Been using it for 2 weeks now and my hair already feels smoother than before. Extraordinary, man!

T Thomas
Achat vérifié

I mix this Vitamin E supplement with my favorite cream, and it feels luxurious on my skin. My blemishes have almost disappeared in a month. Great buy!

S Samuel
Achat vérifié

Awesome!!! Really effective!!! Worth every penny!!! Go for it!!!

J Jacob
Achat vérifié

This Vitamin E supplement is great for my skin and hair. It delivers noticeable results, although it took a bit longer than expected. Still worth it!

P Paul
Achat vérifié

This Vitamin E supplement is effective, and I've seen positive changes in my overall well-being. However, I wish the softgels were a bit smaller.

Z Zack
Achat vérifié

I think the dosage could be higher. It's good, but I feel like I need more for maximum impact.

R Rex
Achat vérifié

This Vitamin E supplement has improved my overall skin health. Nothing extraordinary, but I'm satisfied with the results.

D Danny
Achat vérifié

Been using this Vitamin E supplement for a while, and it has improved my hair quality. However, the effects are subtle, so patience is key.

J Jay
Achat vérifié

Been taking this Vitamin E supplement for a month now, and I can already see the difference in my skin. It looks smoother and more youthful. Love it!

M Maggie
Achat vérifié

This one from WW is wonderful! Using for a month now. Gave my skin a youthful glow. Love the results!

B Beatrix
Achat vérifié

I mix this Vitamin E supplement with my daily cream, and it has done wonders for my skin and hair. They feel nourished and healthier than ever! Great product!

J Jemma
Achat vérifié

Finally got rid of the dark spots on my face. This is incredible. Will buy again!

A Angel
Achat vérifié

No more dull and lifeless skin. My complexion is better now. Love it!

T Tia
Achat vérifié

Did a wonderful job on my appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It's like a magic potion! Kudos, WW!

E Emilie
Achat vérifié

Tried various skincare products before, but nothing compares to the results I've seen with this Vitamin E supplement. Truly transformed my skin for the better. Will buy again!

A Anastasia
Achat vérifié

This has become a staple in my daily routine. It supports my skin, hair, and eye health, making me feel confident and beautiful. 5 stars!

A Alexia
Achat vérifié

Since I started using this, I've noticed a significant improvement in my hair. It's shinier and stronger than ever.

D Dolly
Achat vérifié

I mix this with my favourite cream, and it's a match made in heaven. My skin feels nourished and looks radiant. Highly recommend!

F Freya
Achat vérifié

Solid product! Does the job!! 5 stars!!!

Z Zoya
Achat vérifié

I've been taking these for a month now. Amazing results! I feel stronger and haven't been ill even once. Great product!

Y Yasmin
Achat vérifié

My skin has never felt this hydrated and nourished before. Thanks to this, it looks and feels amazing. Highly recommended!

T Talia
Achat vérifié

This is the secret behind my glowing skin. Will be buying again. Love it!

I Ivy
Achat vérifié

No more dry and brittle hair. It has strengthened and nourished my hair from within. Amazing!

D Diana
Achat vérifié

My Mum recommended me this product. And my bad hair days are pretty much gone! Thanks Mum, Thanks WW!

P Phoebe
Achat vérifié

This has become my holy grail product. Worked wonders for my skin and hair, and I can't imagine my routine without it. Totally worth it!

C Charlotte
Achat vérifié

This Vitamin E supplement has improved the texture and appearance of my skin. It's smoother, softer, and simply glowing. Love it!

D Daisy
Achat vérifié

Have been using it for 3 weeks now. My skin is more radiant and my hair feels smoother than before. Never expected such amazing results!

E Evangeline
Achat vérifié

This wonderful supplement from WW has made my hair stronger, shinier, and more manageable in 3 weeks. Love the results!

Z Zaynab
Achat vérifié

I've been taking these Vitamin E softgels for a while now, and it's definitely improved my skin's texture. Reliable product, but the results could be quicker.

F Faye
Achat vérifié

I like how this Vitamin E supplement can be mixed with creams and oils. It's convenient and enhances the benefits, but I haven't noticed drastic improvements yet

S Scarlet
Achat vérifié

It's easy to incorporate into my routine, and my skin feels healthier. Just wish the price was a bit lower.

