
Huile de Krill Antarctique

180 capsules molles de 1200mg

Huile de Krill vs Huile de Poisson

Bien que ces deux huiles d’origine océanique semblent similaires de prime abord, elles diffèrent sur de nombreux points essentiels. Ainsi, et contrairement aux huiles de poisson, l’Huile de Krill Antarctique est dénuée de contaminants comme les métaux lourds puisqu’elle provient de l’océan le plus propre du monde, une source qui est gérée de manière durable. Ceci explique pourquoi beaucoup la considèrent comme la source d’Oméga-3 la plus pure qui soit !

Caractéristiques Huile de Krill Huile de poisson
Niveaux d’antioxydants Les antioxydants naturels tels que l’astaxanthine, la vitamine A et la vitamine E. Faible/petite protection antioxydante.
Absorption L'EPA et le DHA se lient aux phospholipides, permettant une plus grande absorption grâce à une meilleure biodisponibilité. L’élimination de contaminants comme le mercure altère sa forme, la rendant moins bien absorbée.
Pureté Issue de l'océan Antarctique, non pollué et sans routes de pêche ou de navigation. De plus, le krill se trouve au bas de la chaîne alimentaire, ce qui le protège de la contamination. Extraite d’espèces potentiellement contaminées par des métaux lourds dangereux tels que le mercure.
Effets indésirables Une digestion facile (sans éructations de poisson) Digestion moins facile, pouvant donner des éructations malodorantes sentant le poisson.

Bienfaits de l’huile de Krill

L’huile de Krill consommée en tant que complément procure de nombreux avantages que l’on ne trouve pas dans les huiles de poisson courantes. Parmi ses propriétés bénéfiques, on citera :

  • Les Oméga-3 qui aident à préserver les fonctions cardiovasculaires et cognitives.
  • La Choline, qui a été liée aux performances cognitives et qui peut aussi jouer un rôle important dans le métabolisme des lipides (graisses).
  • L’huile de krill pure est naturellement riche en astaxanthine, et en vitamines A et E.
  • L’astaxanthine est considérée comme essentielle pour la peau, la vue et le cœur.
  • L’EPA & DHA aident à la régulation d’une pression artérielle normale.
  • Les Oméga-3 ont également été associés à une meilleure réponse lors d’entraînements intenses, ainsi que pour traiter les niveaux de cholestérol.
  • Possède des caractéristiques qui peuvent potentiellement soulager certains symptômes liés au syndrome prémenstruel (SPM).

Conseils d'utilisation

Pour tirer pleinement profit de l’Huile de Krill Antarctique de WeightWorld, prendre 2 gélules molles avec un grand verre d’eau, de préférence avant un repas. La majorité des utilisateurs constatent les meilleurs résultats après 6 mois de consommation (pour vous aider à profiter au maximum de ce complément, nous vous offrons une réduction de 20% sur l’achat de 3 boîtes) ! Les gélules molles d’huile de Krill Antarctique sont entièrement naturelles; elles ne provoquent donc pas d’effets secondaires connus. Toutefois, veillez à ne pas en prendre si vous êtes allergique aux crustacés. Si vous êtes enceinte, si vous allaitez et êtes sous médication, prenez l’avis d’un médecin avant d’utiliser ce complément. Ce complément n’est pas destiné aux personnes âgées de moins de 18 ans.


Extrait lipidique du crustacé krill de l'Antarctique (Euphausia Superba), Capsule molle : Gélatine (Source bovine), Glycérine, et Eau.

Avertissement allergie - contient des crustacés

*L’effet bénéfique de l’EPA et du DHA sur la préservation d’une pression artérielle normal est obtenu avec une prise quotidienne de 3g, et sur la préservation de niveaux normaux de triglycérides avec une prise quotidienne de 2g d’EPA et de DHA. L’effet bénéfique du DHA sur le maintien de fonctions cérébrales normales et d’une vision normale est obtenu avec un apport quotidien de 250mg. Ne pas dépasser un apport combiné de 5g d’EPA et de DHA par jour.

5 étoiles
4 étoiles
3 étoiles
2 étoiles
1 étoiles


reviews 5

95.79% basé sur 678 Avis client

Achat vérifié

Un bon produit

F France N
Achat vérifié

Aucun avis à donner car pas encore reçu le produit.

P Prisca
Achat vérifié

Bien dosé : 500mg/gélule, bien suffisant pour un genou pourtant très douloureux. 120 gélules par boîte, super pour une vraie cure. Facile à avaler. Agit très rapidement.

N Nathalie M
Achat vérifié

Je ne peux pas me prononcer dans l'immédiat je pense qu'il faudra plusieures semaines de prise de ce complément alimentaire avant de donner un avis

C Claude C
Achat vérifié

Bon produit

M Mrs G
Achat vérifié

Ma peau est plus souple et moins sèche

M Myriam A
Achat vérifié

Bonjour c'est mon premier achat et franchement ce sont des produits de qualités Merci

F Franco U
Achat vérifié

excellent rapport qualité prix

C Cécile
Achat vérifié

Il est bon le produit et on voit les effets.

A Aliman D
Achat vérifié

aucun effet escompté donc !!!!!

G Gilles
Achat vérifié

Bon produit qui a un effet certain sur le corps, à différents niveaux.

S Sophie T
Achat vérifié

Produit efficace

X Xavier A
Achat vérifié

produit correcte, prix aussi

Achat vérifié

Je suis très satisfait de cet achat qui répond pleinement à mes attentes. L'ensemble de la prestation est parfait. Merci.

G Gilles L
Achat vérifié

Cela semble tout à fait correct.

G Gilles L
Achat vérifié

L'huile de krill m'apporte un profond bien-être depuis des années. Une amie m'a recommandé celui-ci pour sa qualité et pour l'instant j'en suis pleinement satisfaite

A Anonyme
Achat vérifié

Colis reçu en 3 jours seulement. Reste plus qu'a essayer. Je reviendrai donner mon avis

Y Yves P
Achat vérifié

Je prend ces gélules depuis plus d'un mois maintenant. Je sens vraiment la différence dans mon quotidien au niveau de la mémoire comme au niveau articulaire.

F Frédéric V
Achat vérifié

rien a dire, service client compétent et sympa

R Raphaël T
Achat vérifié

Je me sens mieux en général depuis que j'ai commencé ma cure.

C Claire-Hardouin
Achat vérifié

Je pense que les gélules ont aidé ma vision. Je ne supporte pas mes lunettes et il est rare quand je les potes si bien que je peux avoir mal à la tête en fin de journée. Depuis que je prends l'huile de krill en gélule je n'ai pas eu une seule fois mal à la tête

C Camille Leclercq
Achat vérifié

Je pense que l'huile de Krill est la meilleure source d'omega 3! en tout cas je me sens mieux dans mon corps depuis le début de ma cure

C Corinne Boyer
Achat vérifié

J'ai totalement confiance aux produits de weightworld! 3ème compléments et 3ème résultats positifs. :) J'ai trouvé ma pharmacie je crois hihi

A Alix Auger
Achat vérifié

J'ai l'impression d'être plus en forme de mieux récupérer après mon running, d'être plus joyeuse... Simple coïncidence? je ne pense pas!

C ConstanceLmr
Achat vérifié


L Laureen69
Achat vérifié

J'aime la couleur car ils ont l'air cool, mais ils sont aussi plus faciles à prendre que les comprimés

V Veronica
Achat vérifié

Très bon.

A Ann
Achat vérifié

c'est mon supplément préféré, je suis sur la 4ème bouteille!

O Olivier
Achat vérifié

Je n'étais pas sûr des autres huiles de poisson, mais celles-ci semblent les meilleures. Cela fait quelques semaines maintenant et quelques changements

A Andrea
Achat vérifié

Jamais entendu parler de ce produit avant que je commence à chercher des suppléments d'oméga-3. Après avoir parcouru le site et après avoir lu toutes les informations, ce produit m'a convaincu le plus. Je l'utilise depuis quelques semaines et je peux ressentir une grande différence.

R Ria
Achat vérifié

Helps with eyes I have macular problems

W Winifred
Achat vérifié

Recommended as a pure source of omega oils. I’m happy with the packaging and I think this is one of the best deals for the amount of capsules you get. We take them and I sprinkle a few capsules on my dogs food each day too

M Mary S
Achat vérifié

This product is amazing for health and to boost your immunity.

S Steve
Achat vérifié

Good service bit early to know the benefits. So can’t realistically give five stars.

M Michael G
Achat vérifié

Great product, great price

Achat vérifié

Cheapest price for this product, excellent health benefits.

Achat vérifié

Good quality product.

H Hanaa M
Achat vérifié

Very fast delivery, product looks fine.

Achat vérifié

I have taken the product and can notice my joints feel good

M Marvin H
Achat vérifié

Physically my knees still clicks but mentally I have clarify and see the benefits.

M Mr M
Achat vérifié

Really happy with these, I often find that these types of things carry a terrible fishy aftertaste, which is what usually puts me off of them. I read on this one that it has no fishy aftertaste or odour, and they weren't lying!!!

V Vicky
Achat vérifié

not fishy taste or smell and easy to swallow

J Jenny
Achat vérifié

cool colour!

O Oliver
Achat vérifié


A Ashkesh
Achat vérifié

I wasn't sure about other fish oils, but these seem the best. Giving it a go for a few weeks now and noticing some changes

A Andrea
Achat vérifié

this is my favourite supplement, I'm on the 4th bottle!

O Olivier
Achat vérifié

Never heard of this before I started looking for general omega 3 supplements. I can across it on the site and after reading more it convinced me more than the others. I have been using for a few weeks now and I can feel a difference.

R Ria
Achat vérifié

I like the colour as they look cool but they're also easier to take than tablets

V Veronica
Achat vérifié

Very good

A Ann
Achat vérifié

Excellent service thank you, will be back for more.

J John
Achat vérifié

I was feeling weary and tired all the time, now after 2 weeks, I feel better and my skin is improved as well. Easy to swallow capsules. It also arrived one day earlier.

D Dott
Achat vérifié

dosage per capsule is high and there's no after taste so I am very happy

F Frank
Achat vérifié

After only one week taking this Omega 3 I'm feeling already with better mood and most important as I go to the gym, I'm feeling more alert and the recovery time after the workout is shorter them before

N Nathan
Achat vérifié

Since I do't like fish much I decided to get them to balance my intake of Omega 3. I was relief to see that the capsules were very easy to swallow and didn't taste like fish at all

N Niall
Achat vérifié

Will be buying again these are amazing

O Oscar
Achat vérifié

no complaints about this product and happy to know I'm getting Omegas from krill not fish.

F Finn
Achat vérifié

Helped my vision evidently. Thanks WW!

N Noah
Achat vérifié

Started taking them for maintaining my joint flexibility, and it worked within a month!

T Theodore
Achat vérifié

I don't like depending on medicines, so I tried this supplement for my eyes. I can see better now indeed!

L Leo
Achat vérifié

Amazing capsules for skin! My skin feels so smooth and flawless.

R Reggie
Achat vérifié

High amounts of krill oil in just 2 capsules! It's easy to take even in busy schedules.

T Toby
Achat vérifié

Thankfully these are gluten free, I have started feeling its benefits now after taking them for 2 weeks.

L Liam
Achat vérifié

My skin had started showing ageing signs but thankfully since taking these capsules have diminished those majorly.

L Lily
Achat vérifié

Amazed to see its effects on my skin!

P Poppy
Achat vérifié

Would highly recommend this to those women who don't wanna depend on chemical cosmetics anymore.

E Evie
Achat vérifié

100% satisfied with the result!

