
Plateforme vibrante d'exercice

Appareil d'entraînement par vibration à domicile

Qu’est-ce que la Plate-forme Vibrante de WeightWorld ?

La Plate-forme Vibrante de WeightWorld est une plaque d’entraînement oscillante conçue pour un usage domestique. Cette puissante plaque d’exercice fitness utilise des vibrations sur tout le corps pour stimuler vos muscles. Elle est particulièrement efficace au niveau des abdos, des jambes, des fesses, des hanches, du dos et du cou. Ses stimulations sur tout le corps comportent de nombreux avantages, puisqu’elles permettent de tonifier les muscles, cibler la graisse et soutenir la posture générale de votre corps. Chaque séance ne nécessite que 15 minutes par jour.

À qui s’adresse cet appareil ?

Ce qui rend la Plate-forme Vibrante de WeightWorld si unique, c’est qu’elle convient à tous les profils d’adeptes de l’entraînement physique, qu’ils soient amateurs ou professionnels ! Ainsi, vous pouvez très bien l’utiliser lorsque vous faites des flexions sur jambes (squats) ou des pompes par exemple. Même sans effort, vous avez toujours la possibilité d'en tirer pleinement profit en restant assis ou en vous mettant debout !

Grâce à sa conception compacte, cet appareil est idéal pour une utilisation pratique et rapide à domicile. Il est également doté d’une télécommande qui permet de sélectionner plus facilement les réglages de votre choix. De plus, il intègre des haut-parleurs Bluetooth afin que vous puissiez écouter votre musique favorite tout en faisant de l’exercice ! Il est même livré avec des bandes élastiques de résistance pour ceux qui veulent encore plus d’intensité !
Cette plate-forme vibrante est également livrée avec un ensemble de 5 bandes élastiques de résistance déclinées en 5 différentes couleurs, chaque couleur représentant une force de traction spécifique ! Cela permet de bénéficier d’entraînements personnalisés qui répondent à vos besoins, qu’il s’agisse de yoga, de gym ou de toute autre discipline.

Ces bandes de résistance sont fabriquées en latex naturel de qualité supérieure pour une meilleure durabilité d’usage. En plus de son aspect lisse et brillant, chaque bande de résistance a une longueur de 60 0mm X 50 mm, ce qui permet d’avoir une amplitude d’extension totale du corps pour travailler les jambes, les genoux, les hanches ou encore le dos.

Comment ça marche ?

La Plate-forme Vibrante de WeightWorld fait travailler vos muscles grâce aux vibrations de sa plaque oscillante. Que vous soyez en position debout ou assise, les vibrations fonctionnent à une fréquence élevée (mais sûre) pour transmettre l’énergie à travers votre corps. Cela facilite les cycles de contractions & détentes musculaires, de la même façon que lors d’un exercice physique standard.

Cet appareil est donc idéal si vous cherchez un outil simple pour vous entraîner à domicile. Il vous permet même de faire d’autres tâches en même temps comme regarder la télévision. Les effets de cet appareil peuvent être amplifiés si vous faites de l’exercice dessus pour des entraînements plus intenses pour votre corps.

Cet appareil est donc idéal si vous cherchez un outil simple pour vous entraîner à domicile. Il est possible de faire d’autres tâches en même temps comme regarder la télévision. Les effets de cet appareil peuvent être amplifiés si vous faites de l’exercice dessus, vous permettant d’avoir des entraînements plus intenses pour votre corps.

Mode d’emploi

Avant de commencer à utiliser l'appareil, assurez-vous qu'il est placé sur une surface plane et que vous avez suffisamment d'espace autour de vous (au moins 1 mètre). Insérez 2 piles alcalines AAA dans la télécommande et fixez les bandes de résistance si vous souhaitez les utiliser. Vous pouvez les fixer en attachant les fermoirs mousquetons aux inserts métalliques que vous trouverez sur la face inférieure avant de l'appareil (sous l'écran).

S'assurer que le fermoir mousqueton est bien fixé en vissant le verrou en place afin de s'assurer qu’il ne se détache pas pendant l'utilisation ! Vous pouvez également commencer à écouter votre musique via les haut-parleurs intégrés en vous y connectant via un appareil Bluetooth compatible. Vous êtes maintenant prêt à commencer !

  1. Branchez la Plate-forme Vibrante sur une prise de courant et mettez l'interrupteur principal sous tension. L'affichage LED indiquera alors "- - - - -". Ceci signale le mode veille.
  2. Appuyez maintenant sur la touche "On/Off" de l'appareil ou de la télécommande pour commencer votre séance. L'afficheur indiquera "10.0" par défaut.
  3. La touche de sélection de programmes vous permet de basculer entre les différents programmes d'entraînement préprogrammés qui sont marqués par la lettre "P". Il suffit de lancer l'entraînement après avoir sélectionné le programme désiré à l'aide de la touche "Démarrer". Le temps et l'intensité ne peuvent pas être modifiés dans les programmes d'entraînement prédéfinis.
    Programmes d’entrainement pré-définis
    vitesse Niveaux d’intensité (numéro élevé = haute intensité)
    Change toutes les 10 min P1 P2 P3 P4
    S1 10 15 20 25
    S2 30 25 40 45
    S3 40 20 60 50
    S4 50 30 80 85
  4. Dans le mode d'entraînement, vous pouvez régler vous-même la durée et l'intensité de l'entraînement. Pour régler la durée, appuyez sur l'un des boutons de la minuterie (maximum de 20 minutes). Démarrez l'entraînement avec le bouton "Start". L'intensité peut maintenant être réglée pendant l’entraînement avec les boutons de vitesse "High" et "Low".
  5. Pour augmenter la vitesse, appuyez sur le bouton M pour une vitesse allant jusqu'à 25/50/80 et sur les trois derniers boutons pour 30/60/90 en mode manuel.
  6. Avec le bouton "Stop", vous pouvez interrompre l'entraînement.
  7. Avec le bouton "On/Off", vous pouvez mettre l'appareil en mode veille après l'entraînement.
  8. Avec l'interrupteur principal, vous pouvez éteindre complètement la Plate-forme Vibrante.

Positions suggérées

Conseils avant la première utilisation

Consultez le mode d’emploi et lisez les instructions complètes avant toute utilisation. Toujours utiliser sur une surface plane à l'écart des animaux domestiques et des enfants. Nous ne recommandons pas l'utilisation de cet appareil si vous avez récemment subi une intervention chirurgicale, si vous souffrez de graves blessures musculaires ou osseuses, ou si vous êtes enceinte. Consultez un médecin avant d'utiliser cet appareil si vous avez des problèmes de santé.

Caractéristiques techniques

  • Tension nominale : 220V-240V/50Hz
  • Puissance nominale : 200W
  • Fréquence nominale : 50/60 Hz
  • Durée d'utilisation suggérée : 15 minutes
  • Charge maximale : 120KGS
  • Dimensions : 54 x 32 x 12 cm
  • Batterie à distance : 2 x AAAA
5 étoiles
4 étoiles
3 étoiles
2 étoiles
1 étoiles


reviews 5

95.94% basé sur 778 Avis client

Achat vérifié

Très contente de mon achat. Facile d'utilisation.

M Michelle M
Achat vérifié

Super facilité d'emploi

L Laurence B
Achat vérifié

J l’adore je l’adore je l’adore. Je dois perdre 10 kilos je cherchais un truc qui m’aidait à cibler plus en profondeur les muscles Ben j’ai trouvé. Il est top Des courbatures à chaque séance j’en suis ravie. Il ne prend pas de place en plus parfait. Compliqué à comprendre mais on s’y fait un moment. J’aime beaucoup

C Christine
Achat vérifié

Très contente

C Caroline
Achat vérifié

J’e suis contente du de l’appareil

R Rabiatou K
Achat vérifié


D Dom
Achat vérifié

Un peu lourd mais au moins je n’ai pas l’impression d’avoir acheter un gadget. Je suis satisfaite

S Silou
Achat vérifié

Très contente de l' appareil conforme à mes attentes.

B Béatrice L
Achat vérifié

nikel très apprécier dans la famille

C Claude
Achat vérifié

Très bien

Y Yves C
Achat vérifié

Plaque vibrante très agréable à utiliser, silencieuse et avec de nombreux programmes pour se maintenir en forme. Je ne peux plus m'en passer !

S Sylvie B
Achat vérifié

Efficace et simple d'utilisation

B Bénédicte D
Achat vérifié

Fonctionne parfaitement.

B Bruno
Achat vérifié

Top, bon produit !

R Rapa
Achat vérifié

Très contente, je vous déjà des résultats au niveau musculaire après quelques semaines d’utilisation.

C Cynthia
Achat vérifié

Agréable et pratique à l'utilisation

S Sylvie M
Achat vérifié

Je l’utilise tous les jours pendant 15 mn minimum. Il ne prend pas de place et permet de bouger un peu sans aller à la salle de sport

M Marie
Achat vérifié

Reçu très rapidement, produit très agréable à utiliser, ma femme ne s’en passé plus

A Arthur
Achat vérifié

Je ne peux pas dire que j’ai perdu du poids en l’utilisant mais mes cuisses, mes fessiers et mes abdos sont beaucoup plus toniques et endurants.

M Mélanie P
Achat vérifié

C'est cher, mais beaucoup moins cher qu'un abonnement à la gym!

Q Quentin
Achat vérifié

facile à utiliser et pourrait fonctionner (besoin d'utiliser plus longtemps au début) mais un peu cher

R Rayner
Achat vérifié

Au début, je n'étais pas trop sûr du prix, mais il est de bonne qualité et une fois que vous avez compris, il est facile à utiliser

F Finn
Achat vérifié

Je l'utilise tout le temps et j'adore! Parfois, je fais les exercices qu'ils suggèrent, mais quand je suis paresseux, je ne fais que rester dessus!

J Jenna
Achat vérifié

Je suis tellement paresseux alors j'ai acheté ceci pour aider. Je m'assoies ou je me mets debout et c'est fait! vaut bien l'investissement

P Pratik
Achat vérifié

On se sent bizarre quand on l'utilise, mais j'aime bien le fait de pouvoir se mettre debout dessus sans aucun problème.

S Sarah
Achat vérifié

Il m'a fallu un peu de temps pour comprendre son fonctionnement mais maintenant ça va, ça me plait

E Elias
Achat vérifié

Cela a donc pris une semaine environ pour vraiment comprendre. J'avais besoin de comprendre comment cela fonctionne, puis de trouver les bons exercices pour moi. Une fois que j'ai compris cela, je l'aime vraiment! J'aime faire une variété d'exercices maintenant, je suis habitué à ce que je ressens, y compris les squats, les extensions et les planches. Parfois, je m'assois aussi dessus et j'ai l'impression de faire quelque chose si je passe une journée paresseuse!

E Erica
Achat vérifié

Je n'étais pas sûr au début, mais maintenant je m'y suis habituée et j'ai trouvé la meilleure façon de l'utiliser pour moi

R Rita
Achat vérifié

bonjour contente de la plate forme, une question lorsque nous sommes en mode musique impossible de baisser le son, meme avec la télécommande . quelqu'un peut me renseigner .merci d'avance

v valerie
Achat vérifié

Only used the machine over three days… Only used the machine over three days and so far all's good. The instructions are brief to say the least.There is probably more useful information in the on line advert which details 4 programmes. In fact there appears to be 8 or 9.. It is slightly annoying that the machine speaks in a foreign language every time it is switched on. Can this be switched off. My only constructive crititism is that the power lead is too short

D David
Achat vérifié

We had a fault with our Vibration Board and it was replaced the very next day without a quibble. Excellent customer service. Very pleased Thank you very much.

D David
Achat vérifié

I love this product, the only draw back is the the instructions aren’t quite clear

S Suzie W
Achat vérifié

Amazing machine, great quality.

Achat vérifié

Early Xmas present

S Stewart
Achat vérifié

Very professional company

J John S
Achat vérifié

Great machine, very happy with it. Good quality. Enjoying using it.

M Mary
Achat vérifié

Excellent price & service.

C Colette
Achat vérifié

I have recommended this to my family and friends by and its much lighter than I thought which is a good thing

S Sandra M
Achat vérifié

Good connection. Wide range of speeds. Great grip. Light weight.

M Mrs L
Achat vérifié


D Dhillon
Achat vérifié

Very good so far and value for money

M Mr E
Achat vérifié

Only had this product for a few days but so far all is fine

D David
Achat vérifié

Best thing I've bought hopefully help my circulation after 2weeks il be able to assess. Better

J James B
Achat vérifié

The machine works as it is intended. The warning with the machine leaflet has to be read and followed carefully to prevent accident and harm. It comes with two power cables one three pin British and other two pin continental.

N Nazar
Achat vérifié

I had tried a relatives machine and decided to buy one myself. This machine is far better than I expected for the price. So quite and easy to use. Very pleased with my purchase.

