
Gummies Multivitaminés pour Enfants

120 Gummies multivitaminées riches en Omégas 3, 6 et 9

Qu’est-ce que les Gummies Multivitaminés pour Enfants?

Nous savons tous à quel point une alimentation variée, saine et équilibrée est fondamentale pour le bon développement physique et intellectuel de nos enfants. Malheureusement, et pour différentes raisons, nos chers petits bambins ne reçoivent pas toujours les nutriments dont ils ont besoin en quantités suffisantes. Les Gummies Multivitaminés pour Enfants ont été conçus pour leur éviter cela. Leur formule entièrement naturelle contient un complexe intégral de 12 vitamines et minéraux essentiels pour accompagner la croissance de vos enfants, contribuer au bon fonctionnement de leur organisme et soutenir leurs défenses immunitaires. On y trouve notamment les vitamines A, B, C, D, E, ainsi que des minéraux et des oligo-éléments tels que le zinc ou l’iode. Ces Gummies sont également une riche source d’oméga 3, 6 et 9, ce qui en fait un renfort nutritionnel encore plus complet.

Quels sont les avantages des Gummies Multivitaminés pour Enfants ?

Les Gummies Multivitaminés pour Enfants sont destinés aux parents désireux de soutenir une croissance physique et un développement cognitif sains chez leurs progénitures. Pour ce faire, sa formule naturelle contient une gamme complète de vitamines et minéraux aux dosages adaptés à leur jeune âge.

À qui sont destinés les Gummies Multivitaminés pour Enfants?

Les Gummies Multivitaminés pour Enfants sont destinés aux enfants âgés entre 4 et 12 ans. Ce complément alimentaire doit être utilisé dans le cadre d’une alimentation variée et équilibrée et d’un mode de vie sain. Sa formule entièrement naturelle et son goût fraise-orange en font un ajout idéal pour soutenir les besoins nutritionnels de votre enfant.

Conseils d’utilisation

Il est conseillé de donner à votre enfant 2 Gummies par jour, ou le cas échéant, de suivre le dosage recommandé par son pédiatre. Pour un résultat optimal, veillez à ce que votre enfant prenne toujours ses gummies à la même heure de la journée.

Liste complète des ingrédients

Vitamine A (en tant qu'acétate de rétinyle), vitamine C (en tant qu'acide L-ascorbique), vitamine D3 (en tant que cholécalciférol), vitamine E (en tant qu'acétate de DL-alpha-tocophéryle), vitamine B1 (en tant que chlorhydrate de thiamine), vitamine B2 (en tant que riboflavine), vitamine B3 (en tant que nicotinamide), vitamine B6 (en tant que chlorhydrate de pyridoxine), vitamine B9 (en tant qu'acide folique), vitamine B12 (en tant que cyanocobalamine), Vitamine B7 (en tant que D-Biotine), Vitamine B5 (en tant que D-Pantothénate de Calcium), Choline (en tant que Bitartrate de Choline), Inositol, Zinc (en tant que Citrate de Zinc), Iode (en tant qu'Iodure de Potassium), Huile de Lin, Sucre, Glucose, Dextrose, Sucrose, Sirop de Glucose, Jus de Carotte Concentré, β-Carotène, Gélifiant : Pectine, Antioxydant : Extrait de Romarin, Régulateurs d'Acidité : Acide citrique et Citrate de Sodium : Gélifiant : Pectine, Antioxydant : Extrait de Romarin, Régulateurs d'Acidité : Acide Citrique et Citrate de Sodium, Agent de Glaçage (Huile Végétale [Contient de la Cire de Carnauba]), huile de palme, Arôme Naturel de Framboise, Arôme Naturel d'Orange

5 étoiles
4 étoiles
3 étoiles
2 étoiles
1 étoiles


reviews 5

95.69% basé sur 217 Avis client

Achat vérifié

Les enfants acceptent de prendre les humiliés sans problèmes , pour le moment tout va bien . Contente du produit

G Ghislaine
Achat vérifié


M Mohammed N
Achat vérifié

Bon goût, les enfants aiment

M Minel H
Achat vérifié

Enfants même ado adorent la version gummies qui goûtent bon

M Marilyne S
Achat vérifié

Im recommend this multivitamins

D Dorota L
Achat vérifié

Yummy gummy for my kids. They love it

M Mrs T
Achat vérifié

I'm recommended this product so good so great

D Dorota L
Achat vérifié

Good formula as it taste 😋 yummy.kids find it really nice and easy to chew.