D Daisy
Achat vérifié

Would definitely recommend it to those who wanna maintain bone and joint flexibility without going for costly and chemical-based medicines.

C Carter
Achat vérifié

These really do what they claim. I read the page and now when am experiencing the benefits, am just speechless!

E Emerson
Achat vérifié

I knew krill oil is good for the skin but could never think of having it due to the smell. These softgels have no bad smell and are damn easy to swallow. Must try!

A Amber
Achat vérifié

Got my order in 2 days! So the delivery is fast. I got great customer service over the call since I wanted to enquire about the product.

B Braxton
Achat vérifié

One of the most reasonable and easy to take krill oil supplements I came across on the market. I just bought one.

H Harrison
Achat vérifié

No weird taste or smell, seamlessly does the work without causing any side effects.

E Edward
Achat vérifié

Best thing is its Astaxanthin content which indeed helps in keeping my skin young and smooth.

G Greyson
Achat vérifié

Checked the ingredients, the formula is indeed pure and natural. Very reliable supllement.

A Archie
Achat vérifié

Maintaining my hair with only shampoo and conditioner wasn't effective. I tried this supplement for 2 months and trust me, it really impacted my hair positively.

H Hailee
Achat vérifié

Been 3 months since taking them. I feel my skin and hair looks better now

M Maizie
Achat vérifié

Price seems a a bit high end, but I can tell it's totally worth it considering the number of benefits it offers.

B Ben
Achat vérifié

120 softgels at this price! It's comparatively cheaper than other similar supplements. Graet buy!

J Jammy
Achat vérifié

Thanks to the high EPA and DHA content in this capsule, my skin feels so much better now.

A Annie
Achat vérifié

Bought 2 packs and got a 10% discount plus free delivery. Awesome deal!

A Arnold
Achat vérifié

Due to my extended screen time, my cognitive abilities were slowly getting affected. But these capsules helped a lot in bringing that under control.

D Debby
Achat vérifié

Started taking it to maintain my heart health. But now I can see amazing changes on my skin too!

M Mia
Achat vérifié

Super happy with the purchase. They really do the job effectively!

D Darcy
Achat vérifié

Fast acting and effective. The softgel form is very easy to swallow.

P Pamela
Achat vérifié

Bought my first 2 packs, got 10% off. Softgels can be swallowed very easily. Hopefully they will work equally well.

M Meg
Achat vérifié

My best buy from WW till now. They are so effective on skin and also joint mobility!

J Judie
Achat vérifié

No side effects. No fishy aftertaste.

M Martha
Achat vérifié

Majorly helped me focus better on my work.

S Samuel
Achat vérifié

Amazing supplements for mental focus and alertness. I have been taking them for 2 months now.

A Amber
Achat vérifié

Started showing effects from the 3rd week onwards.

J Julia
Achat vérifié

It does help with vision, but need to be patient to see the effects.

L Lacey
Achat vérifié

Thought I would ask for money back, but then I experienced evident benefits and am quite happy with the results.

F Frank
Achat vérifié

Buy 3, save 20% plus free delivery is a great deal!

J Joshua
Achat vérifié

I knew EPA and DHA are great over overall body functioning, but these softgels made it easier for me to get these essential fatty acids

O Oswald
Achat vérifié

Saw awesome effects on my skin and hair. Can't thank more!

M Mrs
Achat vérifié

It has definitely made my skin feel smoother but slowly I started experiencing its benefits on my BP levels as well.

D Dorothy
Achat vérifié

2 months of supply in one bottle! That's a good deal.

M Marry
Achat vérifié

Effective results and works quickly!

T Tonny
Achat vérifié

I struggled with walking due to stiffness in my joints. Thankfully I tried this supplement. Now I feel comfortable while walking. No pain.

L Luka
Achat vérifié

Gave it to my mum for her joint pain issue. She is very happy with the results.

S Samuel
Achat vérifié

Fantastic customer service. Their representatives are so friendly!

D Derek
Achat vérifié

Worth trying. I can tell my leg movement has become much easier now.

N Nysa
Achat vérifié

I had to hide my skin problems. But after taking this capsule, now I can flaunt my flawless skin confidently!

I Ivy
Achat vérifié

Doesn't have a fishy taste and I could feel effects within just 2 weeks of use.

R Rose
Achat vérifié

Thomas My wife and I have started taking them. These are easy and quick solutions for busy professionals like us. Hope to see result soon.

M Mr
Achat vérifié

Effective product. Does what the page mentioned about it.

D Dan
Achat vérifié

Effective supplement for vision!

A Alice
Achat vérifié

This is my third buy and I totally vouch for its huge benefits! Does as the page mentions.

M Malisa
Achat vérifié

Better to take these supplements for maintaining skin than going for those chemical cosmetics which are costly but doesn't give results.

L Lenny
Achat vérifié

My best purchase so far on WW. Really fast working and effective.

R Roger
Achat vérifié

Helped relieve my joint pain. They really work!

T Tom
Achat vérifié

Wow!! These just made my hair look so much healthier!

L Lisa
Achat vérifié

Anyone looking for natural solution for thinning hair must try this capsule once. they will love the result I can say.

L Lorraine
Achat vérifié

Got evident benefits on my skin and hair especially. I also take it to maintain my heart health.

P Pamela
Achat vérifié

Have heard a lot about this product and its benefits. Just got my first bottle in 2 days, which is great! Hopefully the things I have heard turn out to be true for me!

E Evan
Achat vérifié

These softgels not only benefits my skin but also helps me stay more focused at work.

D Dolly
Achat vérifié

This website explains the product benefits so easily. I trust WW for every supplement I take. This one works well.

B Benny
Achat vérifié

Fast delivery. Products seems to start working in 2 weeks.

J Jordon
Achat vérifié

It's been 2 months since am taking these softgels. My heart health is better now as the doctor told me after seeing my reports.

A Aston
Achat vérifié

Worked on my skin and hair, not sure if it's benefitting my heart internally also. But am keeping faith.

A Arie
Achat vérifié

Must try if you are facing joint pain. Worked for me at least.

D Derek
Achat vérifié

Managed my skin concerns so effortlessly with these capsules! Am taking them regularly.

M Molly
Achat vérifié

Bought a WW supplement for the first time and I am going to be a regular customer I think. The supplement is very good!

D Darcy
Achat vérifié

The softgels seem to be helping me walk more easily as my joint pain is going away slowly.

P Peter
Achat vérifié

Am awestruck seeing how quickly these softgels impacted my skin! Could never believe if anyone else would have said!

M Maggie
Achat vérifié

I feel my concentration levels have become better now. I thank these softgels totally!

J Jules
Achat vérifié

Amazing capsule to maintain cognition and heart health.

C Carl
Achat vérifié

I take this supplement for heart and being a doctor I can say that these are pretty effective.

A Aston
Achat vérifié

Very easy to take as softgels never get stuck ni my throat unlike those bulky tablets.

C Claudia
Achat vérifié

Money back guarantee feature is awesome. I could try this supplement without any worries, and am happy with my purchase!

B Blake
Achat vérifié

One of my best purchases from WW. These started showing effects from the 2nd week itself.

H Harriot
Achat vérifié

My skin is too sensitive to tolerate cosmetics. But this softgel gave no side effects, may be because they are natural.

E Emma
Achat vérifié

I gave it to my dad to help him cope with cognitive problems. He seems to be doing much better now.

G George
Achat vérifié

Just got my bottle. Too early to make a judgement, but my friend says it works wonders!

A Alfred
Achat vérifié

I would give it a 5 because it really does everything the page mentioned about this product.

H Holly
Achat vérifié

5 star for this softgel!

M Mark
Achat vérifié

I don't even feel am gulping anything, the softgels get swallowed so smoothly! And it leaves no bad aftertaste on my palette.

M Minnie
Achat vérifié

I stay more focused and mentally active at work since using these capsules!

S Sam
Achat vérifié

Great source of omega 3 and has no bad taste unlike most krill oils.

R Ron
Achat vérifié

Thankfully I gave it a try! The softgels are so easy to take and so effective on my vision

A Alex
Achat vérifié

I struggled with my vision even after taking specs. This supplement helped me with my vision naturally from within.

G Grace
Achat vérifié

Got on-time delivery. The softgels have jst started their work on me, so hopefully I will get result in a couple of weeks.

F Fred
Achat vérifié

Excited to try this supplement. Got it yesterday. Shipping and delivery was very smooth.

J Jean
Achat vérifié

Bought 2 and got fast plus free delivery within 2 days!

A Autumn
Achat vérifié

Got this pack at a 20% discount as I bought 3 packs together!

M Mr
Achat vérifié

Best thing is whenever I buy, I get a discount on multipacks. This brand gives amazing offers round the year!

M Megan
Achat vérifié

Good source of omega 3, and best alternative option for people like me who hate the smell of fish..This supplement gives no such smell.

V Victoria
Achat vérifié

I was too sceptical about having fish oil. So I tried this softgel version and it actually was easy to take as it doesn't have that typical fishy smell.

W Wendy
Achat vérifié

Finally a odour-free krill oil supplement! I enjoy taking them every day without facing any fishy taste on my tongue!

L Luke
Achat vérifié

I no need to hide my skin concerns anymore as they are slowly fading away, thanks to these capsules!

S Susan
Achat vérifié

Price is comparatively more reasonable than other krill oil capsules. But effect wise this one is better.

D Dorothy
Achat vérifié

Much better choice than other krill oil capsules in terms of price and time of showing effects.

N Narcia
Achat vérifié

My skin looks naturally gorgeous now without applying makeup. It's the magic of these capsules!

I Isabella
Achat vérifié

Very impactful and strong softgels. I have experienced great benefits and that too within a short span of time.

R Rosy
Achat vérifié

My entire family is taking these as I feel krill oil can help anyone and everyone. We are satisfied with the effects.

C Charlie
Achat vérifié

Product is highly effective. I wish the shipping was free for 1 pack.

S Steph
Achat vérifié

Brilliant! Saw visible results in the first month!

M Matt
Achat vérifié

Insanely good, gonna buy one for my husband too!

A Alisa
Achat vérifié

Being an actor, it's very important for me to maintain my skin and hair. This supplement helped me a lot in doing so!

N Noah
Achat vérifié

Whoever is still sceptical about trying these, just go for it. I got amazing results within 3 weeks!

O Oscar
Achat vérifié

Lived up to my expectation. I would buy another bottle.

W William
Achat vérifié

Did exactly what I had expected for my skin and hair. Love it!

O Oliver M
Achat vérifié

The softgels worked so well, I am already ordering my 2nd pack to stock up for future!

A Amelia
Achat vérifié

Only been 2 days since am using it. But have to mention that the delivery was in lightening speed! Impressed!

I Isla
Achat vérifié

Absolutely game changing supplement! I couldn't have thought my skin can look so much better in such a short time!

A Ava
Achat vérifié

I got 2 bottles at once to stock up and also get the 10% off + free delivery!

J Jessica
Achat vérifié

Great discounts on combo pack! I always buy 2 at a go to fetch the offer!

E Ella
Achat vérifié

Worked so well on my joints and hair! Am just awestruck.

I Isabella
Achat vérifié

Loved how gentle these are on stomach and yet works effectively.

P Poppy
Achat vérifié

One of my best decisions is to buy this supplement. Helped me with my skin concerns majorly!

S Sophia
Achat vérifié

Good and easy to take softgels. I take them every day without a gap.

B Bartholomew
Achat vérifié

If you're wondering whether it works, I can tell you it definitely does!

G Griffith
Achat vérifié

At first I thought am getting no benefits, but from third week onwards I can see evident changes in my skin and hair.