G Graham H
Achat vérifié

It’s great

E Evelyn B
Achat vérifié

Absolutely brilliant good for pain in legs and good for exercise

P Patricia K
Achat vérifié

used machine as instructions for 2 weeks while still on diet ...gained 2lb ..give it one more week if no loss it will be gaining its way back to you ..dont need muscle just weight loss

m marion W
Achat vérifié

this machine works well and wobbles everything. You can feel it working. I cant comment of weight loss as only had it a few days, but bought this to help with joint pain which hasn't occurred since I've been using it daily for 5 mins a day.

Achat vérifié

Looks fit for purpose but not long taken delivery to give an early rating.

M Mick B
Achat vérifié

Only used this a few times so far but it really does feel like a good quality item.

S Sam B
Achat vérifié

Easy to use and good results from the product

R Ron W
Achat vérifié

A friend recommended the machine and I have also been really happy with it.

J Janet M
Achat vérifié


L Linda P
Achat vérifié

I’ve had mine over 12 months, and didn’t realise I had lost weight people kept saying, what was I doing ? So I have bought one for my daughter,she is very busy but 20 minutes a day does wonders!!

L Liz D
Achat vérifié

Definitely value for the money,I am very satisfied with this vibration plate. I’m using 15-20 minutes every second day and it works for me.

D Dori B
Achat vérifié

easy to use. happy with purchase

S Sony
Achat vérifié

Works really good

M Mrs L
Achat vérifié

Extremely easy to set up and use impressed so far

S Simone
Achat vérifié

Have only used my wobble board a few times so far but am very have with this product,I’m hoping it will help with my balance and of course tone my body up

Achat vérifié

Instructions for item could have been better

R Rachel B
Achat vérifié

Don’t think this is for me, have only used a few times and felt sick and dizzy and that was at the lowest setting. Also the instruction manual could be a bit better, there are coloured wrist bands that I don’t know what they are for. An expensive mistake for me to make.

C Consumer
Achat vérifié

Early days yet, but do feel that it's helping tone my legs. Instructions are a little basic.

h happy S
Achat vérifié

Very pleased with service and quality of product. I have only had it for three days and so far very happy. Just doing 10min once a day at the moment.

M Mr D
Achat vérifié

Very easy to use

C Claire S
Achat vérifié

It is a good quality product. Does exactly what it says. I used a discount code so got it at a really reasonable price.

S Steph
Achat vérifié

Easy to use . Easy to store away when finished using it

M Mary Cassidy
Achat vérifié

So far so good I’ve only been using a few days so cannot yet comment on effectiveness 5 stars for customer service

L Lorraine G
Achat vérifié

I loved the toning machine so much I bought one for my sister and sister in law.

M Mr D
Achat vérifié

Love it 5* from me

A Ann T
Achat vérifié

Brilliant thanks 😊

A Ann
Achat vérifié

Hood price easy instructions

I Iris N
Achat vérifié


J Julie
Achat vérifié

This is a great vibration plate, very sturdy and really quiet when in use

M Mrs S
Achat vérifié

Simple and easy to use. Has many uses can't wait to try out a few more exercises

A Amanda W
Achat vérifié

Love this , use it every day . Different programmes are great!

Achat vérifié

It is effective and very easy to use. Would liked to have had more detail information on the different programs, what are the vibrations numbers measured in

M Mr P
Achat vérifié

I use mine every day. It takes up virtually no space in the house and is great for my packed schedule.

W Will
Achat vérifié

I use this place to help with my core stability. I’ve found I can now carry out other exercises more naturally and to greater benefit.

M Meghan
Achat vérifié

Really easy to set up and operate. Usually with these new workout devices its all setting it up and connecting it and then it just ends up gathering dust. I use this thing twice a day!

P Phillip
Achat vérifié

I was not prepared for how intense the workout is! You feel it all over and I feel so toned afterwards!

M Mike
Achat vérifié

Great way to help lose weight at home! I would recommend it to anyone looking for an added exercise to lose weight.

A Alex
Achat vérifié

I use this all the time and love it! sometimes I do the exercises they suggest, but when I'm lazy I just stand on it!

J Jenna
Achat vérifié

I am so lazy so I bought this to help. I just sit or stand on it and done! well worth the investment

P Pratik
Achat vérifié

Feels weird using it, but I like how I can just stand on it

S Sarah
Achat vérifié

Took a bit of time to figure it out, but now I've got the hang of it I like it

E Elias
Achat vérifié

I wasn't too sure about the price at first, but it is good quality and once you get the hang of it, it's easy to use

F Finn
Achat vérifié

easy to use and could be working (need to use for longer first) but a bit expensive

R Rayner
Achat vérifié

This is expensive, but much cheaper than a gym membership!

Q Quentin
Achat vérifié

So this took a week or so to really get to grips with. I needed to figure out how it works and then find the right exercises for me. Once I got that down though, I really love it! I like to do a variety of exercises now I'm used to it depending on what I feel like including squats, extensions and planks. Sometimes I also just sit on it and feel like I'm doing something if I'm having a lazy day!

E Erica
Achat vérifié

Was not sure at first but now I have come round now that 'i am used to it and figured out the best way to use it for me

R Rita
Achat vérifié

Super easy to use. I use it whilst working from home.

O Orla
Achat vérifié

Love this for days when i can't make it to the gym. Remote control is nice and easy to use and the actual device looks sleek. much better in person than in pictures.

T Thiago
Achat vérifié

Super convenient!

D Daniella Lawson
Achat vérifié

5 star product and delivery from weight world

C Collete
Achat vérifié

Such a good work out at home. Love the versatility of it and the fact that you can use it for so many different exercise and parts of the body! Great for days when i cannot make it to the gym.

M Micheala
Achat vérifié

Very happy with my exercise vibration machine.

E Emilia
Achat vérifié

Very skeptical about this but i was so wrong! this is the best thing to come out of 2020!

B Bela
Achat vérifié

Impressed with the overall service from weightworld. It is the first time buying from them and i will be back for more. Like that you get a 2 year warranty and a free resistance belt.

A Amanda
Achat vérifié

Super convenient!

Y Yazmin
Achat vérifié

Almost as good as going to the gym.

N Natalie
Achat vérifié

This is such a saviour. I can now complete my workout in 15 minutes!

K Kai
Achat vérifié

Perfect for enhancing circulation! I feel so active now.

N Nova
Achat vérifié

I am so glad this has so many adjustable intensity levels. I could set it to my comfort level. The previous machine I used from another brand only had 2 intensity levels.

E Ezra
Achat vérifié

The remote control and adjustable intensity feature make this plate the best among similar workout machines. Helping me a lot!

J Jayden
Achat vérifié

Very effective and fast results!

R Rowan
Achat vérifié

I can't believe how quickly I could tone up my body with the help of this device!

A Avara
Achat vérifié

Vedry relaxing and makes me feel active. Just started working out with it, so not sure about its effects.

F Finn
Achat vérifié

Using the plate for 15 minutes and I feel active all day long!

M Maeva
Achat vérifié

No doubt it's a great value for money. Perfect for a whole-body workout from home.

A Aurora
Achat vérifié

I don't get time to go to the gym, so this is the perfect machine for me. Keeping me toned and fit.

R Remi
Achat vérifié

My days of being a couch potato are gone. This device is so amazing. I feel energetic and love to workout with this.

A Axel
Achat vérifié

Pretty easy to use. No major preps are needed. Just what I needed for my daily workout!

B Blake
Achat vérifié

Although it's just been a week and I haven't seen much effect, but I enjoy using it a lot. I feel more active and alive!

I Ivy
Achat vérifié

I workout using it every day. It's proving to be great for my muscles toning!

A Alina
Achat vérifié

Just got the machine. It's easy to understand and use. Hoping it will be helpful.

O Odessa
Achat vérifié

I love that it has a remote control. Makes it so much easier for me to use without moving much.

A Amaya
Achat vérifié

100% effective. Just go for it. I feel so fit now!

K Kaydon
Achat vérifié

I carry it along everywhere I go. It's fully portable.

Z Zeon
Achat vérifié

Amazing one. Keeping my joints flexible without having to do major exercises.

M Mila
Achat vérifié

This can be operated from my phone! That's a really cool feature man. I control the intensity with the tap of a finger!

A Ari
Achat vérifié

My love handles are vanishing slowly. This device is a miracle!

E Emily
Achat vérifié

I never enjoyed gym workout, but I love this device. It's so easy and fun to use!

D Diana
Achat vérifié

I hardly get spare time for exercise. So this is the perfect device for me. Just 15-minutes a day and I feel so much more active!

L Lyla
Achat vérifié

The bluetooth speaker is so cool! This is the most fun slimming device I have seen so far!

S Sienna
Achat vérifié

Loved the effects! My body never looked so toned before.

E Emerson
Achat vérifié

My friend and I both started using the plate at the same time. We both have almost reached our desired goal!

S Sharon
Achat vérifié

Easy and effective!

M Mark
Achat vérifié

15 minutes with this is enough. It' actually helping my flexibility and circulation.

D Dylan
Achat vérifié

Too early to conclude if it impacts weight, but I surely feel good after using it every day. Just been 2 days..

A Akira
Achat vérifié

Quite easy to use. Not too costly also. Value for money!

R Rohan
Achat vérifié

Already lost 1 stone within 1 month! Too good!

W Walton
Achat vérifié

I enjoy doing plank with this device much more than doing it free hand. It's fun and more effective too!

D Dante
Achat vérifié

I have tried stretching and back exercises with this. It's proving to be sooooo good for my aches.

A Ayla
Achat vérifié

The shoulder and back ache is gone. This couldn't have been possible without this vibration plate.

F Finley
Achat vérifié

So thankful to WW for making this device. Such a great multifunctional device. Helps me in many ways!

V Valeria
Achat vérifié

If you want to mantain your fitness at home, just go for it! You won't regret it.

S Simon
Achat vérifié

Price is very affordable, much lower than most other slimming plates. Also, this worked for me and my friends. I highly recommend this.

B Brittany
Achat vérifié

Would highly recommend it. Perfect for at-home exercise

M Mira
Achat vérifié

100% satisfied with the effects!

B Ben
Achat vérifié

Bought it reading the reviews, and I am so glad I trusted it. My body looks so toned and worth flaunting now!

H Helena
Achat vérifié

This plate is helping me do the muscle building exercises so easily! My muscles are pumping up quickly!

S Stas
Achat vérifié

Oh damn! I can't believe this small plate can make such a huge difference to my muscle strength!

Z Zaid
Achat vérifié

Easy to carry anywhere. I take it along to my business trips so I don't miss out on my workout.

A Aman
Achat vérifié

It's helping me get back my interest in daily workout! I feel so fit and active now.

R Remy
Achat vérifié

It's helping me get back my interest in daily workout! I feel so fit and active now.

R Remy
Achat vérifié

Proving to be great for my muscles! I will contiue using it for more strength.

C Colton
Achat vérifié

Convenient, easy remote control and very effective!

D Dorothy
Achat vérifié

I could trust it because of the2 -year warranty. It's working fine. Am satisfied!

A Ahmed
Achat vérifié

My muscles have become toned now. Haven't noticed much change in my weight though

L Logan
Achat vérifié

Awesome for stretching and plank. I can do so many exercises with 1 plate only.

R Rosie
Achat vérifié

OMG!!!!!! Totally worth buying. It's so easy, effective and affordable too!

D Dior
Achat vérifié

I can literally feel the circulation in my body. It's a great device for activating circulation!

M Max
Achat vérifié

What a multipurpose device! Loved it!

N Nova
Achat vérifié

Honestly, this is by far the coolest and most convenient workout device I have seen. Am using it every day.

E Ezra
Achat vérifié

Great for regular exercises at home. Whether it's gonna give results like gym workout or not, am yet to discover that.

J Jayden
Achat vérifié

Reviewing it after a few weeks of use. This device has definitely impacted my core strength majorly.

R Rowan
Achat vérifié

Love this vibrating device. Makes low noise and the digital display is very clear.

A Avara
Achat vérifié

East to operate. Got it for myself to work on my core muscle strength and it's helping.

F Finn
Achat vérifié

Very easy to use, no loud noises during operation. Just wish there was some details instructions given for the exercises that can be done with this.

M Maeva
Achat vérifié

The 5 additional exercise bands make the device more versatile for workout. Love it!

A Aurora
Achat vérifié

I was sceptical before buying this but am a fan now! Works wonders for the body

R Remi
Achat vérifié

Must say it's impacting my muscles faster than I thought. Great!

D Dan
Achat vérifié

Would highly recommend this for those who wanna tone up but don't like going to the gym.

B Blake
Achat vérifié

So fast delivery! Product is lightweight and portable. Hoping it will work.

A Avy
Achat vérifié

My sis lost 2 stones with the help of this. I just bought it oping it will do the same for me!

A Alina
Achat vérifié

What a great product for weight management at home! Made my workout regime all the more fun.