L Lucy
Achat vérifié

Noticed a slight improvement in my immune system in 2 weeks. It's effective, but the packaging could be more user-friendly.

C Chloe
Achat vérifié

There is a slight glow to my skin, but haven't seen much change in my fine lines and wrinkles. It's good, but not a miracle worker.

R Rebecca
Achat vérifié

My Mum recommended me this supplement a month ago and I've been using it ever since. My complexion is clearer, my hair feels stronger, and my eyes feel refreshed. Great product! Highly recommended!

J Julia
Achat vérifié

This product is a game-changer! I feel healthier and more resilient since I started taking this Vitamin E supplement.

R Roman
Achat vérifié

Have been using it for a month now. I now have a youthful glow that I thought was only possible in my dreams. Love it! Thanks WW.

S Sara
Achat vérifié

I was sceptical at first, so I did my research. The bioavailability of this Vitamin E supplement is unmatched! It ensures maximum absorption. Very satisfied!

R Rupert
Achat vérifié

My skin feels nourished, and I've noticed a significant improvement in my overall health. Must buy!

L Layla
Achat vérifié

This Vitamin E supplement is a versatile product. I love that I can mix it with my creams or hair oil to enhance my skin and hair health. Thanks WeightWorld!

J Jason
Achat vérifié

Tried soo many Vitamin E supplements, but this one stands out from the rest. Such quick results, wow!.

M Maryam
Achat vérifié

These have improved my skin's texture and reduced the appearance of fine lines. I'm really amazed at the results!

C Cole
Achat vérifié

I've been using this Vitamin E supplement for a while now, and I can't imagine my life without it. I feel so confident nowadays. Love it!

B Betsy
Achat vérifié

This supplement is a hidden gem! The amount of vitamin E it provides per serving at this price is impressive. I highly recommend it!

N Nicole
Achat vérifié

Exceeded my expectations. My hair feels so smooth now. Great buy! Will be buying again.

J Joe
Achat vérifié

Have been taking these for 3 weeks now, and I can already feel the positive effects. Really impressed with such quick results. I'm a loyal customer now!

F Fatima
Achat vérifié

It's like a magic potion that rejuvenates and nourishes my skin. Also, my eye health is way better now. I'm thrilled with the results.

N Nina
Achat vérifié

This product is a true lifesaver. I feel more resilient against common illnesses. I'm grateful for this Vitamin E supplement and its incredible benefits. Thanks, WW!

L Leah
Achat vérifié

Been struggling with skin problems for years, but this Vitamin E supplement is a game-changer. My complexion has improved. I can't thank this product enough.

W Wilfred
Achat vérifié

The best investment I've made for my skin and hair. Provides the perfect balance of nourishment and protection. I'm amazed at the positive changes I've seen.

C Clara
Achat vérifié

Tried several vitamin E supplements before, but this one takes the crown. I feel healthier and more vibrant since I started using it.

A Alexander
Achat vérifié

My skin looks plumper, and my hair feels stronger. I've received numerous compliments, and I can't help but recommend it to everyone.

P Paige
Achat vérifié

It's easy to incorporate into my skincare regimen, and the results speak for themselves. Great product!

J Jensen
Achat vérifié

This product is a true miracle worker. It has transformed my skin, making it brighter and more youthful. I can't thank it enough.

D Delilah
Achat vérifié

This Vitamin E supplement has improved not only my skin but also my overall health. Great results!

L Leo
Achat vérifié

Best product at this price. Results are astonishing. My skin feels nourished, and I look more radiant than ever. Loving it!

R Ruby
Achat vérifié

I've tried countless skincare products, but this Vitamin E supplement has made the most significant difference. Best product ever!

L Luna
Achat vérifié

This product has restored my confidence in my appearance. The signs of ageing has diminished, and I feel rejuvenated.

M Max
Achat vérifié

Enhanced my overall well-being significantly. Amazing product. Can't recommend it enough!

M Morgan
Achat vérifié

My skin looks more youthful, and my hair feels healthier. It's a must-have in my beauty arsenal.

E Ella
Achat vérifié

Provides a significant dose of vitamin E, which has improved my overall health and vitality. Will buy again..

B Brody
Achat vérifié

This supplement is a true gem. It has transformed my skin, making it smoother and more radiant. Received so many compliments on my complexion. Must buy.