F Fareeha H
Achat vérifié

Good quality and taste. My daughter likes them.

P Pavlin S
Achat vérifié

Good ingredients, not full of sugar's or sweetners

K Kelly
Achat vérifié

Great gelatin free solution that doesn't use artificial sweetener

M Mr A
Achat vérifié

They are tasty, kid loves them.

P Pavlin S
Achat vérifié

My daughter is enjoying these gummies and looks more energetic but I would be happier if you reduced the price.

M Mohamed H
Achat vérifié

no artificial sweetener nor gelatin, pricier than others but I can't fit a better fit for the product I need. They're tasty too!

M Mr A
Achat vérifié

I bought this for my son, it makes him calm and sleeps. Well I will definitely buy again

O Ogai M
Achat vérifié

Very good

O Omar K
Achat vérifié

Pleased to have found a product with added Omega 3 6 and 9. Most children’s multivits don’t contain them

C Customer
Achat vérifié

Been brilliant for my kids! They think these are sweets!

B Bobby
Achat vérifié

It’s so frustrating when my kids are picky with their food but these gummies have been great for giving them the vitamins they need

M Maggie
Achat vérifié

My son seems to be a lot happier and healthier in general since we introduced him to these

G George
Achat vérifié

Brilliant! Always been a struggle to get my kids to eat the right things so these gummies have been really reassuring whilst they go through this phase!

F Franca
Achat vérifié

So convenient thanks to each gummy including 12 vitamins and minerals - saves me having to buy individual supplements for each vitamin!

J Jenny
Achat vérifié

Great value for money and my kids love them

A Alice
Achat vérifié

I’ve tried similar products before and the kids hated them but they love these gummies! Such a relief!

A Alex
Achat vérifié

Brilliant price! Will be telling the rest of the mum’s at school to try these with their little ones!

A Amber
Achat vérifié

My girl loved the taste of these! I even tried one myself and can confirm they are delicious!

S Sarah
Achat vérifié

These gummies are really easy for kids to chew and are so much better than pills that can be hard for them to swallow

M Megan
Achat vérifié

Awesome solution to feed my kids multivitamins without them fussing about taking the supplements. The gummies are simply irresistible

S Sean
Achat vérifié

My kids are obsessed with these gummy bears, they are so cute and tasty! Only problem is they wanna take more than 2 gummies in a day and I am finding it hard to stop them. Haha

A Ayman
Achat vérifié

Absolutely wonderful supplement. It has made it so much easier for me to convince my 5-year-old baby to have multivitamins. She loves them!

Z Zane
Achat vérifié

I was exactly looking for something like this for my baby. Finally found the tasty vitamin gummies, that too in his favourite flavour!

S Simon
Achat vérifié

I was a bit sceptical previously thinking that my child might get addicted to them. But that's not the case. He is taking the vitamins and his rapid growth just shows me how effective these gummies are

L Lauren
Achat vérifié

They are so tasty that along with my kids, even I feel like taking them!

N Nolan
Achat vérifié

Multivitamin gummies are helping in my child's overall development majorly. Price seems a bit steep though

B Bruno
Achat vérifié

If these gummies were recommended for adults, I would definitely take them every single day! But right now, my kiddos enjoy the gummies thoroughly. The gummies are working well for them too!

L Loki
Achat vérifié

Tasty gummies, price is good too. Multivitamins impacted my kid's growth positively. Happy!

D Diego
Achat vérifié

Earlier I had to run behind my kids to convince them to take their vitamin tablets. Now, they come to me asking for the gummies! They love it!!!!

M Mr
Achat vérifié

My li'l one used to feel tired every day after school and never wanted to go out to play. I started giving him this gummy and within 1 month, he just changed!! Now he is so active and energised all the time!!