O Odessa
Achat vérifié

Since lockdon, I have stopped going out for cycling. I simply do 15-minute workout with this device and that does tha job!

A Amaya
Achat vérifié

I like the 2 resistance bands even more than the device itself. It's fun to do the muscle exercises with it.

K Kaydon
Achat vérifié

So far, it's helping me a lot. My muscle and bone strength has reached a whole new level!

Z Zeon
Achat vérifié

Very easy to operate. Bluetooth speaker and remote control made it even more easier.

M Mila
Achat vérifié

I wasn't into exercise at all. But with this device, I enjoy doing my regular workout in the morning.

A Ari
Achat vérifié

Frankly speaking, I thought it was a gimmicky product. But after using it for one month, I can say it's making a huge difference to my fitness.

D Dexter
Achat vérifié

At the beginning, I was finding it a bit challenging to get my balance on it. But after using it for a week or so, it's become so easy to operate!

M Millie
Achat vérifié

5-star device. Actually impacts weight and makes the body toned.

L Lyla
Achat vérifié

Super fast delivery! I just wish I could get a bag or case to carry it.

S Sienna
Achat vérifié

It's lighter in weight than the other exercise device I had bought, Make sit easier for me to handle.

E Emerson
Achat vérifié

The remote makes life easy for me. I enjoy so many different exercises, that too form the comfort of home!

S Sharon
Achat vérifié

Too good! Easy, effective and reconomical!

T Thea
Achat vérifié

I started doing exercises using this device since last week and I already feel more active than before.

I Isha
Achat vérifié

There are 99 intensity levels! That's crazy! In other devices, there were hardly 4-5 levels.

A Akira
Achat vérifié

Such a great machine for at-home exercises man! I am on my 2nd month of use and my body looks AWEEEESOME!

R Rohan
Achat vérifié

I love the way my body shape changed with the regular workout using the device.

E Elise
Achat vérifié

Totally life-changing for me! My bulky belly ponch has turned into defined abs!

J Jones
Achat vérifié

My waist looks so defined and toned now. Am grateful to this vibration plate.

A Ayla
Achat vérifié

I thought I might it tough to understand or use, but that's not the case. It's actually very easy and simple to use

F Finley
Achat vérifié

4/5 from my end. It's very effective but it would be even better if it would have come with video instructions of exercises

V Valeria
Achat vérifié

Packaging, design, everything is stylish and modern. Delivery is super speedy!

S Simon
Achat vérifié

The additional bands made the device more useful for overall body workout. These are mostly not given in other slimming devices.

P Parker
Achat vérifié

With regular exercise with this machine, I got back to my original toned shape within 3 weeks only

M Mira
Achat vérifié

The user manual helped a lot in understanding the operation of this device. Easy and fun!

S Sam
Achat vérifié

Great value for money! Now my abs look more defined!

H Helena
Achat vérifié

Quite reasonable and easy to use. I don't like missing workout even for a day now.

M Mike
Achat vérifié

Damn! Am surprised discovering so mny exercise styles that I can do with this!

Z Zain
Achat vérifié

Must must must-buy! The device gives you freedom to do multiple exercises of your choice!

A Aman
Achat vérifié

Just go for it! Genuine, cool and very versatile!

R Remy
Achat vérifié

My friend suggested it and thankfully he did! My body would have never looked this good otherwise.

C Colton
Achat vérifié

Although am not a fan of exercise, I enjoy workinig out on this. I turn on music and have fun doing the workout for 20 minutes.

P Priya
Achat vérifié

20 minutes workout, 1nce a day and I already lost extra stones!

A Ahmed
Achat vérifié

Price, packaging, service, everything is amazing. Long way to go WW!

J Justin
Achat vérifié

Whoever wants to shed some pounds, just go for it I would say

R Rosie
Achat vérifié

In case you are looking for an easy way to get ris of the excess in your body, you can really check this out. It helped me get my toned body in 2 months.

D Dior
Achat vérifié

I always felt bored doing exercise at home and used to discontinue in a week or so. But with this device, it's so much more fun! I can listen to my fav music and enjoy my workout!

M Melanie
Achat vérifié

The bluetooth speaker makes all the difference! Quite a fun way to complete my regular workout routine.

J Jordon
Achat vérifié

Well, I surfed through so many slimming devices. When I saw this one comes with a built-in bluetooth speaker, I knew I have to get one for myself! It's so cool!

E Evie
Achat vérifié

Device is great. With the remote and LCD display, my workout feels easy peasy and quite fun!

M Maria
Achat vérifié

Thanks to the remote control, I don't undergo any unnecessary exhaustion while handling the device. I simply complete my workout and control it conveniently with the tip of my finger.

O Oscar
Achat vérifié

The vibrations indeed stimulate some muscle contractions. I love the remote control feature. makes life so much easier!

O Oliver
Achat vérifié

I was scared that may be the vibrations will be too strong and I might fall. But they are gentle and there's no risk of accident as far as I have experienced

A Amelia
Achat vérifié

It's a weight management device but it's also very user-friendly. Not heavy, has remote control and makes workout very much fun.

I Isla
Achat vérifié

If I compare vibration plate with other slimming plates, I would say this one is more stylish, compact and easier to operate. So you can go for it

A Ava
Achat vérifié

Without a doubt, buy one. You won't regret it! So effective and great support for workout.

M Milie
Achat vérifié

I always preferred free-hand exercises rather than going to the gym. Now I prefer at-home exercise but with this plate!

D Drake
Achat vérifié

It's not a magic device that will shape you up. Yes, you have to do the effort of doing the exercise, but yes, it does make the journey fun and easier.

M Moris
Achat vérifié

Design is sleek and cool, device is fun to operate. Price is also very competitive

P Peter
Achat vérifié

Great product by weightworld. I had tried similar devices by other more renowned brands, but they either didn't last or wasn't convenient to use.

M Mildred
Achat vérifié

Surely this plate has multiple attractive features and All's true! I love doing my workout on it every day!

O Odessa
Achat vérifié

I tried using it once at my cousin's place and I immediately fell in love with it. I got one for myself just now! Hope it will be great for my fitness!

A Aron
Achat vérifié

It's a good partner for workout. Won't impact weight directly. You gotta be regular with the exercise

G Griffith
Achat vérifié

Made my fitness regime much much better and more effective

J Jones
Achat vérifié

I anyway used to exercise regularly. But with this device, I enjoy it more. The effects are evident on my weight.

T Tobiah
Achat vérifié

It helped accelerate the effects of my workout in multiple ways. Grateful!

E Emma
Achat vérifié

Working properly. No weird noises as the other slimming device I bought from another brand used to make

S Sabrina
Achat vérifié

Operation is easy and noise-free. I can listen to any music of my choice and enjoy my workout at the same time with it.

D Daymond
Achat vérifié

With this device, my body aches got some help. My muscles are getting in good shape now

K Kirsten
Achat vérifié

Very compact design. I can store it in any corner of my room, it doesn't take up huge space like many other fitness devices do.

P Poppy
Achat vérifié

Considering the number of exercise options it offers, the device is quite sleek and compact. Very easy to use as well as store.

S Sophie
Achat vérifié

At first the vibrations felt lil ticklish. but within 2 days, I got used to it and now I enjoy using it a lot!

H Harley
Achat vérifié

I thought the device will be way too complicated to understand. But when I saw it in my friend's place and used it, I was surprised! It's so easy to use. I got my own one too!

A Adam
Achat vérifié

Bought it on my friend's advice. Have used it only for 1 day. Don't know if it works but yes, this is easy to use

H Hugo
Achat vérifié

Convenient and cheaper in price than most brands

A Alfie
Achat vérifié

I didn't know but this brand. But thankfully I tried this device. It's such a premium device at a reasonable price. So many other brands are just fooling people charging higher cost for similar devices.

C Clive
Achat vérifié

It's fun, cool and makes you feel like doing the workout.

B Brian
Achat vérifié

I discontinued my gym membership after starting my home workout on this plate. Saved me the entire money of gym membership!

M Mitchel
Achat vérifié

Best one-time investment for fitness. No need to pay heavy charges per month for gym .

F Finley
Achat vérifié

Helping me get interested in doing exercise. Also, my weight change is the best prove of how effective this is.

F Frankie
Achat vérifié

Best addition to my fitness kit. I do my exercise conveniently, remote control is so easy!

G Gabriel
Achat vérifié

I do complete leg workout with this device and the result is worth flaunting man! Great device

H Harvey
Achat vérifié

So far am satisfied. No trouble using this device

H Henry
Achat vérifié

Proving to be as helpful as any gym machine. but obviously costs much much lesser.

A Albie
Achat vérifié

I try various exercises on this. And I love this freedom of doing multiple different exercises with one device.

H Hugo
Achat vérifié

If anyone does workout on it every day, he or she is bound to get positive results.

L Lewis
Achat vérifié

Lightweight, easy to carry or store. Also, operation is not at all complex

L Liam
Achat vérifié

LCD display is clear and easy to read. I can adjust the levels seeing it and of course, the remote makes it more convenient

L Logan
Achat vérifié

I had no idea what a vibration plate does until my friend gifted this to me. I started figuring it out and now I love doing my daily workout on this. Great gift!

L Louie
Achat vérifié

I gifted this to my cousin brother. He loved it. He says he is enjoying his exercise routine more than before.

L Lucas
Achat vérifié

Got 10 redeemable points with this 1 purchase! Woooooow! I will redeem it when I will buy my slimming supplement from here.

D Dorothy
Achat vérifié

Proving to be very effective and helpful for my diet and slimming goals

W William
Achat vérifié

Without this device, I could have never reached my weight goals. Thanks!

M Michael
Achat vérifié

My balance and flexibility is much better now, all thanks to this plate.

N Nathan
Achat vérifié

Quite helpful for keeping my nerves and muscles active

R Reggie
Achat vérifié

Love doing my daily workout on this, The music and remote control are my 2 fav features!

T Teddy
Achat vérifié

Device works fine. Got free delivery + 10 pounds worth of redeemable points. Awesome!

J Joshua
Achat vérifié

When I saw it comes with 90-day money back plus 2 years warranty, I was sure this won't be a bad investment and I was right!

B Bobby
Achat vérifié

Was sceptical before. But now that I got it, I can say it's a genuine device. Works perfectly. Hoping to see results using it soon

J Jasper
Achat vérifié

Operates at low noise and quite smoothly.

H Hudson
Achat vérifié

No extreme vibration. perfect for stimulating circulation. I love it. I am using it daily.

A Allan
Achat vérifié

My daily routine is just incomplete without doing my workout on this device. Gives me an inner strength and motivation!

C Craig
Achat vérifié

I feel very motivated and pumped up to do exercise when I do it on this plate. It's a perfect workout partner for me

D Dilan
Achat vérifié

Anyone looking for a device to help you workout at home, I would suggest just go for it.

G Gavin
Achat vérifié

Very stylish and excellent product by weightworld. Quality is so premium.

J Jonathan
Achat vérifié

Device is strong yet lightweight. I can easily pick it up and place it anywhere I want.

M Monty
Achat vérifié

Unlike most fitness device that's bulky and heavy, this is very light yet it looks durable for sure. Material is sturdy.

T Tobby
Achat vérifié

Good quality. Helps me try out varied kinds of exercises. Love it!

G Greyson
Achat vérifié

I can do so many free-hand exercises on this vibration plate too. It makes those exercises more fun I feel.

O Ollie
Achat vérifié

So far whatever devices I have used for fitness, this one is the best!

L Leon
Achat vérifié

I saw this device at a friend's place. I got it for myself last week. I have doubled my workout timing coz I enjoy doing exercises on it so much!

A Angus
Achat vérifié

This fitness plate is not just for fitness, it also lets you listen to your favourite songs!!!!! How cool is that!

D Damian
Achat vérifié

No doubt this vibration plate helps in workout. I am gonna use it every day

D Douglas
Achat vérifié

Price seemed a bit steep at the beginning, but now after using it, I can say it's totally worth it as a one-time investment.

I Ian
Achat vérifié

Best investment I have done for my fitness. My interest and scope of doing exercises at home has multiplied manifold!

J Julian
Achat vérifié

Best investment I have done for my fitness. My interest and scope of doing exercises at home has multiplied manifold!

J Julian
Achat vérifié

Best investment I have done for my fitness. My interest and scope of doing exercises at home has multiplied manifold!

J Julian
Achat vérifié

My wife and I both do our daily workout on this. We love doing workout together and this is the best addition to our regime.

M Morgan
Achat vérifié

I have got so much interest in using this device that I ended up extending my daily workout time and within a month I could shed 2 stones!

G Gabriel
Achat vérifié

Went from size xxl to l in 2 months. Would have been impossible without this device.

J Jensen
Achat vérifié

Thanks for bringing such a cool and versatile fitness plate on the market. I needed it badly!