A Amira
Achat vérifié

It has improved my skin's appearance and made me feel more confident. It's a small investment with huge rewards. Go for it, man!

L Leonardo
Achat vérifié

Amazing product. Works like a charm. Highly satisfied. Will be buying again.

S Skyla
Achat vérifié

It's so easy to incorporate into my daily routine, and the benefits are outstanding. Highly recommended!

M Marcus
Achat vérifié

My overall health has improved significantly within a month. Wonderful product!

N Natalia
Achat vérifié

Such an amazing supplement at such a great price. Wow. Just wow. Well done, WW.

S Spencer
Achat vérifié

Been using it for 3 weeks now. My skin feels nourished, and my hair looks healthier than ever. Extremely satisfied with this product.

A Aria
Achat vérifié

I can't praise this Vitamin E supplement enough. It has transformed my skin and given me a radiant glow. Worth every penny!

I Isobel
Achat vérifié

I've tried various vitamin E supplements, but this one is in a league of its own. It has enhanced my overall health and vitality. I feel great, man!

T Taylor
Achat vérifié

I'm blown away by the effectiveness of these Vitamin E softgels. It has rejuvenated my skin and reduced the signs of ageing in a month. Incredible! 5 stars ✨!

E Edith
Achat vérifié

This Vitamin E supplement from WW is a must-have for anyone seeking healthy skin and hair. Amazed at the positive changes I've seen.

E Ellie
Achat vérifié

Undoubtedly the best you can get at this price! Go for it!!!

V Victoria
Achat vérifié

Tried so many vitamin E supplements, but this one takes the cake. I can feel the difference it makes in my overall well-being. Highly recommended.

T Thea
Achat vérifié

Noticed some improvement in my skin's health since I started using this Vitamin E supplement. Good product!

O Oakley
Achat vérifié

I feel healthier and more vibrant since I started using it 2 weeks ago. No improvement in my hair quality yet. A solid 4-star product!

S Skylar
Achat vérifié

It has made a noticeable difference in my overall well-being, but nothing extraordinary. A reliable product nevertheless.

D David
Achat vérifié

I've been using it for a month now. I've seen improvements in the appearance of ageing, but the dark spots are not completely gone yet.

M Martha
Achat vérifié

I have been taking these softgels for a week now. I feel some benefits, not all. Good price though!

N Nicholas
Achat vérifié

It has positively impacted my skin and overall health. But the price could have been lower. A reliable 4-star choice.

L Lydia
Achat vérifié

This Vitamin E supplement has improved my skin's texture in 3 weeks. While not perfect, it's still a good product.

R Ryan
Achat vérifié

Have been using it for 2 weeks now. Took longer to see significant improvement than I expected. Overall a decent product.

L Laura
Achat vérifié

This Vitamin E supplement has made a positive impact on my overall health. It's not flawless, but it's a good 4-star option.

V Vincent
Achat vérifié

Noticed some improvement in my skin's health since using this Vitamin E supplement from WeightWorld. Not perfect. 4 stars!

W William
Achat vérifié

These WeightWorld Vitamin E softgels are a game-changer for my skin! Bye-bye ageing, hello youth! Love it!

S Sarah
Achat vérifié

A total lifesaver for my immune system. Feeling stronger than ever! Must buy!

J James
Achat vérifié

I used to have eye irritation before. My brother recommended this supplement a month ago. And my eyes have never felt better thanks to these Vitamin E softgels from WW. No more eye irritation after long hours in front of the screen. A must-have for eye health!

G Georgia
Achat vérifié

This supplement is like an antioxidant shield for my cells. Feeling protected and rejuvenated!

O Oliver
Achat vérifié

I can't get enough of this. It supports my overall health, keeping me in top shape!

E Emma
Achat vérifié

Finally found a Vitamin E supplement that's easy to swallow and gives me the optimal daily intake. Win-win!

L Lewis
Achat vérifié

With 180 softgels, this Vitamin E pack lasts me a whopping 6 months. Such great value for money! Thanks WeightWorld!

A Amelia
Achat vérifié

Tried several supplements before but these from WW suit me the best. These are a versatile must-have in every household!

C Charlie
Achat vérifié

Goodbye, tired skin! This wonderful supplement from WW has given my skin the boost it needed. Love it!