J Jones
Achat vérifié

Super happy with the product effectiveness and smooth delivery process!

T Tobiah
Achat vérifié

Just bought it. The delivery was indeed fast as people say. Let's hope the amazing reviews of the product are true as well

W Wilbert
Achat vérifié

Used to stay worried about leg pain constantly, unless I tried this supplement. Such an amazingly effective product from WW!

B Blanche
Achat vérifié

Ever grateful to these krill oil capsules for helping me with my joint pain.

D Dominique
Achat vérifié

I was going through joint pain for almost 3 months and nothing helped. This supplement, however, gave me the relief I needed badly. thanks!

K Kirsten
Achat vérifié

Great Krill oil supplement. Smooth delivery!

M Mildred
Achat vérifié

Smooth delivery and friendly customer service!

O Odessa
Achat vérifié

Fast acting and effective!

A Aaron
Achat vérifié

I thought it was too good to be true. but these actually work exactly as people are saying!

A Adam
Achat vérifié

Worked like magic! Within 3 weeks, my pain in gone. I can walk comfortably.

A Albie
Achat vérifié

Gave my skin and joints evident benefits. I wish I could show how flawless skin looks now!

A Alfie
Achat vérifié

1000/100 for this supplement!

C Clive
Achat vérifié

Must buy! Good for joint pain.

D Daniel
Achat vérifié

Full of EPA and DHA, I can really feel their benefits.

E Elijah
Achat vérifié

These are indeed natural, felt no bad side effects.

F Finley
Achat vérifié

Gave me results within 2.5 weeks but no negative side effects.

F Frankie
Achat vérifié

I got great benefits. Now am buying 2 packs for me and my wife.

G Gabriel
Achat vérifié

My family has benefitted a lot from its regular intake!

H Harvey
Achat vérifié

My entire family is a regular customer of WW supplements and we take this one religiously. Love it's effects!

H Henry
Achat vérifié

If you're tired of trying cosmetics for skin that doesn't work, I would suggest just try this one. You won't regret it.

H Hugh
Achat vérifié

Wooooow! When did my joint pain go? I couldn't even feel. These supplements are just wooow!

H Hugo
Achat vérifié

My aunt suggested to try this for my hair issue. She has got great results. Hope I get it too!

L LewisC
Achat vérifié

One of those products which does the work silently without causing any harmful effects..

L Liam
Achat vérifié

All their products are GMP certified. So I can rely on WW supplements completely!

L Logan
Achat vérifié

No bad taste, no side effects, no harmful ingredients. What more do you want!

L Louie
Achat vérifié

Easy to take alternative to krill oil liquid.

L Lucas
Achat vérifié

This supplement takes care of my daughter's and my skin so gently.

D Dorothy
Achat vérifié

Very gentle on stomach but does what it says.

W William
Achat vérifié

It's been a month or so since am taking these softgels and I can say these work better than any other krill oil supplements I had tried.

M Michael
Achat vérifié

Worked like a magic spell! So fast!

N Nathan
Achat vérifié

Thomas I struggled with keeping my focus on one work. this supplement helped a lot with it.

R Reggie
Achat vérifié

Too early to say if it works. But I have seen it working very well for my friend.

T Teddy
Achat vérifié

I hated taking tablets as those big ones mostly got stuck. But these softgels are pretty easy to gulp.

S Stanley
Achat vérifié

Brilliant effects in just 7 days! Happyyyyyyy!

A Abigail
Achat vérifié

Being in the glamour industry, I always needed to look my best. These softgels helped me maintain my skin effortlessly.

A Adele
Achat vérifié

Was hesitant to try krill oil supplements at first, but once I started them, I turned into a regular consumer. They indeed work!

A Alice
Achat vérifié

Did show effects as was expected. Good product.

A Amelie
Achat vérifié

Outstanding results and worked so fast!

A Anna
Achat vérifié

Didn't expect it to work so well on my skin. Am pleasantly surprised.

A Amelia
Achat vérifié

Been 6 days since taking these softgels. I think they have just started showing some effects on my skin.

D Doris
Achat vérifié

Effective softgels for skin and hair.

H Harriet
Achat vérifié

My friend's husband had recommended this to me for my joint pain. It not only helped me resolve that but also restored my skin's glow.

E Evie
Achat vérifié

Thankfully I started taking these supplements, otherwise, I would have regretted.

G Georgia
Achat vérifié

Worth trying as it gives no bad effects and also has a money back guarantee.

E Evelyn
Achat vérifié

Easy to take. No side effects.

E Elsie
Achat vérifié

Impacted my mother's joint issues positively. She's got some relief from pain now.

E Ellie
Achat vérifié

Super excited to try this supplement. My bestie told me it has worked like magic for her vision and skin.

E Edith
Achat vérifié

Delivery and customer service are simply brilliant! I can trust this website for service any day. Just started taking this supplement. Let's hope it will work.

D Dorothy
Achat vérifié

Haven't felt any effects on my memory yet, but definitely helped with my vision. I can see better.

H Heather
Achat vérifié

Really effective on vision. great for eyes.

H Heidi
Achat vérifié

Pretty fast-acting krill oil supplement. One of the most effective ones on the market.

H Hollie
Achat vérifié

Softgels size is small and gets swallowed quite smoothly. I couldn't gulp tablets but these seem easier to take.

I Iris
Achat vérifié

Best alternative to liquid krill oil or other fish oils because it has no fishy taste or smell.

J Julia
Achat vérifié

Brilliant potency. One of the highest I have seen among other such supplements.

K Karen
Achat vérifié

Love the fact that WW supplements have no GMOs. It really makes their supplements reliable for intake.

K Katty
Achat vérifié

120 capsules at this price is unbelievable!

K Kelly
Achat vérifié

Wow, within 4 weeks these supplements have started making me feel rejuvenated from within!

L Leah
Achat vérifié

Benefitted my joints so much! I am indebted for life.

L Lucy
Achat vérifié

Been 2 days since using it. They are quite convenient and don't have any bitter taste like tablets. Hopefully they will work soon as well

M Maizie
Achat vérifié

I was so careless and used to stay unmindful most of the time. Thanks to these softgels, I can focus on work and daily chores better.

M Maria
Achat vérifié

Did a great job on my vision and mental alertness. Must buy!

M Martha
Achat vérifié

Bought the 3rd bottle. I am regularly taking them as they are doing a great job on my skin.

M Mia
Achat vérifié

My ankle was aching a lot since last month and doctors couldn't figure out why. I tried this supplement and trust me, it helped so much!

M Millie
Achat vérifié

My dad got much relief after taking these supplements for about a month for his joint issues. I have recently started taking it for maintaining my skin and it works!

M Molly
Achat vérifié

I would highly recommend these for joint pain if anyone doesn;t wanna go for medicines like me.

N Natasha
Achat vérifié

Kudos to these supplements. Worked so well on my leg pain!

P Penelope
Achat vérifié

My skin conditions are diminishing slowly. I can't thank these softgels enough.

R Rose
Achat vérifié

My granny thank me every day for giving her these supplements. She is so happy with its effects on her joints.

B Benjamin
Achat vérifié

My mother struggled with climbing stairs due to her joint issue. But these softgels definitely helped her.

B Benedict
Achat vérifié

At first, I thought it was not working, but from the third week onwards I started experiencing evident side effects on my legs.

A Albert
Achat vérifié

Good supplement and great potency as compared to other krill oil capsules

Z Zoe
Achat vérifié

Thankfully this is a softgel and not a liquid supplement. No bad taste but works as effectively as krill oil liquids.

Z Zara
Achat vérifié

One of the most effective krill oil supplements I have tried so far. Most of the others don't work actually.

W Willow
Achat vérifié

Being a regular customer of WW, I knew this krill oil capsule will also be as effective as their other supplements. And I wasn't wrong!

V Violet
Achat vérifié

First time buying from Weightworld and am completely satisfied with the supplement's effects.

S Summer
Achat vérifié

Not sure how much it benefitted my cognition but I can say it actually helped my vision a lot.

S Sarah
Achat vérifié

My friend sent this supplement to me for maintaining my skin health. She says she has got amazing results after using it. Let's see if it works for me too!

S Sara
Achat vérifié

My order got stuck due to some genuine issue. I called up customer service and got very friendly assistance. Delivery was done smoothly after that. Thanks WW

F Francis
Achat vérifié

Their customer service is always amazing. On time and at home delivery is great. This is the 2nd supplement I'm trying from WW.

F Frederick
Achat vérifié

4th buy from WW products. Hopefully this will work as effectively as the others have!

G Gideon
Achat vérifié

Just received my first bottle. Softgels are very easy to swallow and there's no bad smell or anything. Let's see if it does its job.

H Harold
Achat vérifié

Worked wonders for my skin and joints. So thankful to WW for creating this.

R Reginald
Achat vérifié

Wasn't expecting it to work so fast and effectively as it did!

S Sebastian
Achat vérifié

My wife and I are totally surprised with its effects on our skin!

T Theodore
Achat vérifié

Bought it after reading the great reviews. I can say the reviews weren't wrong!

R Ronald
Achat vérifié

These reviews speak for the product. It actually does wonders!

A Adelaide
Achat vérifié

My cousin sent this to me to help me maintain my skin. She says she has got amazing results. Fingers crossed!

A Althea
Achat vérifié

Too early to say it works, but I have started noticing some good changes on my skin.

F Florence
Achat vérifié

love love love how it made my skin looks flawless so naturally from within.

E Emilia
Achat vérifié

Fishy smell was the major reason why I never tried fish oil supplements. but this one really has no smell.

E Eliza
Achat vérifié

100% effective. I can vouch for it any day!

E Eleanor
Achat vérifié

My skin feels lil smoother now after taking these softgels for 7 days. Hope it shows better effects in a month.

E Edwina
Achat vérifié

Quite helpful with my joint issue.

D Darcie
Achat vérifié

I hated wearing those huge specs all the time and then I started looking for natural solutions. This supplement actually helped my vision a lot.

C Cicely
Achat vérifié

effective supplement and that too at a cheap price.

C Charlotte
Achat vérifié

One of the best omega 3 sources according to me. Very easy way to get omega 3 as well.

C Cecilia
Achat vérifié

I got to know about krill oil's benefits few days back. But on this page I learnt a lot more about its benefits. When I tried the softgels, I literally felt those effects!

A Arabella
Achat vérifié

Taking them for 1 year for my heart and I have felt more benefits than just that.

R Regina
Achat vérifié

Worke don joints and now I feel more confident while walking.

C Caleb
Achat vérifié

Definitely have been effective on my skin and joints. Must buy

J Jamie
Achat vérifié

Anyone looking for joint supplements can go for this. They are natural, gentle yet effective!

J Jasper
Achat vérifié

Tried other joint care supplements but nothing worked, except for this one!

R Reuben
Achat vérifié

Am quite satisfied with how it helped me get rid of my skin concerns.

R Ryan
Achat vérifié

This is my 2nd orde of krill oil softgels. Gonna keep taking them as they work so well.

Z Zachary
Achat vérifié

Competitive price, very effective!

B Bella
Achat vérifié

No nonsense product. no bad chemicals or filler. Simply natural and effective

F Freya
Achat vérifié

No bad stuff in it, yet it does the job well!

A Amber
Achat vérifié

Have been looking for an eye care supplement. Thankfully I went for this one. It's so good!

A Aston
Achat vérifié

My vision is better now. I am so happy with the purchase!

E Ellina
Achat vérifié

Lemme tell you that if someone is looking for something to help their vision, they should go for this one.

J Jasmine
Achat vérifié

Umm..seems to be working now. It's been just 4 days. I will wait to see more effects.