Z Zak
Achat vérifié

Amazed seeing how quickly the gummies helped my child get over his lethargy and weakness.

L Luis
Achat vérifié

Without question, this gummy is effective. Awesome formula, gives all the vitamins and minerals that my son needs~ Thanks for creating this WW

C Celine
Achat vérifié

Great formulation. 17 vitamins and minerals in each gummy is indeed awesome!!

R Rowan
Achat vérifié

This gummy is delicious, has 17 vits & mins and no gelatine also. I don't think I could have found a better one for my child.

M Margo
Achat vérifié

My kid's tendency to fall sick in every season change just stopped since he started having these gummies.

N Nala
Achat vérifié

The gummy teddies are so adorable that my kids just can't ignore them. They love the taste too. My tough days of having to persuade my kids to take multivitamin tablets are finally gone!

M Mrs
Achat vérifié

Best alternative to multivitamin tablets for kids. This is attractive as well as effective for the li'l ones.

P Pola
Achat vérifié

Impacted my child's inner body defences positively. Would highly recommend this to mothers for their kids.

L Lilia
Achat vérifié

Although I wish one bottle came with 6 months supply, but nevertheless it is helping my kid's development surely.

T Tina
Achat vérifié

My kid wasn't a great fan of tablets for obvious reasons. But she loves these gummies because of their sweet taste.

W Wilbur
Achat vérifié

Best best best on the market!!!! Great strength, great formula, great taste. Nothing bad.

A Aahil
Achat vérifié

Good to find a gummy without gelatine and harmful chemicals. It's very safe while being tasty too.

A Ayub
Achat vérifié

It's actually safe. My daughter didn't feel any side effects. She loves the taste of the gummy. Am satisfied.

O Osman
Achat vérifié

My colleague recommended this for my 6-year-old. It has been 2 weeks only since I started giving this to my daughter and her growth is already impressive!

H Hadley
Achat vérifié

Helping my kid grow taller and stronger. She is also responding well in her class. I am so happy!! Thanks to these gummies

K Kyro
Achat vérifié

Honestly, the way it made my child stronger from within and outside, I didn't expect the gummies to perform this well. So glad I tried!

L Lucian
Achat vérifié

Great value for money! Couldn't have found a better alternative for feeding multivitamins.

M Marshall
Achat vérifié

Since my son hates tablets, I used to give them multivitamins in the form of drinks. But with this gummy, I don't need to prepare any drink and my child loves having the gummies

M Marco
Achat vérifié

Cheaper in price compared to other multivitamin tablets, but taste and effect wise, this one is awesome.

N Neo
Achat vérifié

2 months supply at this price is great. Also, gummies are delicious and my daughter simply loves taking them.

J Janice
Achat vérifié

My li'l princess gets tempted everytime I bring the gummies to her. She insists on having more than 2 in a day. Haha

B Bilal
Achat vérifié

Very cute to look at, very delicious to have. No GMOs or hamrful stuff. What more can I ask for! Perfect for my kid.

D Dakota
Achat vérifié

Till now whatever multivitamins I have given to my kid, this one has shown fastest results. Also, it's easy to chew, so no worries of choking on tablets.

D Demi
Achat vérifié

Thankfully these are gummies, no more tension of seeing my child choke on large tablets.

M Mae
Achat vérifié

No need to gulp, easy for my kid to chew. Am happy with this.

E Eadie
Achat vérifié

Great value for money.

Z Zuri
Achat vérifié

2 gummies a day is very easy to maintain. My daughter is doing much better than before in terms of her activities in school and at home since she started having these gummies

J Jago
Achat vérifié

My son says he feels more energised now and hardly gets tired even after his tiresome days in school.

M Maxim
Achat vérifié

Helped my son a lot. Thanks WW, thanks multivitamin gummies.

P Paul
Achat vérifié

I just tried it for a week but when I saw my kid is responding better after taking the gummies, I continued with it.

A Alara
Achat vérifié

Just received the product and gave 1 gummy to my kid. She is just craving for more! Hopefully they will work

T Thalia
Achat vérifié

Gave no side effects. Also, helped my kid grow faster than before.