H Holly
Achat vérifié

These are a total game-changer for my overall health, man. Highly recommend!

H Harry
Achat vérifié

I've aged a lot over the last few years. But this supplement from WW is my secret weapon against ageing. I've been using it for 3 weeks now and my skin already looks and feels amazing!

E Eva
Achat vérifié

Feeling protected and revitalised from within, thanks to this Vitamin E supplement. Great job, WW!

T Theo
Achat vérifié

These Vitamin E softgels are a real gem for supporting my overall health. Feeling stronger than ever! Thumbs up!

A Ava
Achat vérifié

Finally found a Vitamin E supplement that's both effective and affordable. Highly satisfied!

E Ethan
Achat vérifié

My go-to solution for maintaining healthy skin, eyes, and organs. Love the results!

H Heidi
Achat vérifié

These softgels are a staple in my daily routine. I feel more energised and protected! Well done, WeightWorld!!

S Sophia
Achat vérifié

Worked wonders in reducing the appearance of marks and signs of ageing on my skin. Really impressed!

L Lola
Achat vérifié

Does exactly what it says on the bottle. Highly Satisfied! Must Buy!

L Lucas
Achat vérifié

I don't particularly like taking pills. But these Vitamin E softgels are so easy to swallow, making my daily routine a breeze. Love it!

B Bailey
Achat vérifié

A long-lasting supply for my whole family. Suitable for everyone, and they work wonders! Way to go, WW!

G Grace
Achat vérifié

These Vitamin E softgels are so amazing! My skin feels great, and those pesky signs of ageing are fading away.

E Emily
Achat vérifié

As a busy professional, I used to suffer from regular eye problems. But this supplement is a lifesaver for my eyes. I've noticed significant improvement in my eye health since I started taking them a month ago. Highly recommended!

D Daniel
Achat vérifié

Ever since I found out about the benefits of Vitamin E, it has become my go-to for cell protection. This is an amazing supplement, and I feel confident knowing I'm taking care of my body from the inside out.

O Olivia
Achat vérifié

Been using it for 2 months now. I no longer have those annoying marks and signs of ageing! I feel more confident than ever! Such a wonderful product!

L Liam
Achat vérifié

I've been using it for 3 months now. This is definitely the secret behind my strong immune system. Amazing product! 5 stars ✨!

I Isabella
Achat vérifié

These softgels are a breeze to swallow and do the job. With a 6-month supply of goodness, I no longer have to worry about restocking!

E Elliot
Achat vérifié

Both me and my husband have been using these for a while now. These are perfect for both men and women. Great addition to our daily routine. Highly recommended!

L Lexi
Achat vérifié

I've been searching for the ideal Vitamin E dosage for so long, and these softgels hit the mark. Perfect amount to support my overall health. Very satisfied. Will be buying again.

N Noah
Achat vérifié

My skin looks healthier and more vibrant since I started using them. Can't recommend them enough! Good job, WW!

L Lily
Achat vérifié

Incredibly easy to swallow. No more struggling with large pills! Very effective. Love it, man!

V Victor
Achat vérifié

Noticeable reduction in marks and signs of ageing within a month. Wow! Must-have for anyone looking to improve their skin's appearance. Absolutely thrilled!

L Lavina
Achat vérifié

These are the real deal for boosting overall health. I feel more resilient and haven't been catching as many colds. A true lifesaver! Thanks WeightWorld!

E Evelina
Achat vérifié

I feel like my skin is getting the nourishment it needs from within. Highly recommend giving them a try!

J Jasmine
Achat vérifié

These softgels from WW are so easy to swallow, and with 180 in a pack, I'm set for months. A great investment for my health!

J Jack
Achat vérifié

Takes care of my overall well-being. I feel more energised and protected. Fantastic product!

S Sophie
Achat vérifié

Perfect for anyone who wants to support their body's natural defences. I've noticed a difference in my overall health since I started taking them. Must buy!

S Sam
Achat vérifié

I spend long hours in front of screens, and these amazing softgels have made a noticeable difference in reducing eye strain. Love them!

P Poppy
Achat vérifié

Finally found a Vitamin E supplement that suits my active lifestyle. It provides the optimal daily intake, giving me the confidence that I'm taking care of my body. Thumbs up!

B Benjamin
Achat vérifié

I've been using this supplement for 3 months now. My skin has become so radiant! It has also reduced my marks and signs of ageing. Absolutely love it!