F Finn
Achat vérifié

Most fitness devices are boring and bulky. This is lightweight, and offers fun options like a speaker and remote. Also very multifunctional

I Ibrahim
Achat vérifié

I am just starting with my home workout regime as I hate doing exercises. I am slowly getting some interest, thanks to this cool plate.

C Collin
Achat vérifié

I was finding it a bit tough to get my balance at first, but now it's all good. I can do all the stretching exercises without tipping off.

D Derek
Achat vérifié

Quite a helping hand in my workout. The intensity levels help me tailor my workout as per my need.

D Dustin
Achat vérifié

Helped me improve my core strength and balance.

J Jared
Achat vérifié

My core is getting stronger. I can literally feel it. This is all because of this vibration plate.

K Keith
Achat vérifié

My whole body feels activated and alert after the subtle stimulation that happens due to the vibrations of the plate.

N Nelson
Achat vérifié

Gives a workout experience as good as in gym, but at a much lower cost. Amazing creation!

J Jesse
Achat vérifié

If you are trying to get back your fitness but don't wanna spend money on gym membership like me, you gotta try this out. It helps!

R Ralph
Achat vérifié

Stylish design, light on weight and works perfectly.

C Caleb
Achat vérifié

Working fine. No heating or weird sounds coming like I had faced in a previous device I used from another brand.

R Ryan
Achat vérifié

So gentle yet effective vibrations. Helps me activate my nerves and muscles.

C Conor
Achat vérifié

My body feels alert after doing workout on this.

D Daymon
Achat vérifié

Didn't expect this to work so well for my body. There's no alternative to workout and this is the best partner for that.

E Eric
Achat vérifié

After doing exercises on this plate for 2 months, now I can flaunt my toned bod without feeling shy of my excess fats.

J Jeremy
Achat vérifié

No more lethargic days! This plate makes me look forward to my daily workout. It's so much fun!

K Kevin
Achat vérifié

Till date, I have never missed doing my exercise for a day, thanks to this fun device.

R Rett
Achat vérifié

Very comfortable to stand on, I don't lose balance. Never fell down.

E Elliot
Achat vérifié

LCD screen is very clear. Remote signals respond very quickly. I have tried doing workout on various intensities. Loving it.

R Rowan
Achat vérifié

Just got my hand on this cool device. Seems to be working fine. I just hope it will be the same even after 2 months.

C Chestar
Achat vérifié

My mom gifted this to me coz she was tired of seeing me as a couch potato. But now I enjoy doing workout on this device coz it's so much fun and easy! My body is getting toned slowly.

O Oaklay
Achat vérifié

Loving how my body is transforming with just 15 minute workout every day on this plate.

C Corey
Achat vérifié

Totally worth the price. It's very multilpurpose and covers almost all workout needs in one.

D David
Achat vérifié

I am quite happy with this purchase. My friends just go crazily obsessed when they try this at my home. It's a great fitness device to have.

G Gary
Achat vérifié

A must-buy! Just go for it if you wanna get fit from home.

J Joel
Achat vérifié

It does help. You might think, it's just a small machine, but trust it's a beast in terms of helping you do various workout.

S Scott
Achat vérifié

Never thought I will buy a fitness device at home. Thankfully I did, now I can't imagine skipping my exercises even for a day.

P Percy
Achat vérifié

First I thought it will only impact my leg muscles, but after trying it for a month, I can say it's great for whole body workout indeed

G Gracy
Achat vérifié

My circulation within the body gets stimulated when I do workout on this plate. Helps me keep my nerves activated yet controlled.

A Aisha
Achat vérifié

Proving to be great for my muscle building!

M Maeve
Achat vérifié

Have got amazing results for my muscle toning plan. Will continue with it.

T Thea
Achat vérifié

No more need to rush to the gym. This plate is perfect for home worrkout.

I Izra
Achat vérifié

Oh man! This is such a fun tool and works so well!

B Brody
Achat vérifié

Complements most of the exercises I try at home, so a great fit in my fitness regime.

A Aaron
Achat vérifié

Totally worth the money I spent on it. Gives amazing support during exercises.

M Mirza
Achat vérifié

Very well built tool, won't break down as I was worrying. Good quality

S Sania
Achat vérifié

Classy design, very lightweight also. Will start using it, so can't say if it works.

B Brittany
Achat vérifié

I am in my 50s and going to the gym isn't always feasible for my body. I do gentle exercises using this plate. It's perfect for me as I can adjust the intensity to a lower level.

B Bella
Achat vérifié

Whatever be your body type, weight, age, this vibration plate is suitable for all I think. The adjustments that are allowed makes it this versatile.

L Lyla
Achat vérifié

What a great product. After WW supplements, this is the best creation from them.

B Bianca
Achat vérifié

I am a regular customer of WW supplements as they work always! Tried a device for the first time from this website. Am surprised to see that even this one works nicely.

M Matilda
Achat vérifié

Just like the supplements of this brand, this device and the circulator device also proved to be very effective and of premium quality. Am a repeat customer.

R Roman
Achat vérifié

Will always trust WW for anything they make. This plate is another testimonial of their effective fitness solutions.

K Kai
Achat vérifié

Good quality, works with almost all free-hand exercises. Nice!

J Jonah
Achat vérifié

Stylish to look at, very creative innovation and the plate works wonders for the fitness regime.

S Stanley
Achat vérifié

Working perfectly. No complaints.

J Judy
Achat vérifié

Absolutely fine quality. I am gonna recommend this to others

D Dubbie
Achat vérifié

Best value for money! This device made my morning workout all the more fun and effective.

L Lola
Achat vérifié

I love experimenting with the 6 modes. Great flexibility in terms of options.

E Elodie
Achat vérifié

Top quality material. The dotted design helps in activating circulation. I am a fan of it now.

C Catherine
Achat vérifié

Just a 15 minute morning workout on this plate and I stay more active for the rest of the day

I Isaac
Achat vérifié

Reasonable price. Stylish design. Helps during workout.

R Riley
Achat vérifié

Although this device is working great and helping me strengthen my core and muscles, but I just wish I could get it for less

A Adam
Achat vérifié

99.99 is a good enough price for this as the device offers so many options in one. Worth buying!

C Cooper
Achat vérifié

100% smooth functioning, no faults or hick ups while using this.

D Dip
Achat vérifié

Working fine. Too early to say if this helps in slimming

B Brent
Achat vérifié

I do around 10 plus exercises on this. So, quite versatile and effective.

S Scott
Achat vérifié

Since working out using this plate, I am being able to reach closer to my fitness goals faster.

E Erin
Achat vérifié

Price wise you might think it's high-end, but once you use it, you will vouch for it just like I am doing! Awesome device.

E Edith
Achat vérifié

It's very stable, won't wobble which I didn't expect looking at the design. Great product

D Dana
Achat vérifié

Good product but will take time to show results.

H Hope
Achat vérifié

In the fitness industry, this is by far the best home workout device I came across.

T Tobby
Achat vérifié

Free delivery, fast shipping, service is great! Product is working okay.

J Jake
Achat vérifié

My bestie and I do workout regularly on this. we both could shed some stones, that too very very quickly!

B Betsy
Achat vérifié

This vibration plate is probably the best addition to my fitness plan. I feel pumped up to do more and more when I use this plate.

A Aidan
Achat vérifié

I look forward to my morning workout now since I started using this plate.

H Helen
Achat vérifié

Since it's not a supplement that works from within, it will take more time for helping you slim down, but yes with time it does help as I saw.

L Lakshmi
Achat vérifié

If you regularly do your exercises using this, trust me, you won't even need a slimming supplement. It worked for me.

Z Zara
Achat vérifié

A-class device. Works well for me.

M Margot
Achat vérifié

Safe and easy to carry around.

E Ellen
Achat vérifié

As a workout partner, it's good. Am not sure if this can be a replacement for gym equipments. Will use and update my review.

I Ingrid
Achat vérifié

Being a gym trainer, I can say this is a revolutionary product in fitness. I can do so much in exercises using this at home!

H Holly
Achat vérifié

No complaints regarding this. So far working all good.

J Jayden
Achat vérifié

Design is compact, so makes it easy for me to handle. I don't anybody's help to move the mahcine like I would need for a treadmill.

N Nina
Achat vérifié

Must try this device once at leats, it's not too costly but just changes the whole workout session. With this, it's quite fun.

R Robin
Achat vérifié

Very satisfied using this vibration plate. The device made my weight management regime more fun.

R Richa
Achat vérifié

Have made my life easier. I don't feel lazy anymore since I enjoy working out on this.

V Vamshi
Achat vérifié

Absolutely love this vibration plate! The 6 modes and 99 intensity levels give me the perfect workout every time. Plus, the remote control makes it super easy to switch between them.

E Edward
Achat vérifié

Been using this for months without any worries. The 2-year warranty shows that WeightWorld stands behind its product. It's reassuring to know I'm covered for any issues.

L Lucas
Achat vérifié

I was sceptical at first, but this device has exceeded my expectations. Not only is it affordable, but the results are incredible!

M Max
Achat vérifié

As an elderly person, I was looking for a gentle yet effective workout solution. This vibration plate fits the bill perfectly! It's easy on my joints and provides a comfortable full-body workout.

M Mohammed
Achat vérifié

Amazing product! I can see the positive effects already. Kudos to WeightWorld for designing such an innovative product!

B Benjamin
Achat vérifié

I can't believe how quickly this vibration plate has become an essential part of my daily routine. It's compact and doesn't take up much space in my home. The best part is that it helps me manage my weight effortlessly. Worth every penny!

M Mason
Achat vérifié

From low-impact workouts to intense sessions, it caters to all my needs. I'm loving it! Highly recommended for fitness enthusiasts!

H Harrison
Achat vérifié

I'm impressed by the results I've achieved in such a short time. This vibration plate has helped me shed those extra pounds and tone my muscles effectively.

T Theo
Achat vérifié

I'm obsessed with this vibration plate! It's so compact and easy to use. The 6 modes and 99 intensity levels make it customizable to my fitness level. Plus, the Bluetooth speakers let me jam to my favorite tunes while I workout. Thanks to WeightWorld for this awesome product!

J Jake
Achat vérifié

This is perfect for my busy schedule, and the included resistance bands give me a complete workout. I can feel my core getting stronger and my muscles toning up. Highly recommend it!

S Sebastian
Achat vérifié

I rarely get time to hit the gym, so I was looking for something to help me stay in shape at home. My cousin suggested me this and after 3 weeks of regular usage, I can say that it's amazing. Worth every penny!

F Finley
Achat vérifié

It's affordable, yet the quality is top-notch. I use it at home during my lunch breaks, and it keeps me refreshed and energised throughout the day. This is a must-have for anyone with a busy lifestyle.

A Arthur
Achat vérifié

I bought the WeightWorld vibration plate for my mom, and she loves it! She's a senior and needed something gentle yet effective to stay in shape. The compact design allows her to move it around easily, and it has improved her overall strength.

A Adam
Achat vérifié

I never enjoyed working out until I got this vibration plate. The music from the Bluetooth speakers keeps me motivated, and the 15-minute workouts are perfect for my busy schedule. It's such a fun way to tone up and stay fit.

D Dylan
Achat vérifié

I can't get enough of this vibration plate! It's like having a mini gym at home. The compact design makes it easy to store, and the exercises on the official website are so helpful.

R Riley
Achat vérifié

As a busy professional, finding time to exercise was a struggle. But with this vibration plate, I can get a full-body workout in just 15 mins.

Z Zachary
Achat vérifié

This vibration plate has been the best investment for my health. Plus, it's easy on my joints. I've recommended it to all my friends. WeightWorld, you nailed it with this one!

T Teddy
Achat vérifié

My wife and I are obsessed with this vibration plate. We use it together, and it's become our favourite way to bond and stay fit.

D David
Achat vérifié

A total game-changer. It's super effective, and the 6 modes keep things fresh and exciting.

T Toby
Achat vérifié

I can't believe the results I've achieved with this vibration plate. It's incredible how it tones muscles and helps with weight management.

T Theodore
Achat vérifié

Thought it'd be cheaper, but the quality is undeniable. Results took a few weeks.

E Elijah
Achat vérifié

Love the 5 bonus resistance bands, but it took some time to notice improvements.

M Matthew
Achat vérifié

Expected quicker toning, but the 2-year warranty is reassuring. Good investment.

J Jenson
Achat vérifié

Packaging was a bit damaged in transit, but the 15-min workouts fit my schedule perfectly.

J Jayden
Achat vérifié

Price could be a bit less, but I'm impressed by the results. Core strength is improving.

H Harvey
Achat vérifié

My core strength has improved significantly, and I can feel my whole body getting stimulated. Highly recommend it for anyone looking to tone muscles and manage weight!

S Sienna
Achat vérifié

Talk about convenience! This vibration plate is a game-changer for busy professionals like me. I can get a full-body workout in just 15 minutes, which fits perfectly into my hectic schedule.