J Joy
Achat vérifié

Absolutely tempting flavour for my kid. She can't resist it!

D Darla
Achat vérifié

Safe, effective and tasty gummies!

I Isaac
Achat vérifié

Worth the price. Helping my child in her developing years a lot.

A Arjan
Achat vérifié

Gave it to my niece. Her mother says she is feeling stronger from inside.

J Jazz
Achat vérifié

Best buy for my kid from WW. Tastes great and works fast.

K Kiana
Achat vérifié

It's been 2 weeks and the gummies are working well for my child's growth.

J Joanna
Achat vérifié

100% satisfied with its effects. Love to see my child getting excited to take her multivitamin dosage every day through these gummies.

K Karson
Achat vérifié

My son had to wear specs since he was 3 years old. I wanted to improve his eyesight and nothing was helping. After taking these gummies for 3 months, he is seeing better and his doc is also surprised to notice the change!

N Noah
Achat vérifié

Helped my son be his super active self even on his hectic days.

T Theodore
Achat vérifié

My kid is involved in multiple co-curricular activities and she often used to feel excess exhaustion. But after having the gummies for some months, she is performing much better and hardly feels tiredness

L Leo
Achat vérifié

Best for providing the energy my son needs to manage his busy school and sport training schedules.

R Reggie
Achat vérifié

I thought only multivitamin tablets work, gummies are only for taste. But after giving this gummy to my child for four months, now I can tell this gummy is really effective!

T Toby
Achat vérifié

Unlike most gummies on the market that are tasty but hardly effective, this one actually does the work and provides the nutrients. I can tell that seeing the positive effects on my kid.

L Liam
Achat vérifié

I wish it was vegan, but nevertheless it's a vegetarian gummy and it indeed helps my child in overall growth.

L Lily
Achat vérifié

My husband bought this for our child. Although I was sceptical about this before, now, after seeing the impact, I am so thankful that he bought this!

P Poppy
Achat vérifié

I found it while looking for a multivitamin supplement. Thankfully I found it in this tasty gummy form. I don't need to struggle to feed my son multivitamins anymore.

E Evie
Achat vérifié

Easy to chew, doesn't get stuck on the teeth, so no damage to enamel. My son loves it.

D Daisy
Achat vérifié

I was determined I will take 100% money back if it didn't work. But I am shocked seeing how quickly it brought positive changes in my child's performance and growth!

B Ben
Achat vérifié

My kid loves having these gummies. Also, thankfully these are lactose-free as he is intolerant to dairy products.

J Jammy
Achat vérifié

My sister's son has got great help with regular intake of these gummies. I just bought the fist bottle. Hope that my daughter will get help from it as well.

A Annie
Achat vérifié

Best thing is this gummy not only gives vitamins, but also omega fatty acids which are so so important for a child's overall growth. I never miss giving it to my son

A Arnold
Achat vérifié

Amazing formula! Vitamins, minerals, omega fatty acids, all in one!

D Debby
Achat vérifié

Gummies are really tasty. But what's even better is that it contains vitamins, fatty acids, minerals, everything I wanted to give my child!

M Mia
Achat vérifié

My daughter loves taking them every day. Earlier, she used to hate taking vitamin tablets. Such a relief!

D Darcy
Achat vérifié

Started showing effects on my kid in a matter of weeks. That's awesome!

P Pamela
Achat vérifié

I stopped giving my son energy supplements. This gummy is perfect for giving energy and stamina every day.

M Meg
Achat vérifié

Graet alternative to energy drinks for kids. It does the job without needing any preparation to make a drink.

J Judie
Achat vérifié

Very safe, natural formula for kids. I wouldn't have taken this for my son if it had chemicals in it. Good product.

C Catherine
Achat vérifié

My 10 year old just craves for this gummy. She loves it so much! I need to keep her under control so that she doesn't exceed the dosage. Great way to feed vitamins to children

E Emerson
Achat vérifié

This is the most enjoyable form of providing multivitamins to kids. They love it, I am relieved knowing they are getting the nutrients they need!