M Mia
Achat vérifié

Lovely product! Very effective. Tried other supplements from WW before. They never let you down. Five stars.

D Devan
Achat vérifié

Haven't seen dramatic changes. But I've noticed a subtle improvement in my skin's appearance. Overall, a decent product.

S Sherie
Achat vérifié

Provided some benefits for my overall well-being. However, I haven't seen significant changes in my skin. It's a decent option, but not a game-changer for me.

K Kalyn
Achat vérifié

While they haven't completely erased all the marks and signs of ageing, I have noticed a visible improvement. Overall, a reliable product.

H Hannah
Achat vérifié

I've tried so many products before, even from H&B. These Vitamin E softgels from WW are by far the best. Wish there was more discount. 4-stars.

I Ian
Achat vérifié

These are easy to swallow, and the 6-month supply is convenient. However, I haven't noticed any significant changes in my skin yet. Decent but not extraordinary.

S Susie
Achat vérifié

Great for supporting my overall health. I haven't been falling ill as frequently, which is a positive outcome. A reliable product, although it could offer more noticeable benefits.

P Patrick
Achat vérifié

I've been taking these for 2 weeks now. Haven't seen any significant changes in my overall health. My skin feels smoother though. A decent supplement with subtle benefits.

J Joshua
Achat vérifié

Haven't observed any major changes in my skin or organ health, but they're easy to swallow and come in a sufficient supply. Just alright!

M Mark
Achat vérifié

Used this for a while, and it has slightly improved my skin's appearance. Decent product at a good price!

A Adam
Achat vérifié

Been taking them daily for 2 weeks now. My skin feels slightly better. My bottle arrived a day late. Will be buying again.

G George
Achat vérifié

Ich fühle mich sehr gut, seit ich die Einnahme der Kapseln gestartet habe.

A Anna
Achat vérifié

Die Kapseln sind auch auf Reisen sehr einfach einzunehmen und ich habe keine Probleme mit ihnen.

J Johann
Achat vérifié

Ich kann mir keine besseren Kapseln für mein Wohlbefinden vorstellen!

L Larissa
Achat vérifié

Schnelle Lieferung und gutes Produkt.

R Ralf
Achat vérifié

Sehr gute Kapseln und nach nur einer Woche fühle ich mich sehr gut.

B Büsra
Achat vérifié

Ich finde es super, dass ich mit nur einer Kapsel am Tag so viel Gutes für meine Gesundheit tun kann! Danke Slimcenter für ein so gutes Produkt!

J Johanna
Achat vérifié

Kann die Kapseln nur an alle weiterempfehlen!

K Kerstin
Achat vérifié

Gutes Produkt.

C Christian
Achat vérifié

Die Kapseln halten, was sie versprechen und das Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis stimmt auch. Bin insgesamt sehr zufrieden.

B Birgit
Achat vérifié

Ich habe die Kapseln nun schon mehrmals nachbestellt und bin jedes Mal wieder aufs neue begeistert. Ich kann wirklich nur eine große Empfehlung an alle aussprechen, die etwas für Ihren Körper tun wollen.

K Kai
Achat vérifié

Jag är nöjd med produkter. Leverans tiden var också.

R Raisa B
Achat vérifié

Bra produkter.

M Marigona S
Achat vérifié

Blev rekommenderad denna produkt av en vän och har blivit positivt överraskad, rekommenderas starkt!

J Johanna
Achat vérifié

Bra produkt till en förmånlig pris, rekommenderas starkt!

J Johan
Achat vérifié

En produkt som bådar gott. Jag rekommenderar det varmt till alla!

S Sven
Achat vérifié

Jag har doserat produkten under ett antal veckor och har upptäck en rad förbättring i mitt välbefinnande.

M Maria
Achat vérifié

Jag blev rekommenderad denna produkt av en vän och gillar den skarpt.

A Anders
Achat vérifié

Produkten anlände snabbt och jag är så här långt nöjd med det hela.

H Helen
Achat vérifié

Jag är nöjd hittills och kan faktiskt rekommendera det till alla.

G Gunnar
Achat vérifié

Har upplevt mig trött på sistone men efter att jag börjar dosera detta kosttillskott så har jag upptäck en rad fördelar.