M Max
Achat vérifié

High strength and does its job silently.

C Carl
Achat vérifié

Well, it worked for me at least!

B Bobby
Achat vérifié

Nice price point. I could try them worry-free due to money back guarantee. And am super stoked to see the effects.

S Sadie
Achat vérifié

Just try it once. you will never depend on any other supplement!

M Megan
Achat vérifié

Managed my joint problem seamlessly.

M Matilda
Achat vérifié

One of my best purchases from WW. A true woneder!

M Maryam
Achat vérifié

Impacted my heart health and vision evidently. I am happy.

G Gedeon
Achat vérifié

My mother got help with her vision since taking these softgels. I am thankful to WW!

B Bernard
Achat vérifié

Probably the only supplement that actually worked effectively on my skin and joints.

C Cassidy
Achat vérifié

Great to notice some amazing changes on my skin. I am excited to see what else it has got to give me!

P Philip
Achat vérifié

I stopped depending on chemical-based medicines for my joint pain since taking these softgels. It worked!

K Kimberly
Achat vérifié

Been 4 months now since am consuming these capsules. So far so good!

A Artie
Achat vérifié

No complaints from my side so far. They really work without giving side effects.

E Emil
Achat vérifié

My mind always keeps wandering from thought to thought. This tiny softgel eventually helped me stay focused throughout the day!

A Ava
Achat vérifié

SO far very effective. No side effects though

T Timothy
Achat vérifié

An absolute game-changer! My joints have never felt better since I started taking these softgels. No more creaky knees during my morning walks. Highly recommended!

C Charlotte
Achat vérifié

I've always struggled with dry eyes, but ever since I started taking these softgels, my eyes feel refreshed and rejuvenated. No more discomfort or redness. Thank you, WeightWorld!

E Emily
Achat vérifié

I've tried various fish oil supplements in the past, but the fishy aftertaste was unbearable. This krill oil from WW is a game-changer. No unpleasant odour or taste whatsoever. Finally, a supplement I can enjoy!

A Amelia
Achat vérifié

As an athlete, joint mobility is crucial for me. Since I started taking these softgels, my joints feel much more flexible and agile. I can now perform at my best without worrying about any discomfort.

I Isaac
Achat vérifié

A true gem! It has helped me combat dryness and itchiness in my scalp, making my hair look and feel healthier. Goodbye, dandruff!

I Isabella
Achat vérifié

This has become an essential part of my daily routine. It keeps my brain sharp, my joints supple, and my heart strong. I wouldn't go a day without it!

S Sophie
Achat vérifié

I've been struggling with joint problems for years, but these softgels have been a game-changer. The high-strength Omega 3 in this krill oil provides incredible relief. I can finally move without discomfort.

L Lily
Achat vérifié

I've always had brittle nails, but after using this krill oil, they've become stronger and healthier. My nails are no longer prone to breaking. I'm thrilled with the results!

G Grace
Achat vérifié

I used to suffer from constant brain fog, but this krill oil has cleared it away. My mental clarity and focus have improved immensely. It's like a fog has been lifted from my mind.

M Mia
Achat vérifié

I can't recommend this krill oil enough. My hair has become thicker and healthier, and my skin is glowing. WeightWorld has truly nailed it with this supplement!

C Chloe
Achat vérifié

My joints used to ache after workouts, but not anymore. This krill oil has been a game-changer. I feel more flexible and recover faster after intense exercise sessions.

D Daisy
Achat vérifié

I love how these softgels have improved the appearance of my skin. The astaxanthin works wonders, giving me a natural glow and reducing the signs of ageing. A true beauty secret!

A Ava
Achat vérifié

I've struggled with joint stiffness for years, but this krill oil supplement has made a world of difference. I feel more agile and mobile than ever before. Thank you, WeightWorld, for this incredible supplement!

P Poppy
Achat vérifié

I used to suffer from dry skin, but since I started taking these softgels, my skin feels hydrated and supple. No more flakiness or discomfort. WeightWorld, you've won me over!

P Phoebe
Achat vérifié

My go-to supplement for joint health. The high-strength Omega 3 has significantly reduced my joint discomfort and inflammation. I can't thank them enough!

M Madison
Achat vérifié

I've struggled with dry and brittle nails for as long as I can remember, but this krill oil has transformed them. They're now strong and healthy, and I couldn't be happier!

M Matilda
Achat vérifié

I've noticed a significant improvement in my joint mobility since I started taking these softgels. It's like a miracle worker for my joints. Highly recommended!

F Florence
Achat vérifié

I used to dread taking Omega 3 supplements because of the fishy aftertaste. But with this, there's no unpleasant odour or taste. It's a game-changer!

S Scarlett
Achat vérifié

I've tried numerous supplements to support my joint health, but this krill oil is the most effective one. The results are incredible, and I no longer have to suffer from joint discomfort.

L Linda
Achat vérifié

My secret weapon for youthful-looking skin. I believe, the astaxanthin in it has improved my skin's elasticity and helped with the appearance of wrinkles. It's like a fountain of youth in a bottle! Will buy again!

J Jennifer
Achat vérifié

This krill oil is top-notch! Helped with my joint flexibility, but the delivery took a bit longer than expected.

J James
Achat vérifié

Great value for the price! This krill oil has improved my heart health, but I wish the delivery was faster.

H Harry
Achat vérifié

I've noticed a difference in my skin since taking this krill oil. However, the packaging could be more secure. Good product though!

O Ollie
Achat vérifié

Made my hair healthier, but I found the softgels a bit difficult to swallow.

O Oscar
Achat vérifié

This krill oil has helped with my joint pain, but I wish the packaging was more eco-friendly.

S Stanley
Achat vérifié

This is the real deal. My hair has become thicker and shinier after using this supplement for just a few weeks. It's like having a salon treatment in a bottle!

L Liam
Achat vérifié

If you're looking for a top-quality Omega 3 supplement, look no further. I've been using this for more than a month now. It has boosted my brain power and focus. I feel sharper and more alert throughout the day.

O Oliver
Achat vérifié

My secret to my youthful skin. The astaxanthin in these softgels has done wonders for my complexion. My skin looks radiant and smoother than ever before.

E Elise
Achat vérifié

I used to struggle with maintaining a healthy heart before, but these krill oil softgels have truly revitalised it. I feel more energised and my overall heart health has improved significantly.

J Jack
Achat vérifié

I love the fact that this krill oil is sourced sustainably. It's not only good for my health but also for the environment. Kudos to WeightWorld for their commitment to sustainability.

A Archie
Achat vérifié

WeightWorld's krill oil is worth every penny. I've noticed a significant improvement in my overall well-being since I started taking these softgels. It's like a natural health booster in a bottle.

J Joseph
Achat vérifié

Amazing product. Very effective. 5 stars ✨!

M Mohammed
Achat vérifié

Gave me a new lease on life. The astaxanthin in these softgels has improved my joint mobility, making everyday tasks much easier. I can't thank them enough!

L Lucas
Achat vérifié

A must-have for anyone concerned about heart health. I've noticed a significant reduction in my cholesterol levels since I started taking these softgels. Worth every penny!

J Joshua
Achat vérifié

I've been taking fish oil for years, but this krill oil has blown me away. No more fishy burps or unpleasant aftertaste. WeightWorld has created a winner with this one.

M Max
Achat vérifié

Undoubtedly the best investment I've made for my overall health. The combination of essential fatty acids and astaxanthin has made a noticeable difference in my well-being.

J Jacob
Achat vérifié

Since I started taking this krill oil, my hair has become thicker and shinier. I no longer have to worry about thinning hair. This is a true lifesaver!

E Ethan
Achat vérifié

This is the best thing that's happened to my hair. It has become stronger and less prone to breakage. I can finally enjoy long, luscious locks!

C Charlie
Achat vérifié

This krill oil has done wonders for my brain health. I feel sharper and more focused, especially during demanding tasks. WeightWorld has created a true brain booster!

N Noah
Achat vérifié

I've tried various Omega 3 supplements in the past, but this krill oil is by far the best. It's easily absorbed and provides noticeable results. WeightWorld, you've won me as a customer for life!

A Alfie
Achat vérifié

Definitely a must-have for anyone concerned about heart health. It has revitalised my heart, giving me more energy and stamina throughout the day. I'm hooked!

F Finley
Achat vérifié

Definitely a must-have for anyone concerned about heart health. It has revitalised my heart, giving me more energy and stamina throughout the day. I'm hooked!

F Finley
Achat vérifié

This krill oil has become my secret to youthful-looking skin. The astaxanthin has reduced the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. WeightWorld, you've made me feel confident in my own skin!

E Esther
Achat vérifié

Worked wonders for my overall well-being. I feel more energetic and focused throughout the day. It's become an essential part of my daily routine.

R Robin
Achat vérifié

I used to have hair problems before. But this krill oil has become my go-to supplement for maintaining healthy hair. It has thickened and strengthened my hair, making it look more vibrant and full of life.

M Mark
Achat vérifié

I've tried different Omega 3 supplements in the past, but this krill oil is on another level. Best choice for overall health and well-being. I'm satisfied!

H Henry
Achat vérifié

I'm impressed with the results of this krill oil. My hair feels stronger and my skin is glowing. Packaging could be improved though.

A Alice
Achat vérifié

Effective for joint support, but I had a tad bit higher expectations. Good product overall.

F Freya
Achat vérifié

This krill oil is worth the investment. It has improved my brain function, but nothing extraordinary as such. Good product.

E Emma
Achat vérifié

Good quality krill oil that supports heart health. However, I was disappointed with the delivery. My bottle arrived a day late. The customer support was excellent though.

I Imogen
Achat vérifié

Perfect for joint mobility. The price is reasonable, but the packaging could be more secure.

N Naomi
Achat vérifié

I can't recommend this krill oil enough for maintaining healthy hair. My locks have become stronger and less prone to breakage. WeightWorld has made my hair dreams come true!

M Maya
Achat vérifié

This krill oil has transformed my joint health. I used to experience discomfort and stiffness, but now I feel more flexible and agile. WeightWorld, you've earned a loyal customer!

E Emilia
Achat vérifié

I've been using it for a while. My hair has become thicker and healthier, and I can't stop running my fingers through it. I'm beyond impressed!

G Gwen
Achat vérifié

This krill oil is incredible. My brain fog has lifted, and I feel more focused and alert. Will be buying again!

C Case
Achat vérifié

These are a must-have for anyone looking to improve joint mobility. The results are remarkable, and I no longer feel restricted by joint discomfort. Thank you, WeightWorld!

C Charles
Achat vérifié

I've struggled with achy joints before, but this krill oil has significantly reduced it. Best supplement for supporting joint health. Highly recommend!

T Tobias
Achat vérifié

It is my go-to supplement for healthy skin. The astaxanthin has improved my complexion, making it more vibrant and youthful. I'm thrilled with the results!

M Matthew
Achat vérifié

This krill oil has become my daily dose of vitality. It keeps my brain sharp, my heart healthy, and my joints flexible. WeightWorld, you've created a true powerhouse of a supplement!

L Lewis
Achat vérifié

A must-have for anyone seeking joint relief. It has reduced my joint discomfort and improved my mobility. I can't thank WeightWorld enough!

J Jude
Achat vérifié

Tried so many supplements before, but this one is hands down the best choice for healthy hair. My hair has become thicker and less prone to breakage. It's like a hair transformation in a bottle!

T Thea
Achat vérifié

I've been searching for a high-quality Omega 3 supplement for so long. Finally, my boyfriend suggested me WeightWorld's krill oil. This is phenomenal. It absorbs better, providing more effective results for my overall health.

H Heidi
Achat vérifié

Amazing product! Works like a charm! 5 stars!