A Amber
Achat vérifié

Oh, I am soooooo happy I found this supplement. Not only these provide all the important vitamins and minerals my kid need but also tastes so yummy that my daughter never wants to miss taking them.

B Brittany
Achat vérifié

Price-wise, taste-wise and strength-wise, this is one of the best multivitamin supplements I came across. I wish it was for adults too.

H Harrison
Achat vérifié

I have tried multivitamin gummies for adults from WW. It helps me a lot. So bought multivitamin gummies for kids. Hopefully this will work well for my son too.

E Edward
Achat vérifié

Tasty gummies. Does have all the vitamins I was looking for to feed my child. Happy with the product.

G Greyson
Achat vérifié

Great formula. Tastes good too. Works well for children.

A Archie
Achat vérifié

Just like the multivitamin gummies for adults, this one works well too. Didn't expect anything else from Weightworld.

S Stephany
Achat vérifié

My daughter has been taking them for the last 3 months. She is doing so much better now. Her performance at school has also improved.

M Maizie
Achat vérifié

Affordable price point for 120 gummies. Also, got a 10% off as I bought 2 bottles.

M Martha
Achat vérifié

Would highly recommend this to growing kids. My daughter has got great great help.

S Samuel
Achat vérifié

Affordable. Tasty. Kids love taking them.

A Amber
Achat vérifié

So happy to finally find a supplement that tastes yumm and are so easy to feed my kids.

J Julia
Achat vérifié

As a single parent, it was getting tough for me to manage giving all the needed vitamins and minerals to my child. Thankfully, I found this multivitamin supplement. I feel relieved knowing it's giving my son the nutrients he needs.

L Lacey
Achat vérifié

Most multivitamin supplements only provide vits & minerals. But this one also gives omega fatty acids, which is why I bought this.

F Frank
Achat vérifié

Really helpful for strengthening kids from within

J Joshua
Achat vérifié

Very tasty flavour. Kids love them. My job of feeding vitamins to my children has become easier now.

O Oswald
Achat vérifié

I a a working mother and I was struggling to feed my son all the nutrition-rich foods he needed on a daily basis. But now that he is taking these gummies, he is getting the right nutrients. I feel relieved now!

M Mrs
Achat vérifié

With these gummies, I don't need to worry about any choking accidents with my child. So, it's a great alternative for ultivitamin tablets I would say.

D Dorothy
Achat vérifié

Seeing its effects on my son, I can say that this gummy impacts both children's brain and body positively.

M Marry
Achat vérifié

I used to be so worried about my kid's frequent cold and cough issues. But since she started taking these gummies, she is doing much better. Hardly gets fever now.

T Tonny
Achat vérifié

Started working from the 2nd week onwards. Very fast results compared to other vitamin tablets.

L Lenny
Achat vérifié

Till now, whatever vitamin supplements I have tried for my children, this one gave my daughter the best results. Will continue buying this for my baby.

S Samuel
Achat vérifié

Perfect for giving children the much-needed vitamins and minerals in a tasty form. Must buy!

D Derek
Achat vérifié

The gummies don't stick to the teeth like most others do. Also, tastes really yummy, so my daughter loves taking them every day/

D Debby
Achat vérifié

My daughter's inner defences have become stronger since she started taking the gummies. Although I didn't see much changes in her physical abilities yet.

I Ivy
Achat vérifié

My 11-year-old just started having the gummies. It's been 2 days only. She loves the taste, but it's too early to say if this works or not

R Rosalina
Achat vérifié

So far so good. Have started seeing changes in my child's behaviour and performance which I am really happy with. Thanks to these gummies

M Mr
Achat vérifié

My daughter says she is loving the gummies and will continue taking them forever! Honestly, even I can say it works evidently.

D Daniel
Achat vérifié

Both my kids think these are not supplements, but tasty treats! They love taking them and I feel so happy knowing they are getting so many important nutrients at once!

P Poppy
Achat vérifié

Great formulation for kids. Not only are these tasty but also safe with 100% natural formula and no GMOs.

M Martha
Achat vérifié

I only trust gummies from this brand as they are low in sugar, have great taste and have no harmful chemicals, which is perfect for my kids.