M Martin
Achat vérifié

Har doserat produkten under en lång tid och är nöjd med de resultat som den producerat.

F Filip
Achat vérifié

Leveransen gick snabbt och produkten har än så länge fungerar så som förväntat.

A Anna
Achat vérifié

Goede anti oxidant

E Erik
Achat vérifié

Samen gekocht met vitamine C en ik ben er beide tevreden over.

A Anoniem
Achat vérifié

Gekozen voor softgels ivm opneembaarheid en makkelijk kunnen doorslikken. Alles verliep prima en het supplement ziet er goed uit.

L Lisa
Achat vérifié

Prima capsules

A Anonyme
Achat vérifié

Met een wereld en buitenlucht die steeds vuiler wordt zijn extra anti oxydanten geen overbodige luxe! Ik raad het iedereen aan.

E Erol
Achat vérifié

Goed supplement

J Jorian
Achat vérifié

Erg veel voorraad in 1 pot. Voor de prijs zeker een aanrader.

A Anonyme
Achat vérifié

Ik zal het na dit half jaar zeker opnieuw kopen. De verzending was snel en het product is goed.

Achat vérifié

Alles ok

S Selim
Achat vérifié

Extra vitamine E kan geen kwaad.

A Anoniem
Achat vérifié

tutto a posto

Achat vérifié

E' arrivato rispetttando i tempi

C Carlo B
Achat vérifié

Prodotto di qualità Contiene solo vitamine E Arrivato subito

G Giulia C
Achat vérifié

Prodotto valido

A Antonio M
Achat vérifié

Ottimo prodotti

J Juri
Achat vérifié

molto buono. Il rapporto qualità-prezzo è perfetto

O Ortori M
Achat vérifié

Softgel facili da ingoiare

V Virginia
Achat vérifié

Molto utile

S Sergio A
Achat vérifié

Un altro fantastico prodotto di WeightWorld! Uso la vitamina E da anni e queste capsule sono le mie preferite!

N Nicola
Achat vérifié

Buon prodotto. Comodo e facile da usare.

G Giuseppe
Achat vérifié

Ho usato questi integratori solo per 2 settimane e mi sento benissimo. Grazie WeightWorld!

K Katia
Achat vérifié

Super semplici da prendere e con un ottimo rapporto qualità/prezzo.

P Paolo
Achat vérifié

Il mio medico mi ha raccomandato questi integratori. Ho già notato un grande miglioramento

C Chris
Achat vérifié

Efficace e comodo da prendere!

C Chiara
Achat vérifié

Ottimo prodotto, lo consiglio!

R Renato
Achat vérifié

Sto davvero vedendo i benefici

A Alberto
Achat vérifié

L'integratore ideale

J Jenni
Achat vérifié

Ho preso l'integratore per un mese e ho notato un grande miglioramento. Molto soddisfatto.

E Enrico
Achat vérifié

Et fantastisk produkt og et fantastisk sted at handle online. Jeg vil anbefale dem hver gang !! Smertefrit og en super service!! :-) :-)

J Jotindro K
Achat vérifié

Great product

N Natalia K
Achat vérifié

Blev anbefalet af min læge at tage e vitamin under min graviditet, så fandt det her.

T Tina
Achat vérifié

Gode vitaminpiller til prisen.

K Karin
Achat vérifié

Hurtig levering. Got kostilskud.

M Martin
Achat vérifié

Har target vitaminpillerne i et stykke tid, og det virker til at have haft en effekt på mit immunforsvar. Har hvert fald ikke været syg, siden jeg startede.

M Maria
Achat vérifié

Blev anbefalet af lægen at tage e vitamin på grund af usund kost og overvægt.

A Anders
Achat vérifié

Hurtig levering og god service. Nu må vi se, om produtket er godt nok.

H Helle
Achat vérifié

Tilfreds indtil videre. Men har kun taget pillerne et par uger.

G Gitte
Achat vérifié

Har haft problemer med generel træthed og udmattethed, men det er ikke længere så udpræget, siden jeg begyndte at tage vitamin e.

M Michael
Achat vérifié

Tager dem for at forebygge blodpropper.

P Philip
Achat vérifié

Lidt langsom levering. Men vitaminpillerne er gode til prisen.

L Lisa
Achat vérifié

Muy buena relación calidad precio

M M. C


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