J John
Achat vérifié

I've tried numerous supplements for heart health, but this krill oil supplement suits me best. It has revitalised my heart, giving me a new lease on life. I'm loving it!

E Ellis
Achat vérifié

No more dry, itchy eyes. It has revitalized my eyes, reducing dryness and irritation. I can see the difference in a month!

E Edward
Achat vérifié

I've been taking these softgels for 3 weeks now and I already feel more energetic, focused, and balanced. Very effective! It's a must-have for a healthy lifestyle. 5 stars!

O Oswald
Achat vérifié

This has become my beauty secret. The astaxanthin has improved my skin's appearance, making it more youthful and vibrant. Will order again!

P Paige
Achat vérifié

My go-to supplement for joint flexibility. It has reduced my joint stiffness, allowing me to move more freely. I'm forever grateful!

T Tony
Achat vérifié

I was looking for a good supplement to support my heart health for a long time. and I finally found this. This is the best! I love how it has revitalised my heart, giving me the energy to conquer each day with gusto. Highly recommended!

M Miles
Achat vérifié

I've experienced positive changes in my hair thickness with this krill oil. However, the effects were a bit slow for me. Expected faster results.

H Hope
Achat vérifié

Overall a good product for joint support. However, the effects could be more pronounced.

A Aisha
Achat vérifié

Have been using it for 2 weeks now. It has somewhat helped me with my joint flexibility, but I expected faster results.

B Bruce
Achat vérifié

I've noticed an improvement in my hair strength since taking this krill oil. Good product. Price could be a bit lower though. 4 stars!

M Maxine
Achat vérifié

This krill oil has helped with my joint discomfort. The product is effective but it took longer than I expected.

S Sam
Achat vérifié

I love the fact that this is sustainably sourced. Feels great to know that I'm taking care of my health and the environment at the same time. A win-win!

S Sebastian
Achat vérifié

I've struggled with joint stiffness for years, but this krill oil has been a game-changer. I feel more mobile and agile, even after intense workouts. WeightWorld, thank you for this incredible product!

L Logan
Achat vérifié

Clearly the best Omega 3 supplement I've ever tried. It's highly effective, and the absence of any fishy odour or aftertaste is a major plus. A top-notch product!

A Audrey
Achat vérifié

Heart problems have been running in my family for generations. So, I've always been concerned about my heart health ever since I entered my 30s, but this krill oil has put my worries at ease. It has become my daily companion for a healthy heart.

L Lucy
Achat vérifié

I love the benefits of astaxanthin for my skin, and it delivers exactly that. My skin looks more radiant and youthful. It's my little beauty secret!

L Lauren
Achat vérifié

This krill oil is a powerhouse for heart health. It has revitalised my heart, giving me the energy to tackle whatever the day throws at me.

L Lola
Achat vérifié

I've tried various Omega 3 supplements, but this krill oil stands out from the rest. It absorbs better, and I've noticed a noticeable improvement in my overall well-being. WeightWorld, you've won me over!

A Anna
Achat vérifié

I used to avoid Omega 3 supplements before because of the fishy taste, but WeightWorld's krill oil changed the game. No more unpleasant aftertaste, just pure benefits for my health.

J Jasmine
Achat vérifié

I've struggled with brittle nails for as long as I can remember, but this krill oil has strengthened them. It's my nail saviour!

P Penny
Achat vérifié

This krill oil has become my secret weapon for youthful-looking skin. The astaxanthin has diminished the appearance of wrinkles, giving me a natural glow. WeightWorld, you've exceeded my expectations!

R Rhonda
Achat vérifié

I used to suffer from a dry, itchy scalp, but this krill oil has provided much-needed relief. It's a scalp saviour!

T Tom
Achat vérifié

Definitely my go-to supplement for joint health. Reduced inflammation and improved my flexibility. I can now enjoy an active lifestyle without limitations.

S Susan
Achat vérifié

Best krill oil supplement for the price. Go for it, man!

J Julian
Achat vérifié

It has made my hair stronger, shinier, and healthier in 3 weeks. I can't stop receiving compliments. Thank you, WeightWorld!

M Monica
Achat vérifié

I've always struggled with concentration, but this krill oil has improved my focus. This is a brain booster like no other. Thanks, WW!

R Roman
Achat vérifié

Taking these amazing softgels daily has relieved my joint discomfort, allowing me to enjoy an active lifestyle without limitations. I can't recommend this krill oil enough for joint support. Well done, WeightWorld!

A Amanda
Achat vérifié

Tried various Omega 3 supplements, but this krill oil takes the cake. Remarkable improvement in my overall health. WeightWorld, you've earned my trust!

A Alex
Achat vérifié

This krill oil supplement from WW has become my secret to healthy hair. It has nourished my hair from within, making it stronger and more lustrous. I'm happier than ever!

E Evelyn
Achat vérifié

Such a wonderful supplement! I take it daily and it has reduced inflammation and improved my mobility in a month. I can now enjoy an active lifestyle without any discomfort.

A Anne
Achat vérifié

This krill oil has improved my heart health, and the price is great. I just wish the delivery was a bit faster.

N Norman
Achat vérifié

I'm pleased with the results of this krill oil on my skin. The only downside was the delayed delivery.

C Clark
Achat vérifié

WeightWorld's Antarctic Krill Oil is effective for brain health. I'm impressed. But the packaging could be sturdier to prevent damage during transit.

C Chase
Achat vérifié

My friend recommended me this. It has been great for his heart health. Started taking these softgels 5 days ago. Expecting similar results.

D Daniel
Achat vérifié

Heard a lot about this supplement from my friends. They use it and are very satisfied. Ordered a bottle for me. Delivery was early and I just started taking it. Let's see how it does in the long run.

J Jim
Achat vérifié

I've struggled with dry eyes for a while, but this krill oil has changed the game. WeightWorld, you've given me clear vision and relief from discomfort. I'm forever grateful!

O Olivia
Achat vérifié

The ultimate beauty secret. It has given me youthful, glowing skin. It's my go-to supplement for looking and feeling amazing!

G Georgia
Achat vérifié

This krill oil is a game-changer for joint health. I no longer experience discomfort or stiffness. WeightWorld, thank you for giving me the freedom to move!

D Dan
Achat vérifié

I can't express how impressed I am with this krill oil. It absorbs better than fish oil, and the results are evident. My brain feels sharper, and my joints are better now!

L Leah
Achat vérifié

This krill oil has been a lifesaver for my joints. I can finally enjoy physical activities without any discomfort. WeightWorld, you've made a loyal customer out of me!

J Janet
Achat vérifié

Tried so many Omega 3 supplements before, but this krill oil is top-notch. My hair has never looked this healthy, and my skin is radiant. WeightWorld, you've exceeded my expectations!

Z Zoe
Achat vérifié

Supports my heart health, joint mobility, and even gives my hair a natural shine. I'm loving the results!

Z Zack
Achat vérifié

Best Omega 3 supplement I've tried hands down. Does the job. I'm satisfied!

A Anya
Achat vérifié

This krill oil is a lifesaver for joint mobility. I no longer have to miss out on my favorite activities. WeightWorld, you've given me back my freedom!

M Melissa
Achat vérifié

I can't recommend this enough! It's made a world of difference to my joint mobility. No more creaky knees!

M Martin
Achat vérifié

I've tried a lot of Omega 3 supplements before, but none of them come close to this one from WW. It's the best for supporting my brain and focus. Highly satisfied. Will be buying again.

A Abel
Achat vérifié

Bye-bye fishy aftertaste! This is the only supplement that doesn't leave me regretting my choice. Highly recommended.

A Aurelia
Achat vérifié

Wanted something for my skin. This does the job. Additionally, it also takes care of my overall well-being.

C Claudia
Achat vérifié

Joint discomfort was hindering my daily activities until I discovered WeightWorld's Antarctic Krill Oil. Now, I can move with ease!

K Kitty
Achat vérifié

Worth every penny! I've noticed a significant improvement in my brain function and focus. Highly satisfied!

J Jimmy
Achat vérifié

Finally, an Omega 3 supplement that doesn't leave a fishy smell in my breath! WeightWorld's krill oil is a game-changer. Lovely!

K Kit
Achat vérifié

The benefits of astaxanthin in WeightWorld's krill oil are incredible! My skin looks and feels rejuvenated. I couldn't be happier! 5 Stars!

A Ada
Achat vérifié

Has done wonders for my hair. It's stronger, thicker, and more manageable. Highly recommended!

L Leela
Achat vérifié

Say goodbye to fishy burps! WeightWorld's krill oil is gentle on the stomach and doesn't leave any unpleasant aftertaste. Two thumbs up!

S Sylvie
Achat vérifié

My skin has never looked better since I started taking WeightWorld's krill oil. The astaxanthin has worked wonders! Thanks WW!

M Maze
Achat vérifié

Quite effective, but I wish it were more affordable. It's been helpful for my skin, though!

B Bruno
Achat vérifié

Took a bit longer to arrive. My joints feel better, though! Good!

S Serena
Achat vérifié

The delivery was delayed by 1 day, but the product itself is effective. Good!

B Brooklyn
Achat vérifié

Works wonders, but the delivery was delayed. Patience paid off!

C Courtney
Achat vérifié

A bit pricey, but it's worth the investment for better heart health.

C Camilla
Achat vérifié

Say goodbye to that fishy aftertaste with this krill oil. WeightWorld has delivered a supplement that goes down smoothly and is effective. Love it! 5 Stars ✨!

B Benjamin
Achat vérifié

I've been taking this krill oil for a while, and the benefits are undeniable. My joints feel more flexible, and my hair is shinier than ever. WeightWorld, you've won me over!

D Dorian
Achat vérifié

It has totally transformed my hair. It's thicker, fuller, and more manageable. I'm loving the compliments I receive. It's truly a confidence booster

M Martha
Achat vérifié

My secret weapon for youthful skin. The astaxanthin has reduced wrinkles and given me a natural glow. It's a real game-changer!

K Katie
Achat vérifié

As an athlete, joint mobility is crucial. Thanks to this krill oil, I can push my limits without any limitations. WeightWorld, you've gained a fan for life!

M Matt
Achat vérifié

This krill oil has been a game-changer for my brain. My focus has improved significantly. WeightWorld, thank you for keeping me sharp!

T Tristan
Achat vérifié

Been using this for a month now. My skin looks younger and healthier, and my joints feel amazing. WeightWorld, you've created a winner! I can't recommend this krill oil enough. Amazing product!

A Andrew
Achat vérifié

Extraordinary supplement! It absorbs better than fish oil, and I've noticed a significant improvement in my overall health within 3 weeks. Will be buying again.

M Macie
Achat vérifié

Buying this was the best decision I've taken this year so far. My skin feels amazing and I'm getting compliments every now and then!

S Safa
Achat vérifié

The premium quality of this krill oil is evident from the moment you open the bottle. WeightWorld has nailed it with this product. 5 Stars!

N Nicolas
Achat vérifié

Thanks to WeightWorld's krill oil, my hair has become shinier and healthier. It's like a natural hair treatment in a softgel!

S Solomon
Achat vérifié

This krill oil is a game-changer! My joints have improved since I started taking WeightWorld's supplement. Thumbs up!

N Nora
Achat vérifié

I'm amazed at how quickly WeightWorld's krill oil has improved my skin. It truly supports a youthful complexion! Must Buy!

L Lucie
Achat vérifié

I've always struggled with eye fatigue, but this has been a lifesaver. My eyes feel revitalised, and I can see clearer!

D Demi
Achat vérifié

No more struggling with dry, brittle hair. It's now luscious and vibrant. I'm totally in love with this!