M Matilda
Achat vérifié

Have been using it daily for a month now. Noticed a significant improvement in my core strength and overall muscle tone. Thumbs up!

E Evelyn
Achat vérifié

The built-in Bluetooth speakers are a brilliant addition to this device. I can now listen to my favourite music while working out, making the experience even more enjoyable.

E Eva
Achat vérifié

Who knew getting fit could be so much fun? This vibration plate is like having a personal trainer at home. The exercise guides on the website are helpful, and the different intensity levels keep the workouts challenging. I'm already seeing the positive effects on my body!

M Millie
Achat vérifié

I've tried other home workout equipment before, but this one takes the cake. The versatility of this vibration plate is unbeatable.

S Sofia
Achat vérifié

I was worried about buying a workout device online, but this turned out to be the best decision ever! The 2-year warranty provided me with peace of mind, and the product quality is excellent. It has become my go-to exercise buddy!

L Lucy
Achat vérifié

Very effective. It's so easy to use, and I love the remote control feature. Fantastic purchase!

E Elsie
Achat vérifié

What an incredible home workout equipment! This vibration plate has transformed my fitness routine in just 15 mins a day.

I Imogen
Achat vérifié

This vibration plate is a real lifesaver for me. I underwent a surgery a few months ago and put on some weight since then. So I needed something gentle yet effective to get back in shape. It helps me stay active without putting too much strain on my body.

L Layla
Achat vérifié

I'm blown away by the results of this vibration plate. It's unbelievable how it has helped me manage my weight. The 5 resistance bands offer a complete workout, and I can already see improvements in my muscle tone. Best investment I've made in my fitness journey!

R Rosie
Achat vérifié

I'm so impressed with this vibration plate! The 6 modes and 99 intensity levels keep things interesting, and I never get bored with my workouts. It's great for targeting different muscle groups. 100% satisfied!

M Maya
Achat vérifié

A fantastic addition to my home gym. It's versatile, and I can target my whole body in just 15 mins. The 2-year warranty is an added bonus.

E Esme
Achat vérifié

This is a real gem. I can't believe how much it has improved my overall fitness. 5 stars!

E Elizabeth
Achat vérifié

I was looking for a home workout equipment for so long and finally came across this. Ordered it and that has been the best decision in my life so far. The 15-minute workouts fit perfectly into my morning routine. The best part is that it doesn't take up much space, and I can keep it in my living room.

L Lola
Achat vérifié

The different modes and intensity levels keep my workouts challenging and fun. I'm loving the results!

W Willow
Achat vérifié

I love how this vibration plate has improved my balance and flexibility. It's fantastic for a full-body workout. 5 Stars!

I Ivy
Achat vérifié

The built-in Bluetooth speakers add a touch of fun to our workouts. Thank you, WeightWorld, for this amazing product!

E Erin
Achat vérifié

A must-have for anyone serious about their fitness journey! Highly recommended!

H Holly
Achat vérifié

The 2-year warranty gives me peace of mind. I recommend it to all my family and friends.

E Emilia
Achat vérifié

Good product, but the packaging was slightly damaged in transit. Thankfully, the device was intact.

M Molly
Achat vérifié

I was a bit sceptical at first, but the 6 modes are impressive! Just be patient for results. 4 stars!

E Ellie
Achat vérifié

My first package was lost during delivery, but the customer service team was amazing and sent me a new one straight away

J Jasmine
Achat vérifié

Works well, but results weren't as fast as I hoped. Still, a good addition to my routine.

E Eliza
Achat vérifié

I wish I got some more discount but the Bluetooth speakers are a nice touch. Be patient with the progress.

L Lilly
Achat vérifié

Amazing! The 6 modes and 99 intensity levels let me tailor my workout perfectly. It's like having a personal trainer at home. Plus, the Bluetooth speakers make working out so much fun!

O Oliver
Achat vérifié

As a fitness enthusiast, I love the challenge of the 99 intensity levels. The 5 resistance bands are a fantastic addition too, providing even more workout options. Highly recommended!

J Jack
Achat vérifié

Can't believe how compact this device is! I take it with me on vacations at the back of my car. Perfect for staying in shape while taking a break from your daily life!

H Harry
Achat vérifié

Since I started working from home, I've put on some weight. I've been trying to lose it for a while now, but I was not getting enough motivation. Then, my girlfriend recommended me this, and I've been using it regularly for a few weeks. It's extraordinary. I love the variety of modes and how it targets my entire body. The results are fantastic!

G George
Achat vérifié

Weight management has never been easier! This vibration plate helps me stay in shape without spending hours at the gym. The 15-minute transformation is incredible!

J Jacob
Achat vérifié

This has become my new favourite way to work out. The built-in Bluetooth speakers keep me entertained, and the results speak for themselves!

C Charlie
Achat vérifié

My muscles feel so much more toned and defined after using this vibration plate regularly. It's truly a transformation in just 15 minutes a day!

N Noah
Achat vérifié

Got this a month ago. Definitely a great addition to my fitness routine. The different modes keep me engaged, and I can already see improvements in my core strength.

W William
Achat vérifié

I go on road trips quite often and this portable vibration plate is a godsend. Fits perfectly in the trunk, and I don't have to miss my workouts even on vacations!

T Thomas
Achat vérifié

This device has taken my home workouts to the next level. It's fun, effective, and easy to use. Highly recommend for fitness enthusiasts!

O Oscar
Achat vérifié

The 99 intensity levels allow me to challenge myself as I progress in my fitness journey. It's like having a personal trainer by my side.

J James
Achat vérifié

I'm a workaholic and this vibration plate is perfect for me. The 15-minute workouts are ideal for my busy schedule. It's quick, efficient, and effective – exactly what I needed!

M Marc
Achat vérifié

The 6 different modes keep things interesting, and I never get bored with my workouts. It's an excellent investment in my health!

H Henry
Achat vérifié

The in-built Bluetooth speakers are a bonus. I can listen to my favourite music while working out, making it so much more enjoyable.

A Alfie
Achat vérifié

I love how this device targets the entire body. It's like having a mini gym right in my living room!

L Leo
Achat vérifié

I can feel my core getting stronger with every use. This vibration plate has become an essential part of my fitness routine.

J Joshua
Achat vérifié

This device is perfect for my parents, who wanted a low-impact way to stay active. It's been a game-changer for them!

F Freddie
Achat vérifié

I use this vibration plate before and after my workouts to warm up and cool down. It has improved my flexibility and recovery.

E Ethan
Achat vérifié

I've been using it for 2 months now and I'm more than satisfied. I've recommended this vibration plate to my colleagues, and they love it too. Ideal for busy professionals like us!

A Archie
Achat vérifié

I love the convenience of this vibration plate. It's compact and lightweight, making it easy to move around and store.

I Isaac
Achat vérifié

Almost perfect! Love the variety in workouts, but wish results came quicker. Still, worth every penny!

J Joseph
Achat vérifié

Packaging was a bit damaged in transit, but the product itself is awesome! Highly recommend for toning muscles.

A Alexander
Achat vérifié

Pricey, but the 99 intensity levels are insane! Feeling stronger every day.

S Samuel
Achat vérifié

The 6 modes give a good variety, but wish the delivery was quicker. Mine arrived a day late. Worth the wait though!

D Daniel
Achat vérifié

Had high expectations, but it's pretty good! Helps with weight management.

L Logan
Achat vérifié

A true lifesaver for busy moms like me. I can tone my muscles and manage my weight in just 15 minutes a day. It's super effective and easy to use!

A Amelia
Achat vérifié

This has made a huge difference in my core strength. I feel so much more stable and balanced during my workouts. It's incredible!

O Olivia
Achat vérifié

I was sceptical at first, but this vibration plate has exceeded my expectations. It's affordable, effective, and the 2-year warranty gives me peace of mind. Thumbs up!

E Emily
Achat vérifié

Being a senior, I was worried about my fitness, but this vibration plate is gentle yet effective. It has improved my flexibility and overall well-being. Thank you, WeightWorld!

I Isla
Achat vérifié

The compact design fits perfectly in my tiny apartment. I can get a full-body workout without taking up much space. It's a win-win!

A Ava
Achat vérifié

I'm impressed with the quality of this product. The 2-year warranty gives me confidence in its durability. It's definitely worth the investment.

E Ella
Achat vérifié

Since giving birth to my second child, getting back in shape has been tough, I don't have time to go to the gym and in all honesty haven't had the motivation, then this vibration plate came up on my feed and I thought... let's try. Been using it for 2 months now and I've never been happier in my life. This helped me get back in shape and also makes sure I stay in shape! 5 stars!

J Jessica
Achat vérifié

I've recommended this vibration plate to all my friends! It's helped me manage my weight, and I feel more energetic throughout the day.

I Isabella
Achat vérifié

I was surprised by how affordable this vibration plate is. It's a steal considering the amazing features and benefits it offers.

M Mia
Achat vérifié

I bought this for my parents, and they love it! It's perfect for seniors who want to stay active without strenuous exercise.

P Poppy
Achat vérifié

This has made exercising so much more enjoyable. I can feel the positive impact on my core strength and overall fitness. Cheers!

S Sophie
Achat vérifié

I've been using this vibration plate to recover from a sports injury, and it's been incredibly helpful. It gently stimulates my muscles without strain.

S Sophia
Achat vérifié

This vibration plate is perfect for toning my muscles without putting too much stress on my joints. It's gentle yet effective!

L Lily
Achat vérifié

I'm thrilled with my purchase. This vibration plate has helped me shed those stubborn pounds and level up my fitness game.

G Grace
Achat vérifié

This device and the 5 resistance bands are so versatile. They allow me to target specific muscle groups and add variety to my workouts.

E Evie
Achat vérifié

The transformation in my body is incredible. I feel more confident and energetic than ever before. Thank you, WeightWorld!

S Scarlett
Achat vérifié

The affordability and effectiveness of this vibration plate are unbeatable. It's worth every penny!

R Ruby
Achat vérifié

The 6 different modes provide a wide range of exercises. It's like having a personal gym with endless options.

C Chloe
Achat vérifié

This device is so user-friendly. Even as a beginner, I found it easy to get started and see results quickly.

I Isabelle
Achat vérifié

This product has exceeded my expectations. The 15-minute workouts fit perfectly into my daily routine, and I feel great!

D Daisy
Achat vérifié

Great device, but took a bit longer to see the results. Be patient, and you'll love it!

F Freya
Achat vérifié

My friend recommended me this. She loves it, so I ordered. Just started using it this week. Too early to give an honest review but so far, so good.

P Phoebe
Achat vérifié

Expected faster results, but it's a solid investment for long-term fitness goals.

F Florence
Achat vérifié

Not an overnight miracle, but it's legit! Packaging could be better, but the device is A+.

A Alice
Achat vérifié

Not the most affordable one out there on the market, but this device is top-notch! Happy with the purchase.

C Charlotte
Achat vérifié

I can try a number of exercises with this single device. So it's indeed a very economical buy.

F Freddie
Achat vérifié

So far I am enjoying my workout routine with this machine. Hopefully it will be durable.

T Theo
Achat vérifié

Using the device for the last 1 year and till now there's no damage. Amazing quality. Really helps tone muscles a lot faster

A Alfie
Achat vérifié

Well, it works as good as any gym instrument. Quite effective and fun.

J James
Achat vérifié

A true beast! Very strong, durable and helps in the workout in many ways.

I Isaac
Achat vérifié

Well, I have to admit it's working better than I had expected. Actually I enjoy my workout more now.

L Lucas
Achat vérifié

I used to do free-hand exercises at home cause I couldn't pay for the gym. But with one-time investment on this device, I am getting the help of a gym-like instrument without paying for a gym session!

C Charlie
Achat vérifié

A worth-it investment for my fitness. I have realised that it impacts overall body fitness

N Noah
Achat vérifié

No complaints. .Great instrument for home workout. Would highly recommend this!

E Edward
Achat vérifié

Don't hesitate to buy this like I did. I wish I had bought it earlier. It helped me shape up so quickly!

J Jacob
Achat vérifié

I didn't want to gain bulky muscles, just wanted to tone up a lil. And this device turned out to be the perfect partner to help me achieve that.

O Oscar
Achat vérifié

Am almost near reaching my weight management goal. None of this could be possible if I had not used this device for exercises.

H Henry
Achat vérifié

Happy with the purchase!

J Joseph
Achat vérifié

Effective and assists well in muscle toning. I do my regular workout on this

B Benjamin
Achat vérifié

Love the remote control feature. Most devices need manual control, but this one makes it easier to use

T Tobby
Achat vérifié

Very innovative. So many intensity levels to choose from! Perfectly tailored

J Jessie
Achat vérifié

Great for all. I use a different intensity level than my dad. It helps us both!

B Brendan
Achat vérifié

All my family members use this device for workout. We never enjoyed exercises like this before!