A Anelisa
Achat vérifié

A great trick to make kids have multivitamins without them fussing about it!

R Roshan
Achat vérifié

After around 2 months of taking these gummies, my child's overall growth can be evidently noticed. I am so glad I bought it.

Z Zubair
Achat vérifié

It has helped my Julia's growth and natural defences. She is performing better in school too!

Z Zubin
Achat vérifié

With a 2 months' supply, I don't need to order every month and that saves on my budget. Plus, the gummies are working quite well for my daughter.

T Tesla
Achat vérifié

Tastes good, makes my child feel good from within. 10/10!

A Amber
Achat vérifié

Just started giving them to my kid. He just loves how it tastes. But am not sure yet if it works or not

B Becky
Achat vérifié

Smart way out for convincing kids to take their multivitamin dose.

S Smriti
Achat vérifié

Take my words, the gummies are totally effective and help a lot in the overall development of children.

J Jen
Achat vérifié

My babies enjoy having these gummies every day. They don't make faces like they used to do while taking bitter tablets. Hahah!

M Malisa
Achat vérifié

I tasted one before giving it to my child. Tastes fantastic and my child also faced no side effects. So pretty nice!

B Bolt
Achat vérifié

Great taste, great formula, great value for money.

J Jenny
Achat vérifié

Cheaper in price and better in taste than most other gummies.

J Jessica
Achat vérifié

Till now, this is the most effective multivitamin supplement I have tried for my child.

S Stuart
Achat vérifié

The flavour is so tempting! My kids love them, and I feel like taking them too!!!

D Drake
Achat vérifié

Really effective. I personally didn't like the flavour but my son likes it.

D Dino
Achat vérifié

Very safe packaging and speedy delivery service. The supplement is also quite effective

E Eric
Achat vérifié

Really effective. I personally didn't like the flavour but my son likes it.

D Dino
Achat vérifié

Take my words, the gummies are totally effective and help a lot in the overall development of children.

A Amya
Achat vérifié

The supplement starts working, but you gotta continue taking them to see evident results.

T Tyla
Achat vérifié

For kids, it works like magic! My son's inner defences have never been this good!

T Tobby
Achat vérifié

Fully satisfied with its effects that I can notice on my daughter. Will continue buying these.

M Micky
Achat vérifié

I will continue feeding these gummies to my child. She enjoys the taste while I feel great because of the nutrients the gummies give her.

D Dorothy
Achat vérifié

Truly a premium-quality product that tastes awesome!

T Tiffany
Achat vérifié

Weightworld's service is great, from shipping to customer support. This is the first supplement I bought from WW. Hoping it will work.

A Alice
Achat vérifié

Suppppppppper tasty and does wonders for my child's health.

S Starc
Achat vérifié

My kid seems to be more active since he started having these multivitamin gummies.

B Barbie
Achat vérifié

Happy to see the gummy showing its wonders on my kiddo!

M Marger
Achat vérifié

Quality is very good. no side effects or digestive problems due to taking the gummies. Also, has a sweet taste which my daughter loves.

S Simmi
Achat vérifié

This multivitamin gummy is better than other vitamin supplements without a doubt because it offers omega fatty acids too in one supplement.

A Angelina
Achat vérifié

Price and taste wise, this gummy is a great choice. Yet to notice its effects on my kid

A Austin
Achat vérifié

If I have to rate it, I will give the gummies 5 star! So good in taste and equally good in effectiveness.

M Mindy
Achat vérifié

My son and my daughter crave these gummies. Thanks for making vitamin intake so much fun for them!

C Chandler
Achat vérifié

Works well without causing harmful side effects.

J Janice
Achat vérifié

Does exactly what the page mentions. Just takes around 1 or 2 months to show full effectivenss.

G Gunther
Achat vérifié

Very easy to chew and doesn't get stuck to the teeth. Therefore, no fear of dental problems.

M Mr
Achat vérifié

Tasty and affordable multivitamin choice!

J Joey
Achat vérifié

Mnay supplements contain GMOs, which I didn't want to give to my kids. But this one is GMO-free, so quite a relief for me.