P Pixie
Achat vérifié

These krill oil softgels have made a huge difference in my joint mobility. I can now enjoy my daily activities without any discomfort.

T Tate
Achat vérifié

This high-strength Omega 3 supplement has been a game-changer for my brain and eye health. WeightWorld's krill oil is a top-notch product! Will be buying again!

W Wilfred
Achat vérifié

Does exactly what it says on the bottle. I'm loving the results!

C Casey
Achat vérifié

Taking these softgels daily for a while now. My joints feel way more flexible now. Amazing product!

S Sasha
Achat vérifié

A fantastic source of essential fatty acids. My overall health has improved, and I feel more energetic! Will order again!

N Natasha
Achat vérifié

Decent product. It's improved my hair, but the price is a bit high. 4 Stars!

O Otto
Achat vérifié

I was suffering from stiff joints quite a lot in the past few years. My sister Jane suggested me these. Since I started taking this krill oil, I've noticed a significant improvement in my joint flexibility. I can walk way longer now without any discomfort. Thanks, Jane. WeightWorld has truly created a gem of a supplement. I'm forever grateful!

A Abigail
Achat vérifié

This is definitely worth trying. It's helped my hair, and there's no fishy aftertaste. Just wish it arrived faster!

E Emmy
Achat vérifié

It has become a staple in my daily routine. Keeps my heart healthy, my joints flexible, and my skin glowing. WeightWorld, you've created a true multitasking supplement!

E Ella
Achat vérifié

Pricey but effective! This Krill Oil has made a noticeable difference in my joint mobility.

W Walter
Achat vérifié

I can't recommend this krill oil enough for maintaining healthy hair. My locks have become stronger and less prone to breakage. WeightWorld has made my hair dreams come true!

M Maya
Achat vérifié

Good, but I expected faster results. Patience is key!

A Adriana
Achat vérifié

This krill oil has transformed my joint health. I used to experience discomfort and stiffness, but now I feel more flexible and agile. WeightWorld, you've earned a loyal customer!

E Emilia
Achat vérifié

Helped with my joint discomfort, but the packaging could be improved.

A Angelina
Achat vérifié

I've been using it for a while. My hair has become thicker and healthier, and I can't stop running my fingers through it. I'm beyond impressed!

G Gwen
Achat vérifié

This krill oil is incredible. My brain fog has lifted, and I feel more focused and alert. Will be buying again!

C Case
Achat vérifié

These are a must-have for anyone looking to improve joint mobility. The results are remarkable, and I no longer feel restricted by joint discomfort. Thank you, WeightWorld!

C Charles
Achat vérifié

I've struggled with achy joints before, but this krill oil has significantly reduced it. Best supplement for supporting joint health. Highly recommend!

T Tobias
Achat vérifié

It is my go-to supplement for healthy skin. The astaxanthin has improved my complexion, making it more vibrant and youthful. I'm thrilled with the results!

M Matthew
Achat vérifié

This krill oil has become my daily dose of vitality. It keeps my brain sharp, my heart healthy, and my joints flexible. WeightWorld, you've created a true powerhouse of a supplement!

L Lewis
Achat vérifié

A must-have for anyone seeking joint relief. It has reduced my joint discomfort and improved my mobility. I can't thank WeightWorld enough!

J Jude
Achat vérifié

Tried so many supplements before, but this one is hands down the best choice for healthy hair. My hair has become thicker and less prone to breakage. It's like a hair transformation in a bottle!

T Thea
Achat vérifié

I've been searching for a high-quality Omega 3 supplement for so long. Finally, my boyfriend suggested me WeightWorld's krill oil. This is phenomenal. It absorbs better, providing more effective results for my overall health.

H Heidi
Achat vérifié

Amazing product! Works like a charm! 5 stars!

J John
Achat vérifié

I've tried numerous supplements for heart health, but this krill oil supplement suits me best. It has revitalised my heart, giving me a new lease on life. I'm loving it!

E Ellis
Achat vérifié

No more dry, itchy eyes. It has revitalized my eyes, reducing dryness and irritation. I can see the difference in a month!

E Edward
Achat vérifié

I've been taking these softgels for 3 weeks now and I already feel more energetic, focused, and balanced. Very effective! It's a must-have for a healthy lifestyle. 5 stars!

O Oswald
Achat vérifié

This has become my beauty secret. The astaxanthin has improved my skin's appearance, making it more youthful and vibrant. Will order again!

P Paige
Achat vérifié

My go-to supplement for joint flexibility. It has reduced my joint stiffness, allowing me to move more freely. I'm forever grateful!

T Tony
Achat vérifié

I was looking for a good supplement to support my heart health for a long time. and I finally found this. This is the best! I love how it has revitalised my heart, giving me the energy to conquer each day with gusto. Highly recommended!

M Miles
Achat vérifié

Overall a good product for joint support. However, the effects could be more pronounced.

A Aisha
Achat vérifié

Have been using it for 2 weeks now. It has somewhat helped me with my joint flexibility, but I expected faster results.

B Bruce
Achat vérifié

I've noticed an improvement in my hair strength since taking this krill oil. Good product. Price could be a bit lower though. 4 stars!

M Maxine
Achat vérifié

This krill oil has helped with my joint discomfort. The product is effective but it took longer than I expected.

S Sam
Achat vérifié

I love the fact that this is sustainably sourced. Feels great to know that I'm taking care of my health and the environment at the same time. A win-win!

S Sebastian
Achat vérifié

I've struggled with joint stiffness for years, but this krill oil has been a game-changer. I feel more mobile and agile, even after intense workouts. WeightWorld, thank you for this incredible product!

L Logan
Achat vérifié

Clearly the best Omega 3 supplement I've ever tried. It's highly effective, and the absence of any fishy odour or aftertaste is a major plus. A top-notch product!

A Audrey
Achat vérifié

Heart problems have been running in my family for generations. So, I've always been concerned about my heart health ever since I entered my 30s, but this krill oil has put my worries at ease. It has become my daily companion for a healthy heart.

L Lucy
Achat vérifié

I've struggled with dry eyes for years, but this krill oil has brought relief like no other. My eyes feel hydrated and comfortable throughout the day. WeightWorld, hats off to you!

E Erin
Achat vérifié

I love the benefits of astaxanthin for my skin, and it delivers exactly that. My skin looks more radiant and youthful. It's my little beauty secret!

L Lauren
Achat vérifié

I love the benefits of astaxanthin for my skin, and it delivers exactly that. My skin looks more radiant and youthful. It's my little beauty secret!

L Lauren
Achat vérifié

This krill oil is a powerhouse for heart health. It has revitalised my heart, giving me the energy to tackle whatever the day throws at me.

L Lola
Achat vérifié

I've tried various Omega 3 supplements, but this krill oil stands out from the rest. It absorbs better, and I've noticed a noticeable improvement in my overall well-being. WeightWorld, you've won me over!

A Anna
Achat vérifié

I used to avoid Omega 3 supplements before because of the fishy taste, but WeightWorld's krill oil changed the game. No more unpleasant aftertaste, just pure benefits for my health.

J Jasmine
Achat vérifié

I've struggled with brittle nails for as long as I can remember, but this krill oil has strengthened them. It's my nail saviour!

P Penny
Achat vérifié

This krill oil has become my secret weapon for youthful-looking skin. The astaxanthin has diminished the appearance of wrinkles, giving me a natural glow. WeightWorld, you've exceeded my expectations!

R Rhonda
Achat vérifié

I used to suffer from a dry, itchy scalp, but this krill oil has provided much-needed relief. It's a scalp saviour!

T Tom
Achat vérifié

Definitely my go-to supplement for joint health. Reduced inflammation and improved my flexibility. I can now enjoy an active lifestyle without limitations.

S Susan
Achat vérifié

Best krill oil supplement for the price. Go for it, man!

J Julian
Achat vérifié

It has made my hair stronger, shinier, and healthier in 3 weeks. I can't stop receiving compliments. Thank you, WeightWorld!

M Monica
Achat vérifié

I've always struggled with concentration, but this krill oil has improved my focus. This is a brain booster like no other. Thanks, WW!

R Roman
Achat vérifié

Taking these amazing softgels daily has relieved my joint discomfort, allowing me to enjoy an active lifestyle without limitations. I can't recommend this krill oil enough for joint support. Well done, WeightWorld!

A Amanda
Achat vérifié

Tried various Omega 3 supplements, but this krill oil takes the cake. Remarkable improvement in my overall health. WeightWorld, you've earned my trust!

A Alex
Achat vérifié

This krill oil supplement from WW has become my secret to healthy hair. It has nourished my hair from within, making it stronger and more lustrous. I'm happier than ever!

E Evelyn
Achat vérifié

Such a wonderful supplement! I take it daily and it has reduced inflammation and improved my mobility in a month. I can now enjoy an active lifestyle without any discomfort.

A Anne
Achat vérifié

This krill oil has improved my heart health, and the price is great. I just wish the delivery was a bit faster.

N Norman
Achat vérifié

I'm pleased with the results of this krill oil on my skin. The only downside was the delayed delivery.

C Clark
Achat vérifié

WeightWorld's Antarctic Krill Oil is effective for brain health. I'm impressed. But the packaging could be sturdier to prevent damage during transit.

C Chase
Achat vérifié

My friend recommended me this. It has been great for his heart health. Started taking these softgels 5 days ago. Expecting similar results.

D Daniel
Achat vérifié

Heard a lot about this supplement from my friends. They use it and are very satisfied. Ordered a bottle for me. Delivery was early and I just started taking it. Let's see how it does in the long run.

J Jim
Achat vérifié

I've been taking it for a month now, and I can't believe the difference it has made! My joints used to ache, but now I feel more flexible and agile. Highly recommended!

M Michael
Achat vérifié

As someone who takes their heart health seriously, I trust this one. It's pure, sustainable, and has revitalised my heart. Thanks to this supplement, I feel more energetic than ever!

R Robert
Achat vérifié

I've always had dry eyes, but this has changed that. My eyes feel revitalised and moisturised, and the best part is, there's no fishy odour. Definitely worth every penny!

N Nicholas
Achat vérifié

Definitely a staple in my daily routine. The high-strength omega-3s have improved my focus a lot. Can't recommend it enough!

A Anthony
Achat vérifié

Definitely a staple in my daily routine. The high-strength omega-3s have improved my focus a lot. Can't recommend it enough!

A Anthony
Achat vérifié

This Krill Oil is the real deal! I've experienced a boost in energy levels and improved hair health. It's like my little beauty secret in a softgel. Will buy again!

Z Zainab
Achat vérifié

I used to struggle with stiffness and discomfort, but now with this, I feel more flexible and ready to take on any challenge! Thanks WW! You've won me over!

B Brody
Achat vérifié

Helped me maintain healthy cholesterol levels, and I can confidently say that my heart feels revitalised. Thumbs up!

V Victor
Achat vérifié

Surely the best omega-3 supplement I've tried. The pure and sustainable formula ensures I'm getting all the essential fatty acids I need for optimal brain function. Fantastic product!

Z Zain
Achat vérifié

I was sceptical about trying another omega-3 supplement, but this has exceeded my expectations. Not only is there no fishy aftertaste, but it also supports healthy hair growth. I'm impressed!

E Emmie
Achat vérifié

Best product at this price! Will order again!

T Tia
Achat vérifié

These have worked wonders for my skin, leaving it plump and youthful. Couldn't be happier!

K Kayla
Achat vérifié

Gave me the Omega-3 boost I needed. My hair has become stronger and shinier, and I've experienced an improvement in my brain. It's a win-win!

V Vanessa
Achat vérifié

These extraordinary krill oil softgels have made my hair stronger and shinier, while the astaxanthin has improved the texture of my skin. Love it! Well done, WW!

M Michelle
Achat vérifié

I've been using it for some time now. My joints feel more flexible, and I've noticed an improvement in my hair health. I'm thrilled with the results!

D Douglas
Achat vérifié

Been taking these softgels for a month and they have helped me a lot. I feel more focused and alert, especially during demanding tasks. This supplement is a true powerhouse!

F Flora
Achat vérifié

This krill oil is a top-notch omega-3 supplement. I've experienced improved heart health and increased energy levels. Fantastic product!

P Philip
Achat vérifié

Best omega-3 supplement I've tried. Can't recommend it enough. Must buy!

T Timothy
Achat vérifié

Best one at this price. It's pure and revitalises my heart, giving me more energy and vitality. I can't recommend this product enough!

E Erica
Achat vérifié

It absorbs better than fish oil, giving me more effective results. I feel more energetic and my overall health has improved. A must-try!

L Luka
Achat vérifié

As a professional dancer, I used to suffer from achy joints a lot before. But with these amazing softgels, joint discomfort is a thing of the past for me now. Loving these! Highly recommended!

H Harmony
Achat vérifié

Took a bit longer than expected to arrive. But once I started taking it, I noticed an improvement in my joint health. Worth the wait!

C Colby
Achat vérifié

Decent product. The delivery was a bit delayed, but the softgels are easy to swallow. I haven't seen dramatic changes yet, but I feel it's slowly contributing to my overall health.

F Freddie
Achat vérifié

The price was a little steep for me, but the delivery was quick. I've seen some improvement in my joint health, but I expected faster results.

D Dennis
Achat vérifié

It's decent, but its effects on my health were not as quick as I hoped for. Zero side effects though! 4 Stars!

O Ollie
Achat vérifié

Been using it for a week now. Too early to leave an honest review. But the softgels are very easy to swallow. Hoping for the best results.

H Henley
Achat vérifié

I've tried various omega-3 supplements, but these krill oil softgels are by far the best. They have improved my joint health a lot. Honestly, I wasn't expecting such quick results. Wow!

S Sarah
Achat vérifié

My absolute secret weapon for maintaining youthful skin. The astaxanthin in it works wonders, giving me a radiant glow. Plus, it's gentle on my stomach, with no fishy aftertaste.

F Fatima
Achat vérifié

My go-to supplement for joint mobility. As a fitness enthusiast, I need something that supports my active lifestyle. This product delivers, and I feel amazing!

L Lena
Achat vérifié

Amazing product! Gets absorbed better, giving me more effective results. It's made a noticeable difference in my overall well-being. Really impressed!

E Elena
Achat vérifié

Transformed my skincare routine totally. The astaxanthin has reduced the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, leaving me with a smoother skin. A must-try!

L Lois
Achat vérifié

Improved my overall health in ways I never imagined. My hair looks healthier, my brain feels sharper, and I've noticed a positive impact on my mood. Highly recommend!

M Mariam
Achat vérifié

Wonderful supplement. My complexion has improved, and I've regained that natural glow. I can't live without it!

T Tabitha
Achat vérifié

Best supplement for achy joints! I used to experience joint discomfort, but now I can move freely without any issues. It's made a huge difference in my daily life! Very satisfied!

M Marcel
Achat vérifié

This has been a lifesaver for my dry eyes. I spend hours in front of screens, and this supplement has provided the relief I needed. Plus, it's easy to swallow and doesn't leave a fishy taste.

C Cleo
Achat vérifié

A must-have supplement for anyone looking to support heart health. I feel more energetic and have noticed an improvement in my overall well-being. I'm totally hooked!

J Jason
Achat vérifié

As someone who loves sports, I needed something to keep me in top shape. This product does the job perfectly! I'm satisfied!

S Sean
Achat vérifié

I used to feel regular joint discomfort, especially after workouts. Then, my gym bro Thomas recommended me these. And now I feel more flexible and agile. It's been a game-changer for my fitness journey.

J Joe
Achat vérifié

Have been using this for 3 weeks now. My brain function has improved, and my heart feels revitalised. I can't imagine my life without this supplement!

S Sandra
Achat vérifié

This is amazing! No more joint stiffness! 5 Stars!

B Brian
Achat vérifié

It has reduced the appearance of fine lines, giving me a more radiant complexion in 6 weeks. I feel more confident now. And I can happily say that this is my secret to youthful-looking skin.

J Josie
Achat vérifié

I used to experience discomfort, but since I started taking this supplement, I feel more flexible and agile. It's made a noticeable difference in my active lifestyle.

T Troy
Achat vérifié

Improved the elasticity of my skin, and I've noticed a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles. Totally changed my skincare game.

D Dorothy
Achat vérifié

Best supplement I've tried so far. Transformed my hair and skin in a month. Amazing!

N Nicole
Achat vérifié

My secret to healthy hair and skin. These softgels are very effective. And I'm very satisfied!

H Hannah
Achat vérifié

Brilliant supplement! The omega-3s have improved my hair texture and shine, and the astaxanthin has given me a youthful glow. Wish I found this earlier! Will buy again!

S Skyler
Achat vérifié

Good stuff. The packaging was neat and secure, and the price was reasonable. It took a while to see the effects, but my hair feels stronger now.

M Millie
Achat vérifié

The price was fair, and the delivery was on time. It's been two weeks, and I think my skin looks a bit brighter. Not mind-blowing, but I'm satisfied.

M Maisie
Achat vérifié

These softgels are decent for the price. The delivery was a bit slow, but the packaging was intact. It's been a few weeks, and I think my joint discomfort has reduced slightly. Will keep taking them.

L Lottie
Achat vérifié

Good product. Nothing extraordinary. But overall good.

K Kiera
Achat vérifié

Been using it for a month now. Took some time to see its positive effects on my overall health. Longer than I expected.

R Rosie
Achat vérifié

Absolutely love these softgels! My joints have been giving me trouble for years, but since I started taking these, I've noticed a significant improvement. Plus, no fishy aftertaste!

S Sofia
Achat vérifié

I was sceptical at first, but this krill oil supplement is a game-changer. My heart feels revitalised, and my eyesight has improved noticeably. Highly recommended!

B Bobby
Achat vérifié

As an athlete, I rely on joint mobility and strength. Thanks to this krill oil, I can push my limits without worrying about discomfort. It's a must-have for all fitness enthusiasts!

J Jamie
Achat vérifié

Say goodbye to fishy burps! This krill oil supplement is a breath of fresh air. It absorbs better than fish oil and has no unpleasant aftertaste. Finally, a hassle-free way to get my Omega 3!

S Sonny
Achat vérifié

Worked wonders for my skin. I've never felt so confident and youthful! Highly satisfied!

T Thomas
Achat vérifié

Being a student, I needed something to improve my focus and concentration. This krill oil has been my secret weapon. It's like a boost of mental clarity!

S Samuel
Achat vérifié

I was looking for a natural way to support my eye health, and I found it in this krill oil. The red krill oil in this supplement has made a noticeable difference. No more tired eyes!

C Caleb
Achat vérifié

Best one in this price range. Very effective. I've never felt more confident!

B Bellatrix
Achat vérifié

Started taking this a month ago and it's now an essential part of my daily routine. It's the secret behind my luscious locks and youthful skin. Trust me, it works wonders!

I Irina
Achat vérifié

As a fitness enthusiast, I need something to support my recovery. This krill oil has been a game-changer. My joints feel rejuvenated, and I'm ready to tackle any workout!

I Ian
Achat vérifié

I've been using this krill oil supplement for a few weeks, and the difference is incredible. My skin is clearer, and my joints feel fantastic. I'm never going back!

E Ezra
Achat vérifié

This krill oil supplement is pure magic! My brain feels sharper, and my memory has improved significantly. WeightWorld, you've gained a customer for life!

D Dylan
Achat vérifié

My best-kept secret for youthful skin. Gave me a natural glow that everyone notices. I'm loving the compliments!

C Connie
Achat vérifié

Have been taking these softgels for 3 weeks now. I've noticed a significant improvement in my focus and mental clarity. Thank you for keeping me on top of my game, WW!

M Morgan
Achat vérifié

This krill oil is a game-changer for joint mobility. I no longer dread physical activities. WeightWorld, you've given me the freedom to move without any discomfort!

O Omar
Achat vérifié

Undoubtedly, the secret behind my radiant skin. Significantly reduced signs of ageing and gave me a healthy, youthful glow. It's a miracle worker! Will buy again!

A Ajax
Achat vérifié

A must-have for anyone seeking joint support. It has improved my flexibility and made exercising a breeze. I'm beyond impressed!

D Danny
Achat vérifié

A total game-changer for joint health. I can finally enjoy my outdoor adventures without any limitations. It's worth every penny!

T Talia
Achat vérifié

My go-to supplement for brain power. It keeps me focused, alert, and ready to conquer the world. I can't recommend it enough!

O Ophelia
Achat vérifié

I've struggled with dry eyes for a while, but this krill oil has changed the game. WeightWorld, you've given me clear vision and relief from discomfort. I'm forever grateful!

Z Zach
Achat vérifié

Fantastic! Although the delivery took a bit longer than expected, the product itself is top-notch. My joints feel much better!

R Rio
Achat vérifié

Delivers on its promises, but it took a few extra days to arrive. Worth the wait, though!

M Margot
Achat vérifié

I'm happy. My hair feels healthier, and there's no fishy aftertaste. Good stuff, just wish the delivery was quicker.

H Hugo
Achat vérifié

Solid product. My hair looks better, and I haven't experienced any fishy odour. Delivery was a bit slow, though.

E Elsa
Achat vérifié

Decent, but it's a bit pricey for my liking. It has helped my hair, but I was expecting quicker results.

A Arthur
Achat vérifié

Amazing! My hair has never felt this healthy and shiny before. Plus, no more joint ache while exercising. It's a win-win!

I Isla
Achat vérifié

I've tried various Omega 3 supplements, but none of them compare to this one. It's easy to swallow, and I've noticed a significant boost in my brain function. Finally acing those exams!

B Bethany
Achat vérifié

Its pure and sustainable nature is commendable. It's reassuring to know that I'm taking care of my health while also supporting the environment.

L Lexi
Achat vérifié

Can't thank WeightWorld enough for this incredible product. With this, my hair has become thicker and healthier. No more bad hair days!

A Aria
Achat vérifié

Having struggled with achy joints for years, this krill oil has been a lifesaver. Now I can enjoy my walks without any discomfort. Thanks, WeightWorld!

S Sara
Achat vérifié

Great for my overall health. My heart feels stronger, and my skin is glowing. It's become an essential part of my daily routine.

R Ruby
Achat vérifié

This is the real deal. My joints feel more flexible and mobile, making my yoga practice so much more enjoyable. I'm loving the results!

L Lara
Achat vérifié

This krill oil has exceeded my expectations. Not only does it support heart health, but it also improves joint mobility. It's a win-win for me!

B Bonnie
Achat vérifié

Say hello to healthier joints with this krill oil supplement. Thanks to WeightWorld, I can enjoy my morning runs without any discomfort. It's a game-changer!

L Luna
Achat vérifié

This one is perfect for my overall well-being. It supports heart health, brain function, and even boosts my hair's natural shine. It's a must-have!

T Tilly
Achat vérifié

A true gem. It's packed with essential fatty acids that have transformed my hair from dull to vibrant. I'm getting compliments left and right!

A Annie
Achat vérifié

My sister recommended me this and I can't express how grateful I am for it. It has given my hair new life and made it stronger than ever. I'm never letting go of this secret!

E Eden
Achat vérifié

If you're tired of fish oil supplements, this krill oil is a game-changer. I've been taking this for a month now. No fishy burps or aftertaste. It's pure, effective, and a pleasure to take! I'm loving it!

A Alan
Achat vérifié

I've always struggled with dry, brittle hair, but this krill oil has turned it around. My hair feels stronger, shinier, and more beautiful than ever. WeightWorld, you're amazing!

O Owen
Achat vérifié

I believe it gets absorbed better than fish oil, and the results speak for themselves. My hair and skin have never looked better! Highly recommended!

A Alicia
Achat vérifié

I've always struggled with dry, brittle hair, but this krill oil has turned it around. My hair feels stronger, shinier, and more beautiful than ever. WeightWorld, you're amazing!

O Owen
Achat vérifié

I believe it gets absorbed better than fish oil, and the results speak for themselves. My hair and skin have never looked better! Highly recommended!

A Alicia
Achat vérifié

If you're looking for an Omega 3 supplement that delivers, this krill oil is it. Been taking these softgels for quite some time. My brain feels sharper, and my joints are thanking me. Amazing product! WeightWorld, you've nailed it!

T Tommy
Achat vérifié

I've tried many supplements, but this one's in a league of its own. My hair is stronger, my skin is glowing, and my heart feels revitalized. It's a complete package!

J Jay
Achat vérifié

This krill oil is the best thing that has happened to my skin. The astaxanthin has reduced redness, and I feel more confident than ever. WeightWorld, you're a skincare saviour!

J Jessie
Achat vérifié

Made a world of difference for my hair. It's stronger, thicker, and more lustrous. Thank you for giving me the confidence to rock any hairstyle! I'm happier than ever.

F Faye
Achat vérifié

Been taking these softgels for 3 weeks now. I'm so glad there isn't any fishy aftertaste with this krill oil. Goes down smoothly and is effective. It's a win-win!

C Catherine
Achat vérifié

I'm really impressed. It's helped with my hair and skin, but the price could be a tad lower. Still worth it, though!

M Molly
Achat vérifié

Effective, but the price is a bit steep. It's helped my joints, but I wish it were a little more affordable.

R Rachel
Achat vérifié

Improved my joint mobility. The only reason it's not 5 stars is the higher price. But it works!

R Rosalyn
Achat vérifié

Worth a try. My skin feels smoother, and the product arrived in good condition. Just wish it was a bit cheaper.

M Melody
Achat vérifié

Helped my joints, but the delivery took a bit longer. Still, worth it!

D Damian
Achat vérifié

Veramente un ottimo prodotto!

F Fabiana C
Achat vérifié

Ottimo prodotto

A Antonio
Achat vérifié

Buon prodotto, arrivato abbastanza celermente, lo riprenderò di sicuro

A Angioletta G
Achat vérifié

Ottimo prodotto

c corrado G
Achat vérifié

sono molto soddisfatta con la mia esperienza in questo negozio. Vasta scelta dei prodotti e optima qualità. Velocissimi e professionali.

Achat vérifié

ottima fonte di omega 3

A Alberto M
Achat vérifié

non posso eprimere opinione in quanto ho appena cominciato a prendere pastiglie e mi vengono consigliati benefici dopo sei mesi.

G Giovanni S
Achat vérifié

Mi dicono importante per la salute.

B Barbara
Achat vérifié

Ridurre i prezzi e migliorare sempre la qualità

T Theophilus O
Achat vérifié

Molto buono

W Walter C
Achat vérifié

Buon prodotto con un prezzo equo

L Luciana
Achat vérifié

Prodotto arrivato nei tempi e senza intoppi. L'integratore è veramente buono, diverso dagli altri soprattutto grazie alle capsule in softgel che permettono un assimilazione più rapida e evitano i fastidiosi "groppi in gola" quando si mandano giù le capsule. Personalmente mi sto trovando molto bene e lo sto già consigliando alle mie amiche perché è molto meglio di quello che si trova comunemente in giro. Grazie!

L Laura
Achat vérifié

Comode, piccole e innovative. Inoltre il principio attivo contenuto all'interno è di alta qualità, si vede e si sente! Al prossimo acquisto!

F Fabrizio
Achat vérifié

ottima fonte di Omega 3

A Anonyme
Achat vérifié


A Antonio
Achat vérifié

appena arrivato quindi ancora non so, consegna veloce e servizio clienti ottimo

R Rosy90
Achat vérifié

mi pare funzionino, anche su pelle e capelli

a arianna
Achat vérifié


K Ketty
Achat vérifié

Prodotto come descritto e senza sapore di "pesce"

A Anonyme
Achat vérifié

grazie al customer service!!!!!!

M Maria
Achat vérifié

lo ricomprerò perchè fa quello che dice

G Giovvi
Achat vérifié

3 capsule al gg , un alimentazione che ho variato di poco ed ecco che i trigliceridi sono passati da oltre i 600 a 134 in 2 mesi. Ovvio che ogni corpo risponde a suo modo . Provar non nuoce

g giuseppe
Achat vérifié

War überrascht wie wenig die Kapseln nach Fisch schmecken. Werde es jetzt mal 3 Monate testen bin aber ganz zuversichtlich

P Peter
Achat vérifié

Hab von der Wirkung von Krill Öl im Internet gelesen. Hab jetzt das Produkt probiert und bin eigentlich recht zufrieden.

H Heike
Achat vérifié

Bei anderen Fischölen war ich mir nicht sicher, aber diese scheinen die besten zu sein. Probiere die schon seit ein paar Wochen aus und habe schon Änderungen bemerkt.

A Andrea
Achat vérifié

Dies ist meine Lieblingsergänzung, ich bin schon bei der 4. Dose!

O Olivier
Achat vérifié

Als ich vorher nach allgemeinen Omega-3-Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln gesucht habe, habe ich noch nie davon gehört. Ich habe auf der Seite die Informationen über dieses Produkt durchgelesen und hat es mich sehr überzeugt. Ich benutze es jetzt seit ein paar Wochen und ich kann einen Unterschied fühlen.

R Ria
Achat vérifié

Ich mag die Farbe, da es cool aussieht, aber die sind auch leichter einzunehmen als Tabletten

V Veronica
Achat vérifié

Sehr gut

A Ann
Achat vérifié

El mejor Omega 3 del mercado..

M Maria
Achat vérifié

Buen producto y el precio razonable.

S Salvador P
Achat vérifié

El producto es perfecto y a un precio inmejorable.

Achat vérifié

Muy competitivo

G Gines
Achat vérifié


J Juan A
Achat vérifié

Es un buen producto para mantenimiento

V Vicente
Achat vérifié

No especifican si es aceite prensado en frío, lo cual es importante para mí porque sería de mayor calidad. Por tanto, no puedo darles 5 estrellas.

M María G
Achat vérifié

Acabo de recibir este producto y creo que es demasiado pronto para opinar sobre sus resultados.

A Agustin G
Achat vérifié

Lätta att svälja. Kan inte bedöma innehållet naturligtvis men de luktar svagt av fisk och jag litar på att de är en bra Omega3-produkt.

E Eva D
Achat vérifié

För tidigt för ett omdöme

C Christer
Achat vérifié

Omega-3 är något jag verkligen behöver och mår bra av men har aldrig tyckt det känns helt 100 med något gjort av animaler. Är därför väldigt glad att jag hittat detta.

F Filippa
Achat vérifié

Väldigt bra! Märker att kroppen mår bättre när jag tar dessa regelbundet.

T Tilde
Achat vérifié

Tar dessa regelbundet och märker stor skillnad på mitt välmående. Tar de i samband med några andra vitaminer.

M My
Achat vérifié

Väldigt nöjd med denna produkt. Lätta att svälja och smakar inte konstigt på något sätt. Rekommenderas starkt till alla som vill ha i sig omega-3!

M Mira
Achat vérifié

Kom fram snabbt och kapslarna känns fräscha

H Hillevi
Achat vérifié

Jaag hörde att krill omega är bättre än fisk omega så jag tänkte prova dom här

F Filippa
Achat vérifié

Dom är bra

A Ann
Achat vérifié

Jag tycker inte det märks att dem skulle vara bättre än vanlg omega 3

M Melinda
Achat vérifié

Jättebra och fräsch omega 3 olja

L Lovisa
Achat vérifié

Allt kom fram som det skulle och jag är nöjd

V Vera
Achat vérifié


P Paul R
Achat vérifié

føler ikke der er nogen effekt..

B Bendt P
Achat vérifié

Kvalitet svær at vurdere, da jeg kun har spist dem kort tid..

C Camille
Achat vérifié

Jeg var ikke sikker på fiskeolier, men disse synes de bedste. Givet det et par uger nu- bemærker nogle ændringer

A Andrea
Achat vérifié

dette er mit yndlings tilskud, jeg er på 4. bøtte

O Olivier
Achat vérifié

Aldrig hørt om dette før jeg begyndte at lede efter generelle omega 3-kosttilskud. Jeg faldt over dette på webstedet, og efter at have læst mere overbeviste det mig mere, end de andre produkter. Jeg har brugt et par uger nu, og jeg kan føle en forskel.

R Ria
Achat vérifié

Jeg kan godt lide farven, de ser seje ud, er også lettere at tage end tabletter

V Veronica
Achat vérifié

Super god

A Ann
Achat vérifié

Virkelig dejligt med et bæredygtigt omega 3 alternativ

K Kristine
Achat vérifié

Jeg får ikke spist nok fisk så det her er perfekt til mig!

S Signe
Achat vérifié

Mega effektive og nemme at tage. FEM stjerner herfra!

J Jenny
Achat vérifié

Rigtig gode og ingen dårlig eftersmag af fisk...

L Laura
Achat vérifié

Synes de er okay men tror jeg hellere vil bruge et vegansk omega 3 tilskud

M Magnus
Achat vérifié

Let og simpelt - min læge havde sagt jeg skulle passe på mit blodtryk, så prøvede dem og de virker som de skal.

K Kasper
Achat vérifié

Dette er et super produkt som supplement! Især når man ikke spiser fisk:)

C Carla
Achat vérifié

Ik weet nog niet wat het doet

A Alexandra
Achat vérifié

Een prima natuur product, gluten en lactose vrij.

L L. D
Achat vérifié


A Anh T
Achat vérifié

Is prima product, tegen scherpe prijs

Achat vérifié

Makkelijk en fijn product

K Krista
Achat vérifié

Voel me beter sinds ik dit gebruik. Verder ook snelle levering

H Huberto
Achat vérifié

Voel me fitter, alleen te laat geleverd.

M Menno
Achat vérifié

Goed product! Beveel het echt iedereen aan

L Liza
Achat vérifié

Ik vind dat ze een mooie kleur hebben ze zijn erg mooi ook makkelijker te nemen dan tabletten

V Veronica
Achat vérifié

Ik ben er erg blij mee en merk vaak dat dit soort dingen een vreselijke visachtige nasmaak hebben, wat me er meestal van weerhoudt. Ik las hierover dat het geen visachtige nasmaak of geur heeft en dat is niet gelogen !!!

S Suzie
Achat vérifié

Nooit van gehoord voordat ik op zoek ging naar omega 3-supplementen in het algemeen. Ik kwam het op deze site tegen en na meer te hebben gelezen, overtuigde het me meer dan de anderen. Ik gebruik het nu een paar weken en ik voel een verschil.

R Rita
Achat vérifié

Mijn favoriete omega 3 ik zit al aan m'n vierde pak

O Olivier
Achat vérifié

Perfect product voor mij

W Wendy
Achat vérifié

Twee duimen omhoog!

Y Yetty


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