O Oslo
Achat vérifié

No damage till now. Using this for 8 months almost. Works fine

M Mark
Achat vérifié

Am glad I tried this. Was thinking it might be a bad investment, but I was so wrong!

T Tonny
Achat vérifié

5 star!!!!! Superb machine for home exercises.

A Ayla
Achat vérifié

If you don't get time for gym like me, then you must buy this. Workout is imp and this one just makes it even more fun!

M Maryam
Achat vérifié

Durable. Good quality product. Helps too!

L Lilly
Achat vérifié

Everything is great. Just wish there was a workout instruction video with this.

S Sarah
Achat vérifié

Wonderful device. My wife and I enjoy doing our daily workout on this.

E Edith
Achat vérifié

It gives me that extra push I needed to achieve my slimming goal. Am almost there!

B Beatrice
Achat vérifié

So many functions, and so many features at this reasonable price! It's awesome man!

C Clara
Achat vérifié

I knew Weightworld supplements always help. This is the first time I am trying a device. Fingers crossed!

S Summer
Achat vérifié

Am a regular buyer of WW supplements. But when I tried the device I realised weightworld can't go wrong with anything! Super quality!

M Margot
Achat vérifié

I have gone down from XXXL to XL. All thanks to my workout routine and this device.

Z Zoe
Achat vérifié

Wasn't sure if this will work or not. But bought it anyway seeing the money-back guarantee. Now no days pass by without working out on this device!

M Mrinal
Achat vérifié

Truly amazed! This device is soo multifunctional. I do over 15 different exercises using this.

M Mrinalini
Achat vérifié

Love to do plank on this! Best buy form weightworld.

A Azhar
Achat vérifié

Helps a lot over the course. Obviously won't slim you down in a week

L Lee
Achat vérifié

I met an accident and I couldn't go to the gym since then. But I kept myself fit with this device. I do my daily workout on this and I am getting better.

S Sunny
Achat vérifié

Great customer service. CS representatives are so friendly and explained to me very well on the usage of this device.

B Brent
Achat vérifié

Haven't seen a device that has so many functions and remote control feature but is this cheap in price. Highly recommended!

J Jonty
Achat vérifié

If you're looking for an affordable and effective workout instrument, then this is the best!

A Asfaq
Achat vérifié

Helped me strengthen my core over time. I am thankful to WW for creating this

T Tyler
Achat vérifié

Great manufacturing quality. No damage or scratches when delivered, fast shipping too!

M Mukesh
Achat vérifié

Device was delivered within 2 days of ordering. Product is working fine too. Good service.

Z Zen
Achat vérifié

Helped me easily tone up my curves. Even in my busy shoot days, I never miss out my workout as I can carry this device with me to my shooting spots

S Sweety
Achat vérifié

Thankfully it's portable. I carry it along even on trips so that I never miss out my daily regime.

E Ellise
Achat vérifié

Bought it reading the good reviews, and I don't regret it. People are right, this device really makes workouts fun.

I Isabella
Achat vérifié

Was expecting better discounts. But other than that, the device itself is pretty good!

J Jamie
Achat vérifié

If I compare this to my free-hand exercise experience, I will say I enjoy working out on this device more. It also pushes me more to try new exercises.

F Finley
Achat vérifié

Till now I have tried around 10 exercises on this. With the device, the exercises are giving me better results I feel.

N Nitu
Achat vérifié

100% worth buying!

R Robby
Achat vérifié

Must buy if you don't wanna waste money on gym memberships!

R Rylan
Achat vérifié

I hustle less and enjoy more when I workout on this device.

V Varun
Achat vérifié

Ich verwende die Platte jeden Tag und bin wirklich sehr zufrieden. Das Workout ist sehr intensiv damit.

W Will H.
Achat vérifié

Ich benutze das die ganze Zeit und liebe es! Manchmal mache ich die Übungen, die sie vorschlagen, aber wenn ich faul bin, stell ich mich einfach drauf!

J Jenna
Achat vérifié

Ich bin so faul, dass ich das gekauft habe, um mir zu helfen. Ich sitze oder stehe einfach drauf und fertig! die Investition lohnt sich

P Pratik
Achat vérifié

Es fühlt sich komisch an, wenn man es benutzt, aber ich mag, dass ich mich einfach nur draufstelle.

S Sarah
Achat vérifié

Es hat ein bisschen gedauert, bis ich die Anwendung unter griff hatte, aber jetzt habe ich den Dreh raus, ich mag es

E Elias
Achat vérifié

Anfangs war ich mir über den Preis nicht sicher, aber es ist von guter Qualität und sobald man den Dreh raus hat, ist es einfach zu benutzen.

F Finn
Achat vérifié

Einfach zum Anwenden und könnte funktionieren (muss es erst länger verwenden), aber ein bisschen teuer

R Rayner
Achat vérifié

Dies ist teuer, aber viel billiger als eine Mitgliedschaft im Fitnessstudio!

Q Quentin
Achat vérifié

Es dauerte ungefähr eine Woche, um sich wirklich damit zurechtzufinden. Ich musste herausfinden, wie es funktioniert und dann die richtigen Übungen für mich finden. Sobald ich das herausbekommen habe, liebe ich es wirklich! Ich mache gerne verschiedene Übungen, jetzt bin ich an das gewöhnt. Je nachdem, wie ich möchte, wie z.B. Kniebeugen, Ausdehnungen u.s.w

E Erica
Achat vérifié

War mir anfangs nicht sicher. Nachdem ich es benutzt habe, habe ich herausgefunden, wie ich es am besten für mich nutzen kann

R Rita
Achat vérifié

Die Maschine funktioniert gut und bewegt wirklich den ganzen Körper. Man kann richtig spüren, wie sie funktioniert. Zum Gewichtsverlust kann ich leider noch nichts sagen, da ich sie erst seit ein paar Tagen benutze.

Y Yvonne
Achat vérifié

Absolut genial! Gut gegen Schmerzen in den Beinen und gut für die Bewegung.

M Mariana
Achat vérifié

Ich habe die Maschine schon meiner ganzen Familie und allen meinen Freunden empfohlen. Sie ist wirklich gut und viel leichter als ich dachte.

D Diana
Achat vérifié

Breites Angebot an Programmen und Geschwindigkeiten und die Platte bietet auch einen guten Halt.

H Hermann
Achat vérifié

Habe die Platte von meinem Sohn geschenkt bekommen und nachdem ich schon etwas älter bin, hat die Einarbeitung in die Funktionen ein bisschen gedauert. Nach einer Woche kann ich sie aber schon gut bedienen und finde die verschiedenen Optionen super.

K Karola
Achat vérifié

Fast so effektiv, wie ein Besuch im Fitnessstudio!

U Ursula
Achat vérifié

Man kann ein gutes Workout zuhause damit machen. Ich liebe die Vielseitigkeit des Geräts und das man es für so viele verschiedene Übungen und Körperteile verwenden kann! Toll für Tage, an denen ich es nicht ins Fitnessstudio schaffe!

A Anonyme
Achat vérifié

Die Fernbedienung ist praktisch und einfach zu bedienen und das eigentliche Gerät sieht elegant aus. in Person viel besser als auf den Bildern.

P Phillip
Achat vérifié

Tolles Gerät, sehr zufrieden damit. Gute Qualität. Genieße die Verwendung sehr.

A Anna
Achat vérifié

Funktion ist super, ob es wirklich hilft, kann ich noch nicht bewerten.

D Daniel
Achat vérifié

Die Anweisungen finde ich nicht ganz klar, aber wenn man es mal raushat ist die Benutzung echt einfach.

B Basti
Achat vérifié

Den bedste vibrationstræner jeg har prøvet!

T Thomas ?
Achat vérifié

Vi er super glade for vor vibrationstræner. Den er god efter en løbetur, bare fordi, når man har uro i benene eller for velvære. Kroppen føles rar og lidt mere strammet op efter en løbetur.

C Christina M
Achat vérifié

Virkelig en fremragende vibrationsmaskine,mine bedste anbefalinger 👍

K Karina L
Achat vérifié

God kvalitet til prisen

h henrik
Achat vérifié

Jeg er simpelthen så glad for den. Bruger den morgen og aften. Kan helt klart anbefales

L Lise L
Achat vérifié

Jeg syntes den er god, sætter gang i omløbet.

A Anne P
Achat vérifié

God produkt

L Lisbet H
Achat vérifié

Den fungerer godt, og virker efter hensigten.

P Pernile L
Achat vérifié

Super god til trætte ben, god til at løsne op for musklerne.

C Connie S
Achat vérifié

Fantastisk vibrations træner 😁

P Per V
Achat vérifié

Super glad 👍🏻

D Dionna H
Achat vérifié

Jeg har været super glad for min vibrationstræner. Der er utrolig mange øvelser man kan lave på den, og intensiteten bestemmer man jo selv. Synes jeg er blevet langt stærkere i kroppen og især i benene. Bruger den på de dage jeg ikke får løbet, og så er 20 min nok. Win win

A Annet T
Achat vérifié

Har brugt den til, at få en bedre balance efter en tumor i hjernen. Den har haft en virkelig god effekt. I starten måtte jeg holde ved, når jeg brugte den, idag kan jeg stå på tæer på den, mens jeg laver diverse øvelser. Den er også rigtig god til iltning af mine muskler.

B Brian P
Achat vérifié

Fungerer fint

H Henning J
Achat vérifié

jeg har ofte uro i benene, det hælper med 10 min vibrationstræneren.

W Wendy M
Achat vérifié

Fantastisk maskine. Helt vild med den. Den har også fjernet smerter i mine hofter som jeg har haft i over et år 😄

k kunde A
Achat vérifié

Tjae ikke nemt at bedømme produktet, idet jeg pt. Vejer mere en Max vægt som er 120 kg. Deraf ikke afprøvet produktet endnu, må vente til min vægt er 120kg eller derunder.

T Torben P
Achat vérifié

Lydsvag og meget nem at bruge

M Mimi
Achat vérifié

Er rigtig godt tilfreds, bruges flittigt af flere medlemmer af familien 👍

A Anette T
Achat vérifié

Jeg er gået 3 str ned i tøj på 1 mdr. To af mine veninder har også købt en.

J Jannie
Achat vérifié

Virkelig et godt produkt, som jeg vil få rigtig meget glæde af 👍🏼

6 688765
Achat vérifié

Nem at bruge ..

S Susanne J
Achat vérifié

Vibrationstræneren er helt perfekt. Den sætter fut i forbrændingen og træningen mærkes i hele kroppen. Den hjælper virkelig godt mod mine rygsmerter. Det er den bedste træningsmaskine jeg nogensinde har haft

F Fru C
Achat vérifié

Lækkert produkt - men tjek lige om I bliver trukket for mere (18,-), som jeg har betalt.. Uden handling fra Weightworld

H Henrik M
Achat vérifié

Jeg var virkelig skeptisk for denne vibration træner, men er blevet virkelig glad for den og den virker fantastisk. Jeg lider af gigt og fibromyalgi og kan ikke være i et fitnesscenter, den har hjulpet til og få løsnet op i mine led og muskler. Kan klart anbefales.

J Jessica S
Achat vérifié

Er meget glad for min træner.

A Amahlie F
Achat vérifié

Den er god til at lindre ømme muskler… Mangler vejledning til øvelser med🤔

L Lonnie N
Achat vérifié

Lydsvag og nem at betjene. Super kvalitet, og dejligt med 5 faste programmer, som jeg let skifter mellem. Jeg bruger vibrations træneren hver dag, for at forbedre min pensionist balance, og trimme figuren 🫢

P Per H
Achat vérifié

Meget glad og tilfreds , bruger den næsten hver dag,

G Gitte R
Achat vérifié

Jeg er rigtig glad for min vibrations træner og bruger den 6 dage om ugen, som beskrevet.

B Bente S
Achat vérifié

Jeg er super glad for den har ikke natte kramper mere

M Marianne E
Achat vérifié

God maskine

J Jytte M
Achat vérifié

Det er virkelig en dejlig oplevelse. Jeg har nu brugt den dagligt mod smerter i ryggen, hofter og ben. Har med vilje ikke brugt noget andet mod smerterne(har knogleskørhed). Tro kan flytte bjerge, men ikke nødvendigvis smerter. Men det kan vibrations træneren altså. Har anbefalet den til andre.❤️🙏

J Jytte S
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Bruger den hver dag. Super god for min krop Varme anbefale den

L Lene N
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Jeg har døjet med kolde fødder og hænder i årevis , de er nu efter 14 dage varme hele tiden. Og hvis de bliver kolde går der ikke mere end 5 min så er de varme igen . Så er glad og så er der sidegevinsten at jeg allerede kan mærke i cm at der forsvinder noget 💪👏👏

B Bettina K
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Fantastisk vibrationstræner der levet op til min forventning

I Inger S
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Fantastisk maskine. Den har fjernet smerter Fra hele kroppen

N Nisrin F
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Elsker min vibrationstræner og mærker positiv forandring især i mine ben.

H Heidi L
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Perfekt :)

H Helene
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dovneEt fantastisk produkt. Jeg træner hver dag, og jeg ser resultaterne. Et godt produkt til dovne som mig, der ikke kan lide at gå i fitnesscenter, og effekten er fantastisk, og du sveder ikke.

A Anna
Achat vérifié

perffeky til muskelløsning

E Erling J
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Bruger den hver dag. Endnu kun 15 min Men kan mærke der sker noget godt med min krop

T Tea H
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Indtil videre TIP-TOP

a axel S
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Bruger den hver dag 😊

J Jeanett L
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Fine vare konen nyder det

P Peter R
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Jeg er yderst tilfreds👍

f frigg S
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Benytter pt maskinen siddende, da jeg synes den bevæger sig meget hurtig

P Peter L
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Rigtig god, virker fint, behageligt 🫠 God jul og godt nytår

M Marjanne K
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Go maskine til fornuftig pris.

B Birgitte
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Der mangler brugsanvisning vedr hvordan man indstiller de mange programmer

E Eva M
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Det virker effektivt og solidt. Jeg mærker en god virkning af træningen. God til genoptræning efter lårbrud. God træning af især ben og Baller. Elsker den maskine. Jeg er 74.

K Kirstin D
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Jeg mangler noget intro om, hvad det er godt for og hvordan man skal bruge maskinen… og hvor længe man må køre og om der er noget man skal være opmærksom på… og om alle kan bruge maskinen.

E Elin
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Er vild med den

M Maria A
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Super og nem maskine som kan bevæge alle muskler og giver dejlig velvære efter en travl dag

R René G
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Rigtig godt produkt, der er med til at fjerne mine nervesmerter i ryg og ben.

C Camilla W
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Jeg bruger den hver dag , og syntes den er god til det jeg har brug for.

L Lilli E
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God maskine . Fog med en træls el summelyd under brug

C Charlotte O
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Meget glad for den

J Jeannette B
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Maskinen er god og man kan mærker der sker noget med spændinger og vægt, men føler ikke at jeg bliver stærkere af den. Dog må jeg siger at brugsanvisningen er ikke god nok. For der følger nogle snore med håndtag med hvordan og hvorledes bruges de? der er nogle firkantede små plader med , hvad er de til? Men eller derudover er jeg tilfreds med mit kæb

M Morten
Achat vérifié

Synes det er godt mangler bare mere vejledning og viden

L Louise
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Hurtig afsendelse og levering

L Lene N
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Den er bare så fantastisk

P Pia J
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Den er rystende god

R Richardt V
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Behagelig følelse i kroppen efter brug.

V Vibeke E
Achat vérifié

Jeg er mega tilfreds med vibrationstræneren. På grund af sygdom har jeg ikke trænet i fem år, så ville gerne skånsomt i gang og det er den perfekt til. Ofte står jeg bare på den og vibrationerne hjælper på de smerter jeg har i benene. Kan varmt anbefales

A Anne M
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Den er bare super god er så glad for den👏👏

J Jette N
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Den jeg modtog knirkede helt vildt, fik en ny, men den knirker/siger en klik lyd.

H Helene P
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Super so far 🙏🏻😊

A Annet S
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Virker fint men kunne bruge en bedre vejledning.

O Oskar
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Enkel - god

G Gitte P
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Bortset fra at billedet ikke repræsenterer den vibrationstræner, som jeg har købt, så er jeg super godt tilfreds med den jeg nu engang har købt. Og hurtig modtagelse.

M Martin S
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Har ikke af prøvet det. Men virker Lækkert og professionelt. Men har returneret det da det ikke passede til min situation. Afventer snarest mine penge retur

J Jørgen B
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Det er godt, men man skal vende sig til den

B Berit J
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Hele familien er helt vilde med den

M Mona K
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Virker efter hensigten!

E Ebbe
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Jeg har brugt denne maskine i et par måneder nu, og jeg har fået en mere tydelig six-pack :D

J Jacob
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Jeg bruger denne ca 3 gange om ugen, fordi jeg elsker den!

R Robert
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Kan mærke vibrationerne, men vil ønske den var mere effektiv. Dog har den hjulpet

T Thomas T.
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Hjemmetræning er altid lækkert, i stedet for altid at gå til træningscenteret

M Mike
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Den er fed at have sammen med min træning når jeg spiller fodbold

B Benjamin
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Jeg bruger dette hele tiden og elsker det! Laver de øvelser, de foreslår, men når jeg er doven, står jeg bare på det!

J Jenna
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Jeg er lidt doven, så jeg købte dette for at hjælpe. Jeg sidder bare eller står på det og færdig! det er værd at investere i

P Pratik
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Føles lidt underligt at bruge det, men jeg kan godt lide, hvordan jeg bare kan stå på den

S Sarah
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Tog lidt tid på at finde ud af det, men nu har jeg fået fat i det, og jeg bruger den meget

E Elias
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Jeg var ikke sikker pga prisen først, men det er af god kvalitet, og når du først har fået fat på det, er den let at bruge

F Finn
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let at bruge og fungerer (har brug for længere tid først) men lidt dyrt

R Rayner
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Den er dyr, men stadig meget billigere end et gym medlemskab

Q Quentin
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Dette tog en uge ca for virkelig at få fat på. Jeg var nødt til at finde ud af, hvordan det fungerer, og derefter finde de rigtige øvelser til mig. Da jeg havde vænnet mig, elsker jeg den virkelig! Jeg kan godt lide at udføre en række øvelser nu, squats, extensions og planker. Nogle gange sidder jeg bare på det og føler at jeg stadig laver noget

E Erica
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Var ikke sikker i starten, men nu er jeg kommet efter det, og jeg har fundet den bedste måde at bruge den, til mig

R Rita
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Semplicemente fantastico!

S Szilvia M
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Prodotto fantastico che ha soddisfatto a pieno le mie aspettative..

Achat vérifié

Non so come mai ma il telecomando funziona quando vuole lui e nn è così semplice switchare tra modalità predefinita e personalizzata.

S Silvia
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Buon prodotto lo consiglio.

V Virignia C
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Perfetta e ben funzionante

G Giovanna P
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Ce l ho da poco, però mi trovo bene Mi pare un ottimo prodotto

S Silvana G
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Utilizzo questa pedana ogni giorno. Non ho orari fissi di lavoro, per cui avere un dispositivo di allenamento a casa è il massimo della comodità. Inoltre sento i miei muscoli molto più tonici e sodi. Un investimento che consiglio a tutti.

T Tobia
Achat vérifié

dispositivo per la stimolazione muscolare davvero efficiente. I miei muscoli sono più definiti e da quando lo utilizzo ho le gambe più snelle! Ottimo il servizio clienti, mi è stato d’aiuto in ogni fase di acquisto.

M Manuela
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Molto facile da utilizzare. Completa il mio allenamento e lo utilizzo anche per lavorare sugli addominali. Sono molto soddisfatto, lo consiglio a tutti.

F Filippo
Achat vérifié

Dopo ogni sessione sento di aver fatto un duro ed intenso allenamento, come andare in palestra. Vengono stimolati davvero tutti i muscoli, dai piedi fino a tutte le estremità del corpo. Soddisfatto.

F Fabio
Achat vérifié

Ottimo modo per perdere peso e smaltire la massa grassa direttamente a casa! Consiglio questo stimolatore brucia grassi a chiunque abbia l’obiettivo di perdere peso mantenendo tonica la massa muscolare! Molto soddisfatta.

G Giovanna
Achat vérifié

Pedana vibrante semplicemente fantastica, con 99 programmi.. Semplicissima da usare, è un regalo di Natale che ha fatto il suo figurone. Io l'ho provata per vedere se funziona e direi efficace., silenziosa e all'utilizzo vibra visibilmente. Si possono fare degli esercizi fisici che si trovano tranquillamente sul web,. Abbastanza silenziosa. Non ha le istruzioni in italiano..

R Rossella
Achat vérifié

Prodotto molto solido e robusto. L’imballaggio è molto sicuro.La pedana si può gestire sia da un telecomando( molto comodo) che direttamente dalla pedana. L’appoggio dei piedi è molto comodo, all’interno ci sono anche gli utili elastici fitness che servono a potenziare le braccia. Un giusto compromesso per allenarsi a casa e dare la possibilità, a chi non può andare in palestra tutti i giorni. Già dopo pochi giorni di utilizzo la circolazione delle gambe è migliorata. Si possono fare diversi esercizi, all’interno le istruzioni sono in inglese, ho contattato il venditore e mi ha inviato subito quelle in italiano! Velocissimo è molto disponibile per qualsiasi dubbio

L Leonardo
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Arrivata ieri. Usata oggi x la prima volta. Speriamo col tempo funzioni????. Si potrebbero avere le istruzioni in italiano? Grazie mille

A Annalisa
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Pedana con ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo fa il suo dovere

C Chiara Z
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Nonostante il prezzo molto accessibile è veramente molto funzionale. Mi sono fatto un bel regalo di natale, la utilizzo per rilassare i muscoli e per lo stretching e aiuta tantissimo, in 15 minuti è un ottimo complemento per programmi di allenamenti intensi o anche per allenamenti leggeri e quando si ha poco tempo e si vuole mantenere attiva la circolazione ed il corpo disteso per evitare infortuni

V VincentR
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Ho dato tre stelle alla comodità solo perché è molto pensante ,ma per il resto è fantastica!

S Sara
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La adoro. La utilizzo 2/3 volte alla settimana x defaticate le gambe dopo le mie camminate.

S Silvia
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Super tevreden van mijn aankoop! En goede service en levering! Ook echt wel kwaliteit!

N Nadia
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Zoals ik al aangaf is de beschrijving over de werking van het apparaat erg summier en als je geen Engels spreekt dan heb je een probleem.

M Marion B
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Super blij met onze trilplaat

E Ellie H
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Werkt goed, gebruiken hem regelmatig en bevalt goed

a aaltje
Achat vérifié

is al gezegd toppie

J J. M
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Echt leuk en simpel

S Samah M
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Prima product

K KlantW.v.d.Helm
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Ik gebruik de plaat elke dag. Het past makkelijk in mijn huis en in mijn schema.

W Will
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Ik ben zeer tevreden! Mijn oefeningen zijn nu veel intensiever en krachtiger.

V Vito
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Makkelijk te gebruiken. Door deze plaat zijn mijn trainingen echt effectief geworden.

P Philipe
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Goede hulp bij het afvallen! Ik zou het iedereen aanbevelen die graag sport.

A Alex
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Voelt raar om te gebruiken maar vind het leuk dat je er gewoon op kan staan

S Sarah
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Was in eerste instantie niet zo zeker over de prijs, maar het is van goede kwaliteit en wanneer je het gewend bent is het makkelijk te gebruiken.

F Finn
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Makkelijk te gebruiken en zou kunnen werken (moet het eerst nog wat langer gebruiken) maar best wel duur

R Ryan
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Dit is duur, maar goedkoper dan een abonnement op de fitness

Q Quinten
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Ik ben best lui en heb dit gekocht om wat te helpen. Ik zit of sta er gewoon op en het is klaar! Zeker de investering waard.

P Pradip
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Echt een mooi product en doet niet onder voor de trillplaat uit de sportschool

L Linda
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Thuis sporten nu de sportscholen dicht zijn is het toch net niet. Dit maakt het wel een stuk zwaarder en maakt je echt bek af.

Achat vérifié

Goed apparaat, ik mis een beetje bass in de speakers maar uiteindelijk draait het om het trillen zelf. Hij voelt heel kwalitatief en de trillingen zijn sterk maar precies wat je verwacht. Hij blijft ook netjes op zijn plek staan en 'trilt' niet weg.

M Marnix
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Helaas kan ik door mijn conditie niet te veel bewegen. Hiermee kan ik toch trainen.

S Sylvia
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Een hele fijne trilplaat en met name heel fijn voor de doorbloeding in mijn benen

V Victoria
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Gekocht na een aantal reviews op Youtube te hebben bekeken en ik ben er na 2 maanden nog steeds blij mee. Ik gebruik hem 3 keer per week tijdens het thuis fitnessen.

B Barbara
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Ideaal voor het losmaken van je trainen en het wat zwaarder te maken

A Anonyme
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Het beste aan deze trilplaat is het kunnen instellen van de intensiteit. Je kunt langzaam beginnen en vervolgens het steeds iets zwaarder maken, identiek aan de ervaring op de trilplaat in de sportschool.

M Marie
Achat vérifié

Deze trilplaat heeft zuignappen (wat wel erg stevig voelt) alleen woon ik in een appartement. Ik was bang dat dit apparaat hierdoor heel luidruchtig ging zijn voor mijn onderburen maar in tegenstelling tot wat ik verwachtte is dit apparaat heel stil.

S Silvia
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Bevalt me prima en is met 99 standen ideaal

M Manon
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Kan niet meer zonder! Super voor de bloedsomloop en dan met name in mijn onderbenen

A Anonyme
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Werkt fantastisch. Enige minpuntje is dat hij iets harder geluid gaat maken op de hoogste stand

J Jeroen
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Deze plate voelt heel professioneel aan en werkt goed.

A Anonyme
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Goede benentraining en goed voor je bloedcirculatie. De ingebouwde bluetooth speaker heeft zelfs een goed geluid dus ook dat is fijn om te gebruiken!!

R Robin
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Prima apparaat maar iets te zwaar voor mij

A Anne Marie
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Super stabiel voor een trilplaat. De zuignappen houden hem goed op zijn plaats. Heel fijn om in huis te hebben zeker als je veel moet zitten vanwege je werk

A Adri
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Ben er helemaal happy mee want ik kan vanuit mijn eigen huis goed aan mijn conditie werken

A Anonyme
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Doet van alles in mijn lichaam, ben helemaal kapot na een training

M Melis
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mycket bra, men det fattas en tillfreds ställande manual så att man verkligen har användning av alla funktioner som utlovas

G Gabriele L
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köpte på black friday jättebra kvalitet och otroligt bra värde för pengarna

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Känns stabil,väl värd pengarna

M Marie S
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Nöjd !!! Fungerar fint !!

K Katarina D
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En bra tränings maskin tror nog det blir redultst för allt skakar tok mycket och tränagsvärk får man.

N Nikki S
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Väldigt nöjd med min vibrationsplatta.

S Susanne
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Med tanke på priset är den trotts allt riktig bra vibrationsplatta! B.K

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A Anna-Lena F
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Mjukar upp musklerna och man kommer åt att få musklers massage på ett lätt sätt

K Kund
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Veldig bra apparat og lett å bruke. Den brukes nesten hver dag og veldig fornøyd.

J Joseph M
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Toppen bra, dock lite problem med fjärrkontrollen , funkar inte som jag vill;)

M Maria
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Snabb återkoppling och leverans. Har inte haft tid att prova den fullt ut, dock när det gäller instructions manualen, skulle uppskattat en mer komplett än den som skickas då det är bristfälligt.

R Rohini D
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Helt underbart

C Cecilia B
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Mycket funktionsduglig och prisvärd produkt. Nackdel att manualen är bristfällig, man får gissa sig lite fram i början. Och att ljudet på högtalaren inte går att sänka (?).

M Martina
Achat vérifié

Snabb leverans, funkar kanon

V Vesna D
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Jag är super nöjd 😌

V Vesna S
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Ger mig mjukare muskler. Tyvärr var det fel på min maskin men har nu fått en ny.

A Ann-christin P
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Prisvärd och enkel att använda

I Irene
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Bekvämt jobbig

M Mona P
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Riktigt nöjd , lätt att förstå . Lite för hög volym på "power on" , annars väldigt bra. Priset avgjorde mitt köp.

M Marie
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Perfekt och jag är nöjd.

n nazifeh F
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Toppen !!

Achat vérifié

Bra och snabb service

N Nina E
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Bra bra bra bra

L Lina
Achat vérifié

Supernöjd! Liten och smidig men ändå så kraftfull!

V Vicki L
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L Lena S
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Smidig, lätt att använda

L Lise-lotte T
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Andvänder denna varje dag

m mats
Achat vérifié

Den är bra. Låter lite lätt att förvara.

A Alexandra S
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Det skulle vara bra om det följde en bättre instruktionsbok samt även lite övningar

M Madelene
Achat vérifié

Jag är supernöjd! Använder den nästan varje dag! Upplever att min kropp redan nu blivit fastare. Enda nackdelen var manualen... väldigt knapphändig. Och man får testa sig fram vad olika program innebär.

k kund M
Achat vérifié

Den är grym. Verkligen bra för mina svullna ben.🙂

L Linda E
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Bra produkt till bra pris

J Jenny ?
Achat vérifié

Fungerar alldeles utmärkt. Mycket prisvärd

A Annika J
Achat vérifié

Så bra, stadig vibrationsplatta. Det enda jag skulle önska är fler exempel på övningar. Kollade själv upp fler och har nu ännu mer användning av den. Beroendeframkallande man vill gärna ställa sig där en stund.

s sandra S
Achat vérifié

Tar inte stor plats och lätt att hantera.

Y Ylva P
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Fungerar och gör nytta

B Bentley
Achat vérifié

Bra sätt för cirkulationensökning. Jag föf inte svallande ben länge efter 2 veckor dagliga användning. Mycket nöjd

M Marwa A
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Fungerar som den ska, snabb leverans.

K Kerstin H
Achat vérifié

Funkar bra för oss skönt för musklerna

k kund
Achat vérifié

Super bra, använder varje dag och känner hur mina knän blir bättre och bättre för varje dag. Har kunnat börja på gymmet vilket var otänkbart innan.

N Neta B
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Rent nöje att använda den, som att masserar hela kroppen. Och det är förutom alla andra fördelar för hälsan i helhet.

G G.A.
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Fungerar enkelt och bra.

L Linda A
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C Carina B
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Lätt att använda.

M Merith
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Veldig bra,men kunne vert litt mer øvelser å vise.

h hege S
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Fungerar jättebra. Jag är positivt överraskad eftersom den är billig jämfört med andra märken.

U Ulrika
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Är till mycket stor hjälp för mig. Har svårt att gå och känner vilken fördel jag har av vibrationsplattan.

B Barbro S
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Använder den dagligen och är nöjd samt den är väldigt tyst.

A Ann-Sofie S
Achat vérifié

Bra produkt, dock lite dåligt att det inte medföljer bättre instruktioner vad man kan göra för övningar på plattan, gummibanden som följde med vet jag inte hur det skall användas, ingen beskrivning.

L LenaChristina H
Achat vérifié

Lättanvänd. Bra pris. Snabb leverans.

L Lotta O
Achat vérifié

Användbar och enkel

C Carina A
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Väl värd varenda krona! Den har gjort succé bland vänner och bekanta så det är inte omöjligt att det trillar in nya beställningar.

P Per
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Skulle iilja ha haft en brochyr med som visar hur man tränar med banden också och vad man kan göra med plattan

M Monica
Achat vérifié

Står stadigt på golvet med sugproppar. Handtagen är värdefulla då vissa program vibrerar rätt kraftigt så man kan hålla balansen med dem. Den är tung att flytta så det vill man undvika. Hoppas få resultat när jag kört programmen en tag. För tidigt att betygsätta det i skrivande stund !

H Helén
Achat vérifié

Har använt den nu i 3 veckor varje dag i 10 min och känner redan skillnad ,inte lika stel i axlarna. Nästa vecka ska jag börja med 15 min program. Återkommer om resultatet. Tacksam för billigare alternativ som hjälper nästan😍

S Sosa M
Achat vérifié

Bra vibrationsplatta till ett bra pris, fungerar utan anmärkning. Manual handboken är däremot ganska torftig, fick kolla på youtube istället.

C Carina
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Jo det är en bra produkt

H Helena N
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Den tar hand om hela kroppen.

m margreth
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Enkla instruktioner, plus för förinställda program. Använder den ca 15-20 minuter varje dag.

A Ann-Charlotte P
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Mycket vibrationsplatta för pengarna

A Anna L
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Bättre core, ökar blodcirkulationen, tränar stabilitet och uthållighet

C Cecilia
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Smidigt lätt att använda

A Anette
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e evvepevve
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N Nathalie J
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Topp! Jag är jättenöjd och hela familjen gillar att använda plattan

E Emma W
Achat vérifié

Har inte använt mycke har ont i benen när jag använder

e elida D
Achat vérifié

Jag kan inte avgöra ännu, har haft den en månad och inte märkt någon skillnad på någonting ännu men den är skön och jag gillar den.

C Carina
Achat vérifié

Inte använt tillräckligt länge ännu.

J Johannes
Achat vérifié

Lätt att använda,

A Agneta L
Achat vérifié

Mkt skön att använda efter hård fysisk träning, o skaka loss musklerna

J Josephin S
Achat vérifié

Enligt förväntningarna, nöjd med köpet!

F Florence B
Achat vérifié

Kanonbra träning

A Anette V
Achat vérifié

Effektiv och händigt!

k kund
Achat vérifié

Den har gjort underverk för min onda ländrygg , och jag får energi av att stå på plattan. Den är beroendeframkallande , måste stå mina 20 min varje dag

M Marit S
Achat vérifié

Mycket fint

M Mansour
Achat vérifié

Produkt tror jag är bra. Hur man använder den finns mkt att förbättra. Övningar etc

J Jan
Achat vérifié

Jag är jättenöjd med min platta!

K Kerstin M
Achat vérifié

Jag tycker det är otroligt skönt att använda vibrationsplattan efter ett hårt danspartner musklerna känns längre och mjuka. Sen ger plattan en otrolig bra träning och genomkörare. En bra investering tycker jag

K Kristina
Achat vérifié

Väldigt nöjd med denna lilla och smidiga vibrationsplatta. Prisvärd.

A Anna-Lena K
Achat vérifié

Mycket bra vibrationsplatta, för träning av muskler och utökad rörlighet. Använder den 20 min varannan dag och har gjort iordning ett allsidigt eget program. Så nöjd

S Susanne B
Achat vérifié

Den är enkel att använda, känns skön för leder och cirkulation. Hur effektiv den är vet jag ännu inte

U Ulrika G
Achat vérifié

Tycker den är bra, saknar dock en utförligare manual för de olika inställningar som man kan använda

E Elsmarie
Achat vérifié

Jag hatar dessa beskriva med minst ….. TA BORT!

M Monika A
Achat vérifié

Sååå gott att bara sätta på maskinen, å låta den skaka om hela kroppen.

L Laila A
Achat vérifié

Bra, men lite dyr.

A Anna
Achat vérifié

Jättenöjd. Mycket skön känsla efteråt..

E Eva
Achat vérifié

Ger bra styrka, enkel att använda.

M Monica O
Achat vérifié

Snabb leverans och nöjd med varan

L Lena H
Achat vérifié

Mycket nöjd och verkar vara en bra platta till ett bra pris. Har ju inte haft den så länge men hoppas den ska göra min värk mindre.

T Tina
Achat vérifié

Best vibrationsplatta I världen

D Daniela G
Achat vérifié

Helt otroligt vilken träningsvärk, musklerna slappnar av. Så gött

M Margareta F
Achat vérifié

Jättebra lätt att använda

C Carina
Achat vérifié

Jättebra och rolig att använda. Tränar på den varje dag

E Emma C
Achat vérifié

Jag använder min varje dag. Tar inte alls stot plats. Och jag trodde inte jag skulle se så stor resultat som jag gjort. REKOMMENDERAR STARKT!

G Gabriella
Achat vérifié

Snabb leverans. Och VÄRT pengarna. Använt mig av denna maskin i 3 veckor. Ser redan resultat på mage och vader då det är smått fastare

M Mai
Achat vérifié

10/10, pålitlig hemsida

M Mike
Achat vérifié

Var inte säker först, men nu har jag fått till det och jag har hittat det bästa sättet att använda den.

A Anonyme
Achat vérifié

Jag använder den hela tiden och älskar det! Gör de övningar som föreslås, men när jag är lat så står jag bara på den rakt upp och ner och det funkar också!

H Hanna
Achat vérifié

Det tog ungefär en vecka att verkligen få grepp om. Jag var tvungen att ta reda på hur den fungerar och sedan hitta rätt övningar för mig. När jag vande mig vid den älskar jag det verkligen! Jag gillar att göra en mängd olika övningar nu, knäböj, förlängningar och plankor. Ibland sitter jag bara på den och känner att jag fortfarande gör något

B Berit
Achat vérifié

Lätt att använda och fungerar (kan ta lite tid först) men lite dyr

A Anders
Achat vérifié

Det är dyrt, men fortfarande mycket billigare än ett gymmedlemskap

S Stefan
Achat vérifié

Jag var inte säker på priset till en början, men den är av god kvalitet, och när du väl har fått det är den lätt att använda

M Majsan
Achat vérifié

Jag har använt den här maskinen i några månader nu och jag har fått ett tydligare sex-pack: D

D Daniel
Achat vérifié

Jag beställde vibrationsplattan igår onsdag. Fick den levererad idag torsdag, till min ytterdörr! Har bara kvickt hunnit ställa mig på den. Men med en sån här supersnabb leverans och med ett första intryck på produkten kan jag bara ge den högsta betyg! :) Ett litet minus dock är att manualen är väldigt bristfällig och att själva programmen inte framgår.

M Martina
Achat vérifié

Bra service

O Olga
Achat vérifié


L Lina
Achat vérifié

Super bra kundtjänst nöjd med vara trots lite längre leveranstid.

C Christina
Achat vérifié

Very good n fast

E Erik


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