M Monica
Achat vérifié

My daughter started taking these gummies 2 months before. Now she is performing better in her sports class!

R Rose
Achat vérifié

Well, it's been 4 months since my daughter started taking the gummies. She feels stronger now and her energy levels are touching the sky!

P Pamela
Achat vérifié

Indeed a great way to take multivitamins for kids. My son prefers these over tablets any day!

P Pam
Achat vérifié

Totally worth buying. Price is competitive, taste is unbelievably good!

P Perry
Achat vérifié

You have to see my daughter's face when she gets a gummy to chew! Her face glows up and she smiles like anything!!

L Lisa
Achat vérifié

There are other multivitamin gummies, but my daughter prefers the taste of this one.

L Lian
Achat vérifié

My son is a fan of these gummies. I also bought it because I saw it's natural, packed with vitamins, minerals and also omega fatty acids.

L Laila
Achat vérifié

Easy to chew, easy on the stomach, easy on the budget. What else do I need.

T Trent
Achat vérifié

For 120 gummies, this price is very low. But quality of the product is amazing!

T Tia
Achat vérifié

I thought the gummies might have poor quality or cause side effects when I saw that it's selling at such a low price. But surprisingly the gummies are premium with no side effects.

B Ben
Achat vérifié

My child's natural defences and physical strength was so amazing before she started taking the gummies. So happy that I bought these.

R Ryan
Achat vérifié

Easy to chew, easy on the stomach, easy on the budget. What else do I need.

T Trent
Achat vérifié

Nöjd med produkterna

P Pgm
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Så nöjd ;-)

c chuluuntsetseg T
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Barn tycker om den!

A Alina,Shulga
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Heerlijke gummie's ook nog eens vegan.. wat wil je nog meer

İ İkke
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Lekker ook nog :)

M Mehmet A
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Goed alternatief voor snoepjes. Stel de regel in dat ze twee snoepjes per dag mogen en geef ze deze. Echt ideaal.

M Mariska
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Super idee als je kids pillen of tabletjes laten liggen

F Frans
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Ideaal voor kinderen

J Jannie
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Goede prijskwaliteitsverhouding.

A Alice
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Goed product, best een grote pot voor dit geld

M Megan
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perfect voor de kids

J Joëlle
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Ideaal voor mijn zoontje die een periode heeft waarbij er geen enkel pilletje in gaat

N Nova
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lekkere gummies

E Esmee
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Ik heb ze geproefd, ze zijn lekker, maar plakken wel.

J Jelle
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Ze vinden ze niet lekker helaas

J Julia
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Super gummies en de enige in nederland met alle omega vetzuren inbegrepen

G Gijs
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Lekkere gummies

L Laura
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makkelijk als de kids vragen om een snoepje terwijl ze tabletjes laten staan

L Luuk
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Ik vind de smaak zelf wat zoet dus heb besloten het niet te geven aan mijn dochter

H Hidde
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Ons zoontje van 6 vind ze heerlijk

F Fenne
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Fijn dat dit een alles in 1 formule is

M Marian
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Ai bimbi piacciono e costano il giusto

L Leopoldo
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Bambini piacciono, molto buone.

M Monika C
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Ottimo, consigliato

P Pierpaolo S
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Super godt kvalitet

K Kunde
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Mine børnebørn var ikke så glade for dem. De syntes ikke st de smagte godt.

E Eva M
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Min datter er meget glad for den :)

H Hussein Y
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Min datter spiser dem med stor velbehag.

J Janni
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Min søn elsker disse vingummier, lækker smag og sjovere end Alm. Piller 🥰👌🏽

M Michelle
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Børnene elsker dem!

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Er super god vitamin tilskud for børn,jeg kan se en stor udvikling i min børnenes vækst og energi.

M Maja
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Not Okay

P Palak
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Les gusta el sabor a los niños y se la toman mejor que otros complementos.

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A los niños les encanta y les da un aporte extra de vitaminas.

D David
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Le ha encantado a mis hijos

A Aimara J
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El sabor no les gusta mucho y les cuesta tomárselas a pesar de que sean gominolas

L Laura